富婆寂寞难耐爱上男小三 出重金包养他 还要给他生娃! | 你是我的姐妹 you are my sister 电影版 | 刘恺威 娄艺潇 | 国剧经典

We divorced the year before last. My life is like a history of women’s ups and downs . Forget it. It ’s all over. Oh, by the way, I brought you something. Look, I almost forgot to give it to you . Oops. Mr. Zhang, this is too expensive, I, I, I can’t accept

It. Take it, don’t worry, the company will reimburse you for the handling fee . I just hope that you can often talk to your grandparents on the phone to greet them. They don’t have to insist on this year’s words. Is it right to wait until I get back during the Chinese New Year

? Mr. Zhang, after all, I have no merit and no reward. I ’ll give this to you. Oops, you can take it. The key point is that other subordinates don’t have this. So I assume you are an ordinary subordinate? You are my exclusive driver, Mr. Zhang. Do you want to use the car

? I don’t need it for the time being. I just came over to see how you adapt to the environment here. It’s very good. Thank you Mr. Zhang for your concern. He is also reading a book. You see, it’s really good and easy to learn.

Oh, our company encourages young people to learn more and make progress. In the future, the company will provide you with a lot of opportunities. Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for cultivating Xiao Song. I am usually quite casual . You don’t have to do it when no one else is around.

It’s not good to call me Mr. Zhang, Sister Zhang. After all, Mr. Zhang, I am your subordinate and I have to follow the rules . By the way , when I was in your dormitory yesterday, I saw that girl. Who is she ? Oh, that’s my daughter. My friend,

Binjiang University, majoring in Chinese, is about to graduate, isn’t she? She’s pretty, and she’s a perfect match for you . Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your compliment. What do you think of me in your heart ? Well, Mr. Zhang , didn’t I just say that

You are in my heart ? She is approachable and kind , just like my mother. Look at me. I am a dumb person. I mean, Mr. Zhang, because when I was a child, my mother passed away early, so in my impression, my mother was very young and beautiful. I’m really sorry. It’s

Okay. Mr. Zhang , do you mean that the words “beautiful and young ” no longer exist for me? No, your current age is the best age for women, isn’t it? Mr. Zhang, I think. Why is this woman not called a woman before she is 30 years old

? Because no matter from her experience, she is weak and young, but a woman is called feminine when she is between 30 and 50 years old. It ‘s like a flower blooming. And I think you look like you are around 30 now, which is when the flowers bloom most vigorously. Hahaha

, you see, many men have praised me like this before , but these words come from your mouth. Why is it so believable when I say it ? Hahaha, I tell you the truth, I am 42 years old this year. I got married early and had children at an

Early age. I had a daughter when I was 18 years old. My ex-husband arranged a make-up wedding for me when I was 30 years old. We separated for 10 years. We had a cold war for 20 years , but luckily we had already divorced the year before that.

My life is like a woman’s ups and downs history. Forget it, let’s not talk about it. It ’s all over . Oh, by the way, I brought you something. Look, I almost forgot. Oh, Mr. Zhang, I gave this to you. It ’s too expensive. I, I, I can’t accept it. Take

It , don’t worry. The company will reimburse you for the handling fee . I just hope that you can often talk to your grandparents on the phone to say hello. They don’t have to. I have to wait until the Chinese New Year to

Tell you what I want to say this year, right? Mr. Zhang, after all, I have no merit and no pay. This is still for sale to you. Oh, let you take it, you can take it. The key is that other subordinates don’t have this, right ? I think you are a general subordinate?

You are my exclusive driver. Okay, I have nothing to do. Then you can be busy. Hey, I have been thinking about it all night and I am sure that you are the one who stepped on me, right ? Yes, you stepped on the bus. The person who kicked you was the one who

Refused to help you in the hospital and refused to apologize. What happened to me? Isn’t it obvious that you were fired? I was just worried that the Yang family would cause trouble for you, so I came here to take a look. I didn’t expect that it was still a step too late.

Don’t blame me. My sister Renren has nothing to do with him. It’s our manager who wants to flatter me and fire me first . Sister Renren , you are from Mars. Why don’t I understand a word you say? It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. You just need to remember that

Your girlfriend is I am the benefactor of my sister and I. You are not allowed to bully her. If you dare to do anything frivolous again, be careful. I will tear you apart. You are a third-class cripple. No matter how you lose your job, it has something to do with me.

I won’t care if you step on my toes. Ah, do you need any help ? No, how about this ? I’ll help you introduce a job. I guarantee it’s no worse than here. Who asked you to introduce a job ? You really treat me

As your new prey. Get out of the way of the good dog. Why are you like this? If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have come. My time is precious. Who cares about you coming ? The job I lost is my own misfortune. I don’t need your sympathy.

I originally felt that I lost your job. I feel a little guilty. I want to help you. I will compensate you now for what you don’t want. We don’t owe each other. Hum, I tell you that I hate the most well-dressed men like you who are full of evil. Mr. Bus Pervert

, please learn to respect women in the future , especially you. My girlfriend is better. Although he has a bad temper, he has a big heart. Hey , don’t open your mouth. Shut up. You’re a bus pervert. Don’t think that you can slander me just because I feel a little guilty for you.

I hate self-righteous people like you the most. Hmm, don’t you. You want to get close to me. Even though I have no experience, I won’t fall for a pervert like you. Get out of the way. Are you still worried about perverts ? Do you think perverts are all blind?

If you were a flower cow, you wouldn’t even poop. Hey, Yang family , I’ll tell you our grievances and we’ll resolve them ourselves . Now that you’ve caused this little girl to lose her job, you must bear the responsibility. What does it have to do with you if she loses her job?

She said you have a crush on him and you still don’t admit it, right ? Otherwise , you dare to take it seriously. Who do you think I am? There are so many women in the world who have lost their jobs that you don’t care. Come here, you’re too lazy to argue with

Me. Don’t forget it. You still owe me that silver bracelet passed down from our family. Remember to give it back to me. I’ll see you in front of my grandma’s grave at 10 a.m. this Sunday . Hey , show me. Isn’t that right? A mobile phone? Is there anything you

Don’t dare to show me ? If you don’t dare, you must have something in your heart . What’s so good about this? Are you not fooling around? Give it to me. Give it to me. Ah Jingheng. The new model of mobile phone is Zhang Liyuan, from a dignified group company. Boss,

Why is he being so nice to you, a little driver? There must be something going on here. I drive a special car for the boss . The boss pays me my work phone . What ‘s wrong ? It’s not your business. Then you have to tell me this.

I’ll really argue with you. What’s wrong with you? Where is the director’s son, Zhang Mingyang? Hasn’t he sent you flowers every week? Has he kept it for three years ? Only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the common people

Are not allowed to light lamps . Zhang Mingyang and I are completely innocent. I’m not afraid of you doubting your innocence. I don’t know. Don’t you understand? Ah Jing, are you a thief? Let me tell you, if you can’t stand me, just say it, you don’t have to pick trouble with me like

This every day. Isn’t it interesting to be so awkward? You Song Yang, you are going too far. Oh, sister. Why are you two quarreling again? Xiaoning, look at Song Yang, can’t you just give in to my sister? What else can I do to me ? If you are such a treasure

, take this cell phone . Sister, you are making an unreasonable quarrel. His boss is a single rich woman. What’s wrong with giving him such a good mobile phone ? But do you know how much that mobile phone costs? He actually said it was a work phone.

This is this year’s new model. It’s a work phone. Is he so good? Xiao Ning, isn’t it? I think too much, you think? If it were you, tell your conscience, would you doubt the relationship between him and his boss ? Sister, please wait for me to ask him. Zou Yang,

Anning, to be fair, please give me a review. You said your sister? Isn’t this Pu Feng’s unreasonable trouble? The one between the two of us who may not be able to withstand the test should be her. The one who is worried about being abandoned should be me.

To be honest, I don’t believe that a group boss will treat you like a little driver. It’s interesting , but my sister won’t be so wary of your boss for no reason, right? It’s not like this. How about you put yourself in my shoes ? What do you think I should do

? I think you should resign. Resign . Yes, anyway, this matter has caused insecurity for my sister. She will be sad. Then you should resign to prove your love for her. Isn’t it peaceful? Is n’t this fair? Isn’t this unreasonable? Aren’t you making a fuss out of a molehill?

