Robot geisha trying to kill a man.#film #movie #shorts #movies

Jenny’s eyes were rolling suddenly her eyes turned yellow and then Jenny split in half then two women appeared from her body they took the man hostage the man screamed for help his bodyguards appeared to avoid them Jenny took the man away the women began to fight The Bodyguard they threw knives at The

Bodyguard but The Bodyguard dodged the knives the women quickly crouched down and turned their backs to The Bodyguard then they fired darts from their asses The Bodyguard was hit in the face by the darts at the same time Jenny was about to kill the man with the Sawtooth wheel

Of her mouth The Man rushed to take out his wooden box to defend himself but the box was cut in half the Sawtooth wheel were closing in on the man eventually he passed out from the shock just then Jenny heard someone playing the music Annie appeared she’s trying to stop

Jenny from using violence Jenny attacked her Annie put out her hand to resist Jenny threw dull bombs at Annie but none of them could hurt Annie then flying bombs came out of Annie’s Hair Jenny was hit by them and couldn’t move and then Annie cut off her head

#film #movie
Title movie:Robo-geisha(2009)
Synopsis:A young girl, Yoshie (Aya Kiguchi), is a lowly maid at a geisha house who serves her older sister, Kikunu (Hitomi Hasebe), who is the head geisha, but Kikunu treats her like she’s in charge of the house. By chance, Yoshie’s strength is discovered by the young master of the Kagekino Iron Works, Kagekino Kou (Saito Kou). Kagemono Steel is ostensibly a large, family-run steel company, but is secretly tasked by the state to manufacture weapons. Meanwhile, its founder, Kageyama (Taro Shigaki), has ulterior motives: he scouts out disillusioned girls and trains them to become beautiful and lethal geisha killers, and even strengthens them by mechanizing their bodies.
  When Yoshie and Kikunu are tricked into joining Kagekino, the sisters are forced to kill each other. In the process, they are trained and modified to outperform each other, and become the Kagekino family’s indispensable robotic assassins. However, as the mission progresses, Yoshie gradually realizes the preciousness of family love and the evil intentions of the Kagekino family. ……

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