
Cheers to my first paycheck hey guys it’s zero I just finished my work for today and guess what I got my first paycheck yay my first paycheck in my life if you guys don’t know currently I’m working here in Tokyo I graduated from the University a

Few months ago and then I came back here I work for the top dear company in the industry I it’s been a few weeks since I started to work and I received my starting salary yesterday I cannot believe the fact that I already graduated from uni

And working here in Tokyo while I was in uni that four years felt like forever especially in my first year it was like living and hell but time flies when you’re having fun or when you’re busy I started to work about 3 to four weeks ago and I’ve been so

Busy that I haven’t had enough time to look back at those memories from uni it’s already starting to feel nostalgic oh know I’m getting emotional now I miss my friends in Vancouver you go anyway where’s my money got to go to the bank and check how much I made this

Month I work for a pop Geer company in the industry so I must be earning a lot okay let’s go I was in the red I can’t believe the number I just saw cheers to my first paycheck okay you guys must be curious now so I will announce how much I earned this month my starting salary was about $1,100 uh which is equivalent to 160k Yen this is the reality Guys and one of the reasons why I’m in the red is that I spent too much money on expenses like moving in and other stuff of course must be the r Fore hey I changed my clothes I hate learing a suit every day anyway let’s head to the onet place I’m getting a b there’s the Place we’ve been overtaken by Germany in GDP of course Germany has good sausage and beers there’s nothing to complain about it but personally I’m just shocked by the fact that Germany over to Japan in for the first time in 55 years Germany overtook Japan and grow domestic

Product GDP in 2023 thanks in part to the we Japan is now the world’s fourth largest eony sorry my major was sociology and not knowledgeable about economics I tried not to take e classes in University since I’m not good at numbers [Applause] Okay so I just went to a place called onen Paradise such a good name name and I hadn’t been to onen for a long long time but it was really nice since the hot spring near my house has closed down I didn’t have a chance

To go to when I was in Fukushima and the on near my house was like a typical old on so there are like a lot of oans and obachan but the place I just went onen Paradise I wanted to show you guys how perfectly clean the Pacific is where was so Nice [Applause] for For It’s too expensive for Me for per and I used to work at yeah has my part job and the smell kind of reminds me L when I used to work here L while studying English before world and it has a taste of English to It I found a found Secret store in Ro rongi wasn’t a good idea it’s not a place for a new employee to go and now I’m at the nearby is zakaya Instead and in MA there are many reasonable and delicious dining options because this area is known as a student district with KO University located Nearby and while I was eating I was like we need to revitalize the Japanese economy and let’s make Japan great Again

#留学 #海外大学 #英語勉強


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jiro.vancouver/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jiro_canada

JASSO給付型奨学金について: https://youtu.be/k1B94w3MK78



質問等は、コメント欄やTwitter, InstagramのDMに送っていただけると嬉しいです。


Artlist: https://artlist.io/
DOVA-SYNDROME: https://dova-s.jp/bgm/
効果音ラボ: https://soundeffect-lab.info/sound/button/
Dj Quads – It Just Makes Me Happy→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whGCTxuFOCg


  1. じろうさんいつも応援してます‼︎いつ見てもイケメンですね‼︎これからも動画楽しみに待ってますー!🤍ちなみにiPhoneの壁紙じろうさんにしてます!

  2. いまワーホリで海外にいるんですが、日本のいい所悪い所が見えてきてじろうさんの考え方共感しました!もちろん自分の国である日本が大好きでもっと好きでいたい!

  3. ずっと投稿待っていました。


  4. 動画待ってました!

  5. お帰りなさい。じろう君、甘いなぁ~。日本は30年停滞している国ですよ! ✕ 高級鳥 → 〇「高給取り」には成れません。
    まぁ、休日返上残業アリで ” 社畜 ” の様に働けば💦、『高級鳥』に成れるかもしれないけどね 😉 目指せ週末ステーキ!😁

  6. じろうさんの動画がまた上がるってことが奇跡レベルに感じててもう生きててくれただけで嬉しいし社会人なってからも投稿してくれるのが嬉しすぎる😭ボスキャリの時にお見かけしてたけどスーツ姿似合いすぎてるし一流企業勤務とはさすが…初任給やすくてもボーナスが他より沢山入るのが大手の良いところだから年収で見たら黒字収入になるだろうし給与の上がり方も他より良いはずだから数年後が楽しみですね😌

  7. じろうさん大学卒業されてたんですね!ずっと動画更新なかったので気になってました。おめでとうございます🎉

  8. やっぱ大学卒業&ボスキャリ&仕事で忙しかったですよね🔥大学時代でも今でも、じろうさんが頑張ってる姿が僕の憧れです。じろうさんのおかげでUBC行きたい。という夢が出来ました。必ず今のじろうさんに追いついて見せます!とにかくうぽつです👍

  9. 今絶賛カナダで大学1年生してて、毎日のように日本の大学編入探してます笑

  10. じろうさん社会学専攻だったんだ…!

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