I managed to get into such a good company and it’s a group company. Just because your sister is jealous here, I have to resign. What do you mean by making a fuss out of a molehill? Three years ago, if you hadn’t made a fuss out of a molehill

And indiscriminately took advantage of Zhang Mingyang’s jealousy and bullied her , My sister almost killed her. Can she be so insecure now? Jing, let me tell you this. You know how many jobs I have changed over the years. So, Yongxin Real Estate paid me the highest salary,

And the boss was very kind to me. I really don’t want to give up this job , and more importantly, I have a sense of belonging to Yongxin. But do you know that your sense of belonging has made me lose my sense of security ? Song Yao, please believe me

When I am here. From the first day I saw Zhang Liyuan at the door of your dormitory, I felt that she was hostile to me. Oh , Jing, didn’t I explain it to you before? How could a billionaire be hostile to a strange girl who is about the same age as his daughter?

I can’t explain this clearly , but you have to trust me. My intuition is definitely right. Besides, Zhang Liyuan is single now and you are good-looking and talented. It is very possible that she likes you . And there are many rich women in society who

Like you. A young and simple boy like you, although I haven’t stepped into the society yet , but university is not a vacuum. I have heard a lot about things like this. What do you mean? You, you doubt me, don’t you? Do you think of me as that kind of person? Hey,

Song Yang, my sister, she didn’t mean that , but there are various signs that Mr. Zhang has a crush on you. This is correct, right? If you really care about my sister, don’t let her worry anymore and be so nervous.

Song Yang, I feel bad for Zhang Mingyang. I have always been very resolute in my stalking attitude. If you are reluctant to resign, you must have something in your heart. Someone has something in their heart. It’s not how you two can do it. I can’t reason with you two. I can’t

Tell you, but you can do it. That’s it. Is this good for me? In order to prove my innocence and prove how much I care about you, A Jing resigns. It doesn’t matter. You are really brave. It’s not in vain. My sister has been waiting for you for three years. I

Originally wanted to be promoted and become the deputy manager . Then I can say goodbye to this basement. I never thought that we would have to fall in love with this place for a while. I never thought that a good girl like the Yang family would fall in love with a little ruffian.

Xiao Ning, don’t worry about this job . You can find a new one anytime , but you must not let it go. Our benefactor sister mistakenly thought that we were repaying kindness with vengeance. Do n’t worry, I can’t even take a look at that kind of little scoundrel.

That is to say , the Yang family sister is so naive and easy to deceive. Fortunately, we have found him. The next step is to repay the debt to Xiao Ning . In fact, this I should definitely pay the money , but this time I forced Song Yang to resign.

I think he must be unhappy. I want to buy him a mobile phone to make him happy. Sister , how can any girl take the initiative to buy a mobile phone for a boy? Are you so angry with Zhang Liyuan that you are angry with him? No, you also know Xiaoning and

Song Yang’s work. He is really He needs a mobile phone very much and he has been reluctant to buy one. You see, the boss just gave him one , but I forced him to resign. He must be unhappy. If I can buy him one, he will be very happy, right

? Just buy it. As long as the two of you keep quarreling, it will be fine. Fortunately, I still have a few thousand dollars in savings. I will use them to pay back the Yang family. Xiaoning, thank you. I borrowed this money from you.

I will definitely pay you back in the future, and the money you paid for me to go to college , I will definitely pay you back double in the future. Oh, sister, what are you talking about ? Am I not your sister? Are you not my sister?

Why don’t you pay me back? I still know you so well . If you really think about me , stop skipping school and work part-time. Okay , I promise you, it’s not bad. Comrades from the HR Department of Mr. Zhang said that my resignation must have your signature before

I can get it. I have a job deposit , so why do you resign if you have done a good job ? You are not satisfied with the company. You can bring it up . No, no, no, the company is very good. You are also very good to me . Hi

, this is my own problem. I have some difficulty in hiding it. It’s too convenient. What’s the reason ? Is there a better place to go ? No , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No, no, no, no, no, no, me, person, I am, a person who requires no academic qualifications, no skills, no skills , other than you. Do you think there is anyone else who is more suitable for me ? Then I’m surprised. Since you’re here, why? I have to leave. Well, I won’t force you.

Bring the pen over and I’ll sign it for you. Mr. Zhang, by the way, thank you for taking care of me during this time. This is the mobile phone you gave me. I think I’d better give it back to you. This is a personal item I gave you personally.

Keep it for your use. It will also be convenient for you to call your grandma in the future. My girlfriend will buy me a new mobile phone , so I think I should return this to you. It turns out that your girlfriend doesn’t want me to give you a mobile phone.

Show me the new mobile phone your girlfriend gave you. Is it a new model? It seems that your girlfriend is a very strong girl. Just for a mobile phone, do you and your girlfriend have to tighten your belts and live a big life ? It will take half a year

To make up for this expense. Why bother? It’s not easy for a college student to make money for a mobile phone. If you have to be strong, don’t focus on it. A good life is not something squeezed out from between the teeth. Is a person’s life good? It is reflected in material things

But also in mentality. With all due respect, I think your girlfriend’s mentality is not good. She likes to compete with herself and others. Oh well, you see you are about to resign. Why am I telling you so much? But as a Sister , I still want to advise you a few words

. To be honest, your personal conditions are not very good. You only have a high school degree and have no special skills. With your ability , it is really difficult to find a platform suitable for your own development outside. I can provide you with such a good platform. You don’t cherish the opportunity.

No matter what your difficulties are , you must not act on your impulse. A man should take a long-term view. Okay, I won’t say more. You go and go through your procedures. Yes, my mobile phone number will never change. If you have Just call me if you need anything.

I wish you good luck. Do you think Song Yang will regret it or hate me in the future? No, sister. To Song Yang, you must be much more important than a job. How do you drive a car? Sister benefactor. Sister, this is the benefactor who saved us at that time, sister Yang Jia,

Miss Yang . Thank you so much. My sister is much prettier than my younger sister. Miss Yang. Without you, I don’t know how I would have survived to this day. Yes, yes, sister, this benefactor was at that time. I said I don’t want the money you lent us.

How many times do you want me to say it, but you have to accept it? I heard that Manager Wang fired you. This matter has nothing to do with me. Don’t. How can you blame me ? Just treat this money as compensation given to you by the company.

Don’t keep talking about this money in the future. I have a lot of things to do. I ‘m leaving first. Miss Yan, my benefactor, my sister, my benefactor, my sister, Xiaoning , this is Miss Yang. Why have I always been wary of you? Is there anything I can

Do about it ? It’s not because of that ruffian, the bus pervert. How about resigning ? I’ve completed the resignation procedures. I will remember your kindness to me for the rest of my life. Jiajia, you have to remember men. I can’t care about you so much. The tighter it is,

The faster he will slip away, just like sand in his hand . But if I don’t hold him tighter, he will really run away . Why are you still with Shi Tianming if he is so carefree? My Liyuan’s daughter is still here. I’m afraid that no one will chase

Me. There are quite a few men chasing me , but each of them is either chocolate or cream, soft, sticky, and annoying. It’s almost dawn . They are different from them. How are they different? I can’t tell. But I remember the first time I saw Tianming was in a bar.

He saved me . Even though it was night , I felt like I saw the sun . My daughter found a boyfriend who looked like the sun. Oh, what about you? You have to be careful , don’t burn yourself. I’m also happy. Come on, come on, come on , wipe it,

Wipe it, what are you doing? Mom, look at you, your saliva is almost drooling. I don’t know this Shi Tianming. Fortunately, he wants money, no money , no status, no status, but he is a small white-collar worker from a multinational group. Oh, what do you see in him?

Mom, Tianming, he is not as bad as you said. Although his family is not as good as ours , he has never felt anything in front of me. Even if I have low self-esteem, I like such a man with such backbone. Moreover,

I promised his grandma before she died that I would take care of him for the rest of his life. I don’t want to go back on my word, oh, mom, I sent you two words, bitch . It’s been almost a month since my grandma passed away. You are still doing this fake show.

I’m not doing the show . Mom, this is true love. It’s dawn. Okay, okay, okay. Do whatever you want to do to you . You can do whatever you want to do. Hey, what is the origin of that little migrant girl you mentioned just now ? It made you very nervous.

Her name is An Ning and she is the biological sister of your driver’s girlfriend. Hey, it just happened that a few years ago, I helped them both in the hospital. Is that right? Oh, why ? Didn’t you tell me that? You said you should help others

, of course, to accumulate virtue for yourself. What happened that day? Jing Jing, she had massive bleeding due to ectopic pregnancy and urgently needed a blood transfusion , but she didn’t bring enough money, so I sent her to me. Give her all the money you have. Gu Quan, someone is nicking your bag.

Check to see if you’ve lost anything. Thank you. Hey, stop for me. Stop for me. Go back and forget it. You can’t just forget it. It’s lawless in broad daylight. Please compensate me. Bao , which eye of yours saw me punishing you for Bao ? Do you have evidence? Stop ,

I peeked, you punished him for Bao. The blade fell into his hand. He hit someone . Don’t hit. Don’t hit. Don’t arrest . Hey , don’t hit . Help. Help me, yeah , why are you calling me? You are nosy , go away, go away , who dares to mess around?

Who am I fighting with today? Go away , but I will call the police. Little girl, don’t be afraid to beg him. He will be here soon. See how shy they are. See, they still dare to be arrogant . Hey, classmate, how are you? It’s okay. Please wipe it for me. It’s okay

. My glasses are there. I’m sorry. I’m sorry , glasses, glasses. Thank you. It’s all my fault . Hey, I, I, I’ll take you to the hospital first. No, no, no, it doesn’t matter. Go to the hospital. Go to the hospital, go to the hospital, go to the hospital, take it slow, take

It easy . Try not to touch the wound with water in the past two days to avoid infection. After two days, the scab will gradually heal. That’s okay. Thank you, thank you. It’s okay . Slow down. Slow down. I just got injured. It’s okay. I broke your glasses today.

I’ll give you a pair right away. It’s okay. I’m not short-sighted. I wore those glasses for fun. I just bought them today. Thank you. I just lost my job and haven’t found a job. I only have what I have left. I have to thank you for my living expenses

. A hero could not save a beauty, but you saved me. You are already very brave. There are a few people these days who are a bit brave in righteousness. Stop talking about it. I was quite embarrassed just now. You said that, and I am even more embarrassed.

That’s big. Thank you very much. I’ll treat you to dinner when I find a new job. Haha, which department are you from? I’m not from this school. I’m a senior majoring in oil painting at the Academy of Fine Arts next door. But I have a high school classmate studying Chinese here.

What a coincidence. My sister is also studying Chinese here and is a senior. What is your name? My name is Xu Moxuan. Xu Moxuan is silent. Xu Moxuan is majestic. The name Xu Moxuan sounds like a Qiong Yao drama. Xu Moxuan, can you give me your phone number? Yes,

I am. I’m sorry for calling you . I’m just a poor working girl. I don’t have a mobile phone. Please write it down for me. Okay, this is my mobile phone. This is my landline . I rent a house next to Meiyang. You can come and play with me when you are free.

I called you. You don’t think it’s a harassing call at that time . Welcome to harass. Then I’ll really call you. Let ‘s go. You said you don’t have near sight. Why do you have to wear glasses and pretend to be polite ? Hahaha. I want to delay your time for 3 minutes.

Who are you? What do you want to do ? I’m a As a job seeker , I hope you can give me three minutes to listen to my statement and give each other a chance. This weekend, our Shengshi Group has a job fair at the Talent Exchange Center.

I think you should go there and try instead of running so recklessly. Come to me here, Mr. Jiang. Sorry, I may be a little reckless. You are the boss and I am a job seeker, but I think we should have a good dialogue from an equal perspective. Young man, you are very creative

In using this trick , but I tell you Your Shengshi Group is a very rigorous company, and everything must be done according to procedures, so my suggestion to you is that you should go to the job fair and let our company’s specialized department verify your emerging talents

. But I am applying for the general manager of the human resources department . The person in charge of the job fair is your HR manager. I wonder if he will recruit a competitor to compete with him for the position. He is the HR manager.

My HR manager is doing a good job now. I have no intention of replacing him. What do you think? Why do you think you will do a better job than our life department manager ? Because I found that your group has big problems in the allocation of human resources that need improvement

. You have also studied it. Well, I have read your internal publications and every annual report. I have done detailed research on where your internal materials come from. Where do those materials come from ? This is not the key point. The key point is that I found that there are big loopholes

In the allocation of human resources in Shengshi Group. This is a detailed report I made to Mr. Jiang. If you are interested, I hope you can take some time to take a good look at it. You will find that my self-recommendation is definitely not reckless. You are quite confident.

How dare you be sure that I am interested in seeing this thing of yours ? If I can’t even do this If you don’t have any self-confidence , then I won’t be here today. It’s been exactly three minutes. What’s your name? Shi Tianming. Here is my contact information.

Mr. Jiang, I really appreciate your precious three minutes as an assistant. Brother, please don’t be too obvious. Beware of being caught by the Yang family. What are you talking about? Yang Jia and I have broken up. Don’t talk nonsense. Hey, hey, hey, I’ll do the math for you.

How many times have you broken up with me? It’s probably 80 times if not 100 times. It’s a pity that you can’t separate them every time. You, please stop tossing. Who is tossing whom ? I’m not in the mood to play with him. You are nagging. Is the bride dressed up?

Oh, okay, okay, isn’t this all waiting for you? Master, have we chosen the land? Once we have chosen, that lawn is fine. Come on, baby, hey, what are you doing? You found a new job, that ‘s right. This girl is now a temporary gardener hired by this park.

The grass under your feet is my responsibility. When I saw the sign, there was no care for the flowers and plants. It was forbidden to trample on them. We just took a few photos and it won’t be damaged by trampling . This is a rule. We went to the management office

To pay them . Don’t worry, you have to pay the compensation. It doesn’t matter if you pay the money. I am responsible for this lawn. I am responsible for the damage. But who is the lady who needs to compensate? What kind of lady are you calling me? You can do it, eh, girl.

Let’s just take a few photos and we wo n’t run around. Just pose for a few pictures and then leave, okay ? This is my duty. You go take pictures elsewhere. This park is privately owned and we have an agreement with the photo studio. This lawn is for people to take pictures

. My friend came to take wedding photos . Do you understand? This is a wonderful thing that only happens once in a lifetime. Can you not cause any trouble? Hey, the park is so big. You go to other places to shoot. I have no control over this grassland . I am responsible.

None of you should go up to feed it. Hey, Tianming, you are not with this park. Are you familiar with the boss? How did you connect ? Hey, we can’t take pictures anymore. The sun has gone down. OK , I just want to take pictures today. What’s going on with him ? Humph

, it’s against you. Why don’t you come down and get out of the way ? Why are you so unreasonable? Get out of here. I said, you can’t blame me for this. It’s you who didn’t obey the rules first. How about I take a look at

The scale? Do you know that one lens costs thousands? If you drop it like this, forget it, forget it, forget it, forget it , forget it. Oh, my God, something happened tomorrow . Oh, it’s okay. You’re here just in time. Come on, come on. We paid the money in the morning. This news.

Now we are not allowed to take photos. We didn’t take the photos. What do you think the camera will look like? What’s wrong with you, manager ? This grassland is under maintenance and cannot be stepped on. This gentleman insists on going up there . Of course, I ca n’t do anything at all

. The grassland needs maintenance , but isn’t it just for the maintenance of the grassland that I paid the money? Besides, Tianming and I are still good friends. You threw his camera? If it’s broken , apologize to Mr. Shi immediately. No one informed me that this grassland is used to make money.

I didn’t do anything wrong. Why should I apologize to him? You are young and have a bad temper. Apologize immediately. Otherwise, don’t do it to me. Don’t embarrass him about small things. No, no, no. If he doesn’t apologize today, how will I manage these temporary workers in the future

? The worst is, I won’t work anymore . I’m asked to apologize to such people. There are no doors , let alone no windows and doors. None. Hey, just stop. You can resign. But if you break someone else’s things, you can’t ask me to compensate you. It’s okay. It’s okay . I can

Just take the camera and fix it myself. Come on, let’s go. How much does it cost to repair this camera ? The money is only a few dozen yuan . You really don’t need to pay for it. No, I broke your necklace. I have to compensate you. Okay, ok. Okay . It

’s really not much money . You don’t need to pay for it. You can leave quickly. I’ll follow you now. I’ll pay you whatever it takes to repair the camera. I don’t want to owe you any favors, dear brother. I’m sorry. I can’t take pictures today. Find

Someone else to take pictures for you. Pack your things and leave. It ‘s not dawn. You ask me to find someone to take pictures at this time . Hey, come on. Where are you going with the camera? Slow down. Wait. I ‘m here. Hey you. Where are you going with the camera?

Say nothing. Where are you going to steal the camera ? Don’t be ungrateful. I sincerely want to compensate you for stealing the camera. I ‘ve passed this village. But this store doesn’t exist anymore. Hey, where can I meet you later? You haven’t told me yet. You haven’t told me

Where to go to get the camera repaired. Come back and stop . Do n’t run away . The girl’s legs are really long. Haha, what did you say? Stop. With my short legs, I still want to chase a motorcycle . Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, you

‘re going to shut up. You’re going to be exhausted. I ‘m pretty good at running. You, hey, sister, she was the long-distance running champion in school for six years in a row. Do you believe it or not ? Can you please stop following me all the time? Stop harassing me. Can

Anyone harass you ? Of course I burn your camera and I have to pay for it. Don’t think you are superior by pretending to be patronizing . I won’t accept your small favor. Take me there quickly. How much should the specialty store pay? You forgot that I am a bus pervert.

You always follow the pervert like this. Are you not afraid that you are a pervert? Yes, but I am from the wolf-killing country, specializing in killing perverts like you who raise pigs. My legs are as short as pigs . If you are a pig farmer, then you are just that pig.

If you want to pay so much, I will let you pay. But you have to agree to a condition. What condition? Go back to the park to work tomorrow. Don’t worry. If the manager doesn’t agree, I will give it to him personally. I broke your camera while talking on the phone and

I have to pay for it. It is a matter of course for me to go to work. I have already said I won’t do it . How can I go back on my words ? Personality is not shown in this kind of thing. Don’t be angry with your job.

You are not going to do it because you are angry . Sister Yang Jia broke up. Why did I break up with her out of anger? I did it because of your IQ. Even if I told you, you don’t understand. Anyway, you have to go back to work tomorrow.

Otherwise, don’t go repairing the camera with me. How about you stop talking and hurry up? I’m going to repair it so I can go home. I’m so exhausted. Sister , do you dare to ride on my motorcycle? If you don’t dare, come and bring it with you . What do you want?

What about sitting in the back ? Sit here. Don’t strangle me . It’s too fast . Can you go faster ? It’s okay. You and I have both said that no girl dares to ride on my Harley. I guarantee that as long as you ride on the first If you do it once

, you will definitely not dare to sit in it a second time. Who said you can’t ? Don’t think that I’m afraid because I vomited. I don’t dare to do it a second time. Uh-huh, if you want to die, don’t die in my car. Uh-huh, are you a member of the class? You’re

So stubborn . Oh, it’s okay. Stop throwing up and fix the camera. Why did your lens fall like this ? Stop whispering and making small moves. This lens is broken . You need to replace it with a new one. It costs 800 yuan. 800 yuan.

Didn’t you say that it would only cost a few dozen yuan? I mean this number, this number, I just said 800. Don’t make gestures and speak in foreign languages. I think you are united to blackmail me. I said, girl, why are you so ignorant? I’m with you. To be honest

, this lens is imported from Japan and it’s even priced at 8,000 yuan. I can’t get it. This gentleman told me to lower the price. No,

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , it’s 8,000 yuan

. It’s fine if you don’t repair it, okay? 80 Okay, I’ll give you 80, 80. Are you kidding? No, no, no, no, no, no, stop winking like that. Mr. Wolf, my surname is Sister Zhu. The salesperson clearly said it was 8,000 . Why did you say 80?

Do you think I am a working girl? You’re so fooled, you look down on me. Did I fool you ? I’ll tell you the truth. This lens can’t be repaired. I have to buy a new one. It’s not 80. It’s not 800. It’s 8,000. Do you want to pay for it? Yeah,

Just pay for it. What’s the big deal ? I can’t compensate you now, but don’t worry, I will pay you back sooner or later. I will write you an IOU with pen and paper, Room 1202, Binjiang University Female Dormitory Building. You are a female student of Binjiang University. You don’t

Have to go to class when you work. Is this your sister’s address? She is a student at Binjiang University. Don’t worry, I won’t default on my debt. I lost my job twice because you are really my nemesis.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone say something like naughty bitch to me every day . It’s old, but I like this name. Thank you . I’m leaving. Do you want me to take you home ? No, please remember it for me.

The current relationship between the two of us is that Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren are not suitable for getting too close . Say you don’t dare. You just don’t dare to sit in my car and you still find so many excuses. Let me report to you.

I have resigned from Hualei and am ready to settle in Shengshi. I am confident that I will succeed . And yesterday, I finally met that Jiang Dawei. This old bastard is really good at maintaining his own image. He is steady, calm , and has the bearing of a successful person.

He pretends to be that way in front of those people outside. But to be honest, I haven’t figured out what to do next. I can only take one step and see one step at a time , but don’t worry, grandma , I won’t let you down. Grandma,

I came today just to ask you to help me make the decision. Before you left, you said in front of you at dawn that you would take care of me and love me for the rest of your life. Yes , but how long have you been gone? Your bones are not cold yet.

It’s dawn. And he even asked me to return this silver bracelet to him in front of you. What nonsense are you talking about ? Who has changed his mind? If you haven’t changed your mind. Why did you break up with me? Our problem is not a change of heart. The problem

Is that we are not suitable at all . Why are we not suitable? Instead, you have a person checking you 24 hours a day. Can you bear it? It’s not my problem that you don’t feel safe. Is it my fault that I caused it? Who

Told me to take care of grandma as my girlfriend in the first place? Now that grandma is gone, you can stop talking and keep your word . Isn’t it like that? I knew it from the beginning. Do you like me very much , but after I took care of grandma, you recognized me

? And you also asked you to say that I am your girlfriend in front of grandma. Yes, I said it and I promised it, but think about it. In the past three months of our relationship, we have had an average of more than a dozen arguments and fights every day. Think about it.

Every time, you are unreasonable and making trouble . Do you really think we are suitable for this ? You are unreasonable to me and I am unreasonable. That’s because you have never been You didn’t give me a sense of security. It was me who took the initiative in the beginning

, but you didn’t reject me either. It was only after my grandma got sick that you admitted that I was your real girlfriend , but you never told me that you loved me . How can I feel safe? Jiajia , you are indeed a good girl.

I am very grateful to you for taking care of my grandma so carefully, especially during his last few months. I am really grateful. I am very, very grateful to you, so I I once thought about dating you properly. I admit that I was serious about the three months I was dating you.

I swear that I was really serious. If you want to prove that you are not the kind of bastard I thought you were, then do it in front of your grandma. I said you love me in front of me. Look, I said you can’t tell. Grandma, I really love Tianming.

You must bless me to be your grandson’s wife. I really don’t let Tianming miss a girl who loves him so much, Jiajia. Even if you are not sure whether you really love me tomorrow, I beg you not to break up with me, okay? Don’t take this bracelet back, okay?

I’ll try my best to correct my extra problems, okay? You promised me, thank you, grandma, your Why are you here? Brother, come and see, can’t you? Of course you are welcome. I just resigned from Hualai. I resigned. Why is Hualai a Fortune 500 company ? You have to think carefully.

I want to go to Shengshi Group. Shengshi Group is not a bad one. Platform , but are you sure it is better than Hualai’s development? I don’t know this is what my grandma told me before she died, so I must fulfill my grandma’s instructions before she died. Humph, you confused

Me. What position will be given to you over there? You should ask Let me tell them what position they want, the HR manager , but they didn’t agree. Hey, then you dare to resign. So sure , why don’t you believe me? How about I bet you a peanut

? This plate will be given to you. Drink , go and have a good drink. What kind of wine? I feel unhappy. You were not full of confidence and unhappy just now. Just think that I am giving you this poor acidification and improved food. How about it? Don’t ask. Let’s go

. Come on. Okay, don’t go out and order takeout. You brought it last time. That bottle of wine hasn’t been finished yet. Okay, bring out whatever delicious food you have. You, the old man, must be well served. Come, be well served, old man. Hurry up . What ‘s going on?

My mother’s family is on strike . What’s wrong ? No wonder it’s cool. Sorry, oh, forget it. Two days ago, we almost broke up again. We broke up again. What happened this time? Please stop trying to push me, okay? There are already enough people pushing against me. I don’t need you.

Don’t go too far. You said. The Yang family wants good looks, good looks, education , and is a daughter of a billionaire. She is infatuated with you . What else can you be dissatisfied with ? So what if she is the daughter of a billionaire

? What I want is to marry a wife , not an unruly princess. Then tell me what kind of wife you want. It’s best not to be pretentious, but to be free and easy. The kind who can immediately get on my Harley and follow me to explore the world

As soon as I say let’s go. That should be like this for you. Said that the Yang family can meet these conditions. He wants to stay in a five-star hotel when he goes out. As long as the car can reach it, his feet will never touch the ground.

The world is only for patrolling. How can he make a living ? Hey, don’t forget that. He is the granddaughter-in-law appointed by grandma. With this alone, he can defeat those girls who dare to bully you and harm those girls. Please think about this.

Anyway, there is no regret in this world when buying medicine. I know. Hey, Xiaoting’s first love. Why are you, your friend, afraid that I will follow you? Your dad told me about your secret. Hello, who can you look for? Hello, hello. I’m looking for Xu Moxuan to look for you. Moxuan.

Oh, she must be a beauty. She has a nice voice. Hello, who is it ? Hey, Xu Moxuan , I am An Ning. Do you still remember? Come to welcome me. Of course you are welcome. Then I will go down to pick you up later. Well, okay , okay. Well, okay.

Well, then , I will meet ordinary friends . Generally speaking, ordinary friends will not be ordinary in the end. To what extent , the first impression is not bad. Let’s take a look at dating first . Hey, I’m going to clean up the room. It’s too messy . I

‘m going to clean it up for you. This place is already 100,000 times cleaner than mine. I’m not like you . I can’t stand the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Okay, you can clean it up slowly. I’ll be a light bulb. Hey you. Don’t go. It’s not easy for us brothers to meet this girl once.

She has a very forthright personality and won’t mind anything. Just stay here and help me keep a check on you, a bold and masculine woman. When did you change your taste and like tomboys? Why can’t I like a tomboy? Can I have different levels? It’s the same

. How can you greet people with these? I’ll buy you some food and help you bring a bouquet of flowers to others . My brother understands me. Of course I understand you. Pretentious red roses . Hey, no red roses. Give him a bouquet of white lilies, which are more suitable for him.

What kind of temperament does a woman have ? Well , if I must say it , it is clean and tight. I met you three times in a month and you said this is not fate. Why is it that you are such a big broom?

I don’t know what bad luck will happen to you today . Oh, to the creditor. Be polite and don’t remind me of the money I owe you. I will definitely repay you. Are you kidding me? Why are you so serious here? Look at my friend. Your friend lives here.

My friend also lives here . My girlfriend, I think she is a girlfriend. She will have a new love soon. A buddy of mine lives here and his girlfriend came to see him. This flower was bought for his girlfriend. Who will believe you? I told you to be honest with me

, otherwise I won’t keep it a secret for you next time I see my benefactor sister. Just come and introduce my buddy to you. Forget it. I am not interested in your little friend. An Ning, Mo Xuan. Do you know each other? It turns out that the buddy Mo Xuan mentioned is you

. The person on the phone just now is you. You are not usually mean. Baba, why do you speak so softly when you get on the phone? That woman’s voice just now was yours. Why don’t you pretend to be a woman’s voice? Haha, An Ning , let me introduce to you

Brother Tianming, who I grew up with. This is An Ning , hello , hello, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, peace, hello , thank you. No one has ever given me flowers in my life. What about me ? Yes, then I will be the first one to give you flowers. It’s an honor. This house is really nice

. The rent should be quite expensive, right? 800 a month. It’s so expensive. Come and sit here. You have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behind this refreshing and clean thing are the maddening strict requirements. It will be miserable to be his wife in the future. That’s better than a sloppy person . Hey, Ms. Zhu’s coffee,

Ms. Yang Bailao, your coffee Lily . Ms. Flower’s coffee, drink it slowly. How can I let my people drink such coffee? I’m going to grind some freshly ground coffee beans for you. You think about it. When you finish grinding the coffee beans, he will hang up and help you put the flowers on.

Hey, no. Move , this was given to me by Mo Xuan. I went down to buy this flower . It was also given to me by Mo Xuan. I paid for the flowers . It was also given to me by Mo Xuan. OK, OK, this flower is yours. Mo Xuan gave it to

You. Hold him and don’t let go. Hold him for the rest of your life. I want you to care about how you and Mo Xiang met . No comment. These paintings were all drawn by you . Wow, they are so beautiful. Mo Xuan

, you must be the best in your drama. It’s okay for a promising student , but it’s all about figure paintings. Why not landscapes? I like figures because people are the soul of all things . Everyone has their own characteristics . Then I capture their moments and freeze them

. I think it’s one thing. It’s a wonderful thing, Tianming Coffee. Thank you. Brother Tianming likes photography and people. Have you seen it ? He is only interested in your works. You can continue to admire each other. Don’t worry about me being jealous. Wang Xuan ,

If you are free, can you help? Can I draw one too ? Okay, but is it too exaggerated to hang an oil painting in the bedroom ? Let me draw a sketch for you , okay , of course. He likes to draw these human body sketches the most . Don’t make trouble.

I’ll ask you later. Then thank you, please, just think of it as thanking you last time. Do n’t tell him what he wants to talk about. Who cares to listen to your world-weariness ? Don’t move . I haven’t moved. I’m going to get a rag.

Mo Xuan, do you want me to help you? No, just Why did the guest ask you to do this ? And the floor needs to be wiped immediately , otherwise there will be traces. Don’t move. Wait for me to help you measure your three courts and five eyes. You are so cool .

Your face is so long. Okay , isn’t it? It’s not Mu Xuan. Do you think there is really something wrong with his proportions? No ? It’s very good. The proportions of his facial features are very good. His smile is particularly bright . Ning Ning, you are a big model

. Do you know that? Thank you, please don’t say it again. I feel uncomfortable. Why are you? Is there any antiemetic medicine ? Please stop making trouble, okay ? I ‘m serious. Please get two of them. I can’t do it . Mo Xuan, you’ve had a recent test. There’s nothing in the room.

Don’t worry. I’ll draw one for you another day. Thank you. You’re welcome. Okay, look at An Ning. See if you like it. Wow, the painting is so good. No one has ever painted for me. Muxuan. Thank you. You’re welcome. Okay, I gave you the flowers and the painting.

It ’s time for us to eat . Oh, no, I have to go back and find my sister. Let’s go back after dinner. At that time, I, the broom star, invited you to have a meal and helped you get rid of the bad luck . What does broom star mean ? It’s nothing

. Let ‘s go together . An Ning. Someone resigned today and is in a bad mood. Even if you accompany him , who is not in the mood? Well, quitting your job is not a big deal. It turns out that you also lost your job. It seems that God is quite fair.

Hurry up and eat . After dinner, he needs to take medicine. Come on, let’s go and look at the computer together . Mr. Zhang , what a coincidence. Look. Which one are you on? Let me take a look. I have 20,000 yuan in this card. The password is your birthday. Mr. Zhang,

Thank you for your concern and help for me , but I can’t ask for the money that I usually donate to poor children in the mountains. The school fund is far more than this amount. This amount is nothing to me. It can be regarded as a normal donation .

If you interpret my words to mean something else, I take it back. No, no, no, I, I, I have no other meaning. Sun Yang, in fact, this money is not only It’s for you. You are still young and need to learn and make progress.

You can’t be a small wage earner all your life. How can you afford your grandparents’ medical expenses? Okay , don’t worry . An Anjing won’t know if you don’t tell me about the money. Just go in and buy it. I ‘ll wait for you in the car.

Mr. Zhang, this money, I, I can’t ask you to put away Songyang, Songyang, Songyang. Are your hands tired from holding that bouquet of flowers like this? What’s so inexplicable ? How many nicknames are you going to give me? Who asked you to raise pigs, white wolves, and pretend to be a lady

While holding that lily ? I am a lady. I ordered another fish weighing more than 3 pounds. Please do it, no problem, whatever. Hey, they said they were brothers, so go ahead. It’s rare for you to kill me once. Hey, hey, hey, why don’t you eat

? I’ll help you put the flowers first. Thank you, it’s okay. Why are you drinking in such a hurry? It’s okay. He’s not usually like this lately. Maybe I have a conflict with my girlfriend and is a bit perverted . I think we should just break up.

Although Sister Yang will feel uncomfortable for a while , at least she will escape from this clutches. Why does a good person like her, who is beautiful and kind , end up with such a person ? Who am I ? What do you know about this kind of person

? What do you know about me and him? He’s lying. He’s sick . You have medicine? Why do you two pinch and eat whenever you talk ? Come on and block your mouth. Maybe I owed him a lot of money in my previous life, right? Bar You don’t need to remind me

Of the money I owe you. I will pay back the money I owe you. I’m still a lunatic. Who is the bad guy ? Miss Ning, I told you that my mother called me and said she saw someone who looked like Le yesterday. Lelele, when my mother was about to close the stall,

She saw a child. He’s hungry . Don’t run. He wanted to chase him , but he had asthma again and couldn’t run. He could only watch the child run away . Sister, I think it should be Lelele. If this is not Lele, why is Xiaoyue appearing outside the Bai family?

I also think it should be him. If it is Lele, it would be great. This means that he is safe and can move freely . It has been 4 years since Lele. Finally, we have some clues. I came to you because I want you to come home tomorrow

And ask my mother about the specific situation and see if we can find some clues to get Lele back. Well, uncle and aunt , isn’t this Song Yang ? Why are you working here? Come and hang it up for me. Come on, why is this waiter so careless? Pick it up.

Dad, isn’t this the eldest son of the Zhang family? He is really talented . This is a tiger father without a canine son. I wish I had a mother-in-law. Hey, what’s going on? Did you do it on purpose? I’m sorry. I’ll give you another look. Why do you know this waiter?

He is my girlfriend’s high school classmate. I said Zhang Ming , someone just said that you are a talented person. Why don’t you? Be honest and talk nonsense. Who is your girlfriend ? When did Anjing become your girlfriend ? Anjing is my girlfriend.

You treat me like a human being. Please explain it clearly. It’s a joke . Anjing is the belle of Binjiang University. How can she have a man who works as a waiter in a hotel? Are you friends? You are high school classmates and you didn’t even go to college. You really treat

Jingjing as your private property . What the hell are you talking about ? Why are you going to such trouble to help him? What are you talking about? He hasn’t told you yet, right? No wonder you thought you were your boyfriend. It’s so difficult . Sorry, I’m late . You don’t even know

Song Yang, right? Let me introduce to you. This is the son of our Director Zhang. Zhang Mingyang. This is my godbrother . This brother is very low-key . In fact, I have arranged for him to be a senior executive in our company . He just doesn’t

Want to do it. Starting from the bottom, this hotel happens to be opened by my friend. I have to be a waiter to experience life . It’s really wronging you. Stop holding it and sit next to me. Thank you. Come sit, sit, sit . Don’t be polite. We are all good friends.

So many good things today. With all our friends here, should we take this opportunity to officially recognize our brother-in-law? Well, I’ll be a witness for them. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Song , you guys have three drinks in a row . From now on, we are brother-in-law, okay? My younger brother is

Going to drive me back tonight for his three cups. I’ll take the first cup . Hey, what’s going on with such a big bouquet of flowers ? Who gave it to you? Guess he has a boyfriend . Well, his name is Xu Moxuan.

I’m a senior student in the Oil Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts. He’s the boy who was injured by a thief because of me last time. It’s him. Come on, come on. Sit down. I have to ask you what’s going on. You’ve only known each other for a few days.

I didn’t expect that we would develop so fast. Today was the first time I had the courage to go to him. Unexpectedly, he directly introduced me to his friends and said that I was his girlfriend and even gave me away in front of his friends. I was not prepared

For such a large bouquet of flowers. I was so scared . Congratulations, congratulations, you are finally in love. At first, I was worried about you acting like a tomboy every day. I thought you were missing that string . Now, I am finally relieved, sister. He also gave me that painting

That he painted himself, wasn’t it? It’s really good. Not only does it look like you, it’s also very expressive. From this painting, you can see that he is really attracted to you. Of course, if he didn’t like you, how could he draw you so vividly? Oh, when you said that, I felt dizzy.

You don’t know that when I came back from him today, I felt like this step by step. It’s like stepping on cotton. Sister, do you think this is what falling in love feels like? I thought people like you should fall in love like stepping on a spring,

Taking one step or jumping three steps. Who said that? Sister, I’m actually quite young. Woman’s hahaha, okay, okay, you little woman, little woman, wait for another day, bring that Xu Moxuan back, let me take a look, I’ll check it for you , that’s for sure, wait until I get home, go see mom,

And then ask about Lele’s matter. Well, sister Zhang, I want to say something from my heart tonight. Thank you very much. I have been working here for more than three years and others have always bullied me. But tonight is the first time that I feel proud and proud.

You don’t have to be polite with me. From now on , whoever dares to bully you is bullying me, Zhang Yunran. I don’t lack rich and powerful friends, but I lack a man who knows both coldness and hotness and is really good to me. With your conditions,

It shouldn’t be difficult to find a caring person, right? By the way, Sister Zhang, do you know that Zhang Mingyang , that kid just now, he has been chasing An Jing for more than three years and An Jing has ignored him. Do you know why? Because An Jing, he is all for me

. To be honest, An Jing may have more. Opportunity and what? It’s because I have resisted a lot of temptations , so I don’t want to do anything else well. I think I can’t live up to Jing Jing. How can I speak straightly? According to my observation,

Jing Jing’s child may have had poor family conditions since he was a child . It’s not that he has been lonely since he was a child, so he may want to find an emotional sustenance , but you happened to be by his side at that time, so he placed this emotional sustenance

On you. But now the whole environment has changed to pursue him. There are many excellent men. I think he will definitely make a comparison in his heart. Maybe he will choose again. I think it will be a matter of time for the two of you to break up. Mr. Zhang, please slow down.

Oh, why is there no one in your house ? I want to be quiet recently . Just give them a holiday. There’s nothing wrong with that one. I’ll go back first . If you don’t want to send me up, forget it. I’ll go back by myself. Slow down . Hey, it’s okay.

Let’s go. Mr. Zhang, I’d better see you off. Song Yang, Song Yang, People from Song Dynasty thought that I was living quite comfortably when they saw that I lived in such a big house. But who knew that I would be really alone and lonely at night ? Otherwise, you should stay with me

. Hahaha, I will scare you. I have to kid you. Okay, nothing happens. You can go. Our company still lacks a position in the marketing department. Would you like to come? In the marketing department, you can go back to work in the company tomorrow . If you don’t want to be a driver,

Go directly to the marketing department to report. I’ll give it to you. Find a better master to guide you. If you can’t even make the decision on your own work or even insist on making the right choice, how can you succeed? How can you truly have peace and give him a quality life?

Mr. Zhang, I I figured it out, okay? I’ll go back to work at your company tomorrow . Don’t be late tomorrow. I’ll go back first. Goodbye, Mr. Zhang. Thank you. My phone has been connected . Why is no one picking up the voice? What’s going on? Where were you last night ? Jing.

Don’t be like interrogating prisoners. You want to interrogate me and I want to interrogate you. I ask you if your work matters have been determined. How can it be that easy? It’s just some internship intentions. I ask you if there is someone behind it. I’m helping you, no,

It’s just a friend who said a few nice words. Hum, look , let me say it. Friend , friend, boyfriend, what kind of joke are you kidding me? Who is my boyfriend ? Isn’t this right in front of me ? Hum, I’m afraid I’m not the only one. Yeah, what do you mean?

Ah Jing, you have said this and you still haven’t told me the truth. You still act like it with me, right? I tell you, I know everything. Now the director father is doing everything possible to help. As you carry out your work, I regard you as my future daughter-in- law

. Didn’t you ask me where I was last night? Originally, I didn’t want to say it , but if you force me , I’ll tell you that I worked the night shift in the restaurant last night , and the person I served was Your so-called male friend, Mr. Director,

Song Yang, you must have misunderstood what he said to you. What do you think? I tell you that since I was a child, I have never been humiliated in public by these people . You know. Don’t be angry first. Can you calm down first?

Although I don’t know what he said to you, the relationship between me and him is really just an ordinary classmate relationship. You also know that it is so difficult for college students to find a job. It’s so hard to find a job after graduation. It doesn’t matter to me.

How can I compete with others because of my expertise ? So he offered to help me, so I didn’t refuse. But there is really no relationship between me and him. I know you haven’t promised him anything at the moment , but you only want to take advantage of other people’s words.

As long as you start agreeing to Zhang Mingyang’s help, you won’t be able to resist his every step of the way. Song Yang, don’t worry, I will stick to my promise to you. Don’t be so sure yet, you haven’t gone behind my back to ask him

To help you. Have you implemented this internship unit? What does this mean? It means that your heart has begun to waver. People’s desires are unlimited. Next, you will beg him , beg him to settle you down, increase your value, etc., etc., etc. The problem is, the more you owe him,

In the end you will find that you have to dedicate yourself , otherwise you can’t repay it. It’s not as terrible as you said. It’s all because you think too much. I just want to find a good employer to accept it. I want to get a foothold

In this city. I don’t want to be unemployed as soon as I graduate from college . I also don’t want to suck your and An Ning’s blood like a parasite anymore. Mom, you went to the doctor. What did the doctor say? Didn’t he say it’s okay? Mom

, why don’t I take you to the big hospital in the provincial capital to check it out ? Oh, no, no, it doesn’t matter. Don’t waste this money . Just take a few pairs of Chinese medicine and you’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Why are you so stubborn?

If you are sick, you have to be seen. How can you save money? It’s okay to save money and drink while it’s hot . By the way, Mom , was the child you saw that day actually Lele? I’m not sure , after all, Lele has been missing for 4 years. It was dark

That night, and I was some distance away from that person. He was wearing a big hat , and he looked like a man. But when I called him Lele Lele, he turned around and saw that his facial features looked like Lele ‘s. Let me think about it again. If the man who

Chased him was Lele, why would he run now that he was back? Maybe Lele also has his own difficulties. After all, he has been taken away by human traffickers for so long . Even if he has a chance to come back , I guess he will hesitate to see us. These relatives, hey,

He is a miserable child just like you and your sister . It’s all my fault that the three children have miserable lives. If that person is really Lele, he will come back sooner or later. If so, I will move back to the old courtyard tomorrow. I’m waiting there. I ‘ve been

Waiting for him to come back. Ah Jing. In fact, what I just said is that I trust you and have confidence in you . Do you trust me and have confidence in me? Of course, that’s fine. I want to tell you something. I decided to go back to work in Yongxin. Mr.

Zhang arranged for me to go to the marketing department to learn business from my new colleagues. This has a much better future than what I did many years ago as a driver or a waiter . So I don’t want to give up this opportunity.

I’m already spinning in circles 3 It’s been 20 years, you absolutely can’t go back to Yongxin. I’ve already decided , okay? I won’t go to Zhang Mingyang’s father’s workplace for an internship, and you can’t go back to Yongxin, okay? A Jing , look at how fragile and unbearable our relationship is . In

Fact, I have thought that neither of us needs to give up development opportunities that will help us. After all, we are too weak. We now need help from the outside world to become stronger as soon as possible , but there is no such thing. However, instead of being so cautiously suspicious of

Each other, we still have It’s better to let our love truly face the test of temptation. If we pass the test, we can be truly happy. If we don’t pass the test, then it’s my fate. Dad, what’s the matter? Can you help dad write a divorce complaint

? I want to divorce Aunt Bai. You know I’ve thought about it. Regardless of whether Lele can come back or not, my marriage with your Aunt Bai can be regarded as a living thing. Why not divorce your mother? Someone has to take care of you. What do you mean

? You and Bai Lili divorced and you came back to me. No mom, why are you so angry about this illness ? What do you think? This is what I think. You said Xiaojing, Xiaoning and the others will not come back to live with you in the future.

You said that if you are sick again, you don’t even have anyone to cook the medicine. I , Xue Baolian, can’t let you dump me at any time. Nothing is so cheap in the world. If you want to divorce Bai Lili, that’s your business. You

Want to be with me? There is no way to remarry. Xiao Ning, please help me persuade your mother. As the saying goes, young couples always come to keep you company . Your sister and you will both start families and start businesses outside. Your mother and I are at the same age. We

Just want to be each other’s companions. It ‘s not a bad idea today. On the first day I come to work at your place, I will also register with you. At the same time, I will also express my attitude to you. Although I know nothing about real estate marketing, I will study hard.

Trust me, I will definitely hand over a copy to you. Perfect answer. I think my judgment of people is right. You are very perceptive and smart. You must be able to learn everything quickly. You can report to the marketing department. I have found a good person to take you. Oh, that’s great.

Thank you Zhang. Come on, go ahead. Anjing, you’re out of class. Anjing doesn’t recognize me . Oh, that’s right . It’s been more than 3 years. I’m old, right ? Oh, it’s great that you have grown up and become a big girl. Oh, your mother is still lucky. Lele him

Have you been looking for him outside for the past few years? You can’t find him, you can’t eat , you can’t sleep. Year after year, he has become like this person now. Your dad sued me and divorced me. You know I listen to Xiao Ning. After talking about

The agreement, he helped write it. Now your family can unite to deal with me, an outsider. That’s not what I meant. I have never regarded you as an outsider in my heart. I know you don’t believe me when I say this now. Go and talk to your father. He said

There is no need to go to court. We all still have this face. I agree to the divorce . I have already written the divorce agreement. Show it to your father. If you agree, I will go back and go through the formalities with him. I know that since I left

He is too embarrassed to live in my house. He has been renting a house outside. You said he has no income. I left my old house to your father . It can be regarded as my last little thought as a couple . But I don’t think so. Don’t worry about those properties. Otherwise,

If you go to court, he won’t be able to pay a penny. I never thought that you and my father would be in this situation. If I had known, why would you have to break up our family in the first place ? I also regret it.

Why did I have to get angry with your mother to steal something from your father ? If you can’t get it, it ’s the best . It’s not worth the pity if you get it. It took me 20 years to understand this truth. Don’t worry, I will go. Please persuade my dad

To let him and you reconcile. If you have any news, please call me. I left and my mother didn’t have time to ask you how have you been these past years. You still care about me . If you don’t hate me, how could I hate you? The most important ten years

From the age of 8 to 18 were that you raised me , so no matter whether you and I are related by blood or not, in my heart you are the same as my mother , no matter whether you divorce my dad or find Lele in the future. You have to remember

That you at least still have me as your daughter. I will treat you like my biological mother. This is my dormitory phone number. If you need any help, just come to me . Sister , tomorrow is our birthday and it’s the weekend. Hurry up and book your tickets and come back,

Xiaoni. I’m in a hurry and I may not be able to go back . Why? Isn’t this a lifelong agreement between the two of us? Every year on their birthdays , they have to go to the sister tree for a photo. Besides, there are highways now. The transportation is so convenient.

The provincial capital is only more than 100 kilometers away from my hometown. Why can’t you come back? Oh, Xiao Ning, I really have something important to do. Why don’t we wait until we go back next week and we can take another photo? Sister, how can you say that now? Can a replacement photo

Have the same meaning as a birthday? I really have something very important. Oh, you don’t know. Song Yang and I have had some problems recently, so I have to go on a date today. I don’t have time to explain to you now. I’ll talk about it later. Let me explain to you.

Hey, sister , hello . Miss, are you alone? Do you have a location ? I’m here to find someone . Are you looking for a lady named Zhang? Yes, please come with me. Ms. Zhang, please wait for the guests. Ms. An, please. Miss Zui , can you please have something to drink

? Give me something. Just give him a cappuccino. Okay, Miss An, tell me to be quiet, please be quiet . You won’t think it’s strange that I took the liberty of calling you here today, right? Oh, by the way, Song Yang has returned to work in our company. Don’t you object?

How could I object? It’s just a job. I support my boyfriend. It ‘s great . Song Yang is actually very smart and can learn everything very quickly. Of course, this has something to do with the person who brought him. Miss An, I often teach Song Yang step by step.

Mr. Zhang , just tell me what you mean. Miss, your coffee is very bitter. I don’t think you have ever drunk such pure coffee. This is authentic Lansheng coffee. It has sugar and milk. You can add a little bit. Mom, do you think that when a girl grows up and has love,

Other things will gradually fade away? Will other things gradually fade away? Ah, it ‘s just like my sister has ignored the important agreement we have made as sisters for so many years after having Song Yang. Oh, silly girl, wait until one day you have your own love and your own sweetheart,

You will understand your sister. No way. Even if one day comes , I will not ignore sisterhood for the sake of love. When that day comes, you will know. In fact, sisterhood and love are not in conflict , just like if your left hand and right hand

Are missing, no one can do it. But I am still very angry . This is the first time my sister has ignored our agreement as sisters. Don’t be angry. Maybe after a few years, your sister and Song Yang may not be able to get married

, but your sister and you will always be the closest and dearest sisters. Do you know, Mr. Zhang ? What do you want to say? Since you forced Song Yang to resign last time, I know that you are a very sensitive girl. But have you noticed

The changes in Song Yang due to your sensitivity ? He has become more confident and full of passion. He is like A dry sponge frantically absorbs the surrounding moisture. Of course, the man’s ambition is also activated. Don’t you feel a sense of crisis about this ?

Why should I feel a sense of crisis? We have always had a good relationship together since we were young, right? But Song Yang is now Everything he has is not what you, a childhood sweetheart, can give him. On the other hand , your existence may cause him to lose it all

And turn him into a small wage earner who works hard and has no sense of achievement and can only work at the bottom of society. This is just you. Wishful thinking is definitely not Song Yang’s idea. If he hadn’t taken the initiative to tell me

The bitterness that has been suppressed in my heart for many years, do you think I would have the leisure time to figure out an unimportant employee? You should know by now that he has nothing to say to me. Without talking about it, I tell you less and less truth.

Your experience is really too shallow. In fact, a man is like a dog . The more you ignore him, the more he will chase you like a rabbit. If you chase him in turn, he will chase you . I will run away. You mean to ask me to leave. Song Yang is smart.

You know that pie in the sky will never fall. Why should I be so nice to a small wage earner? You are shameless . Don’t be so impulsive. Sit down and say it slowly. This is a five-star hotel. Don’t let people in the hotel think that you are so uneducated and shameless

. Song Yang and I are both single. Your love is neither illegal nor moral. What’s so shameless? Don’t have such wishful thinking. It’s impossible for Song Yang to betray me. You’re too naive. This is just you. But I can also understand that children who fall in early love are like this.

I am already 21 years old and already over the legal age for marriage . See , it is still childish. Puppy love has nothing to do with age. Falling in love before there is no material basis is considered premature love, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman .

It’s still childish, right? Puppy love has nothing to do with age. Falling in love before there is no material basis is considered puppy love. No matter whether you are a man or a woman, what’s wrong with me wearing street clothes ? I am young, I am beautiful, and I

Look good in whatever I wear . You think you have a beautiful face and you Can this youthful and energetic body bind a man for a lifetime? What Song Yang lacks now is not youth and beauty. What he lacks is channels and opportunities to the upper class.

Don’t use your tacky fallacies to influence me. I won’t eat you. It’s tacky . Do you think that your aloofness will make you appear innocent? Even if you are innocent, Song Yang may not need it. What’s more, you are not that innocent. If you are really innocent,

Why would you go to get an abortion for a man before marriage? How do you know this ? It was Song Yao who told you. How could he tell me that these men would not remember these things? Do you still remember

When you nearly died from ectopic pregnancy and hemorrhage 3 years ago ? I gave your sister 2,700 yuan and saved your life when you were in the most critical moment. The Yang family is my daughter. Of course, he was also a college student at that time and

Didn’t have much money at that time. Every penny he spends is given to him by me. The good deeds he can do outside are also due to my words and deeds. If I say so , the person who saved your life is me

. I really don’t know whether I should thank you or hate you. But since you are kind-hearted , why bother to fight for love? How can this be considered fighting for love? Hum, this is natural selection . You know that Song Yang’s life is quite miserable. His parents left when he was young.

He just wants to make a difference. I want my grandparents to live a good life. When you came in just now, you saw a young man selling roasted sweet potatoes at the door. Think about it, Song Yang is willing to wear a designer suit and sit with me in this five-star hotel.

Listening to the elegant piano and drinking English afternoon tea, are you still willing to ride with you on a broken bicycle that rings except for the bell to sell roasted sweet potatoes? Baked sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes. As long as you leave Song Niang, this will be considered a treat for you.

What do you mean by compensation ? Mr. Zhang, your daughter’s kindness three years ago gave me help and warmth. In the past three years, I have been praying silently in my heart for the people I have rescued. But this does not mean you wantonly insult me ​​with money . My reason is that

I thank you daughter , but I hate you and I look down on you. Hey, uncle, what happened? What are you doing here ? Are you going to see Zhang Yuan? Yes, Mr. Zhang invited me over and said he has important business with me. Talking about important business.

The important business you are talking about is that he negotiated with me and asked me to give you to him. Isn’t that what you two are so shameless ? Jing , please don’t come at me, okay ? Isn’t this inexplicable? I don’t know him. Why did I come to ask you to talk?

You have to believe me. This is not my intention. Okay, I believe you . Then go and tell him now that you don’t care about everything he gives you. You can resign now and come with me. Let’s go . You can follow the uncle now. Let’s go , Jing, don’t you dare

Lower your voice, please calm down first, okay? Listen to what I tell you. I have no one else in my heart. The only one I love is you . I won’t betray you , but now I can’t leave Yongxin because I have just arrived at my new job.

I have learned a lot of things. I have never discovered that I have so much potential. I want to say it again. Please stop saying it . Please stop saying it. I will ask you one sentence. What do you want? He still wants me , of course I want you. Well

, then you have to leave Yongxin and Zhang Liyuan . Ah Jing, I want to leave Yongxin and I want to leave Zhang Liyuan , but not now. Listen to me and tell you that if you give me five years, it will be five years and five years. When

I leave Yongxin in 2019 , let’s get married, okay ? Jing , please let me go, you shameless thing, why don’t you wait for me for five years? Just calm down, okay ? Let’s have a good talk. Song Yang, I’ll tell you from now on . From now on,

You go your own way, I’ll go through my one-man park, you and I are cut off . Ah Jing, Mr. A Jing, do you have a position? Go away, what do you mean? Why are you doing this to Jing Jing ? Why are you doing this to me ? What ‘s wrong

With you? Sit down and talk slowly. Didn’t I tell you? If you want to enter the upper class, you must first behave yourself. You shouldn’t have asked me this question just now. You should think carefully about why An Jing did this to you and why you did this. I don’t understand

What you mean by Anjing. No, you understand. Since Anjing forced you to resign to me, this behavior proves not how much he cares about you, but how vain he is. He wants success just like you, so he went behind your back. Ask Zhang Mingyang to help him implement the work. He

Has made the same choice as you. It’s just that you were ahead of him, so he pushed the responsibility for the breakup to you. No, that ‘s not the case. You may not understand An Jing very well. This is not the kind of person I am. He ‘s not such a person.

Don’t rush to deny it . This is human nature. This is real human nature. Human selfishness is innate. To put it this way, each of us is terrible. It takes courage and wisdom for people to admit their selfishness. I believe you have the courage and wisdom , but then again, as a man,

If you really love a woman, you have to give her a way out. If you really love Anjing, you can win her back in the future , but you must succeed at least first. Be more successful than Zhang Mingyang, and I will be the best person to help you succeed.

Qingyang, please slow down and be careful. Why doesn’t he understand me? He puts all the responsibility on me, just like you said. Yes, yes, get on the bus, get on Zhang Mingyang. What else is there ? Why is he slower when he gets in the car ? Why is he careful

? Why doesn’t he understand me ? Why is life in this world a constant process of choices? There are losses and there are gains. If you really want to cry, you can cry as much as you want. But cry. After everything in the past is over, you have to relax

And start living again. In the future, you will find a new way of life and a new quality of life that can make up for everything you have lost now. I don’t want to cry, I want to laugh, I want to laugh out loud, hahaha , I didn’t expect your adaptation. The ability

Is much stronger than I imagined. Oh, by the way, I want to see the mobile phone Anjing gave you. This is what Anjing gave me. His feelings. The old mobile phone is the same as the old love. The hardware and software can’t keep up . It’s time to get a new one.

I’ll give you a new mobile phone tomorrow. A new life requires a new beginning , including mobile phones. Sister Zhang, where are we going? My home will be your home from now on. Xiao Jing, mom, why are you here ? Don’t move. Sit down. Sit down . What’s wrong with you?

I’ll give you in the morning. You call me in your dormitory and you are not in the same class. I say you are sick . Why are you sick? I am okay. I am okay. Look at these swollen eyes and cry. Tell me who bullied you. Jing, I have thought about

Lele repeatedly. I am afraid I can’t get her back. Your father and I are also divorced. I do n’t have any decent relatives around me. How can you still acknowledge me as your mother regardless of past grudges? Although I can’t love you as much as I love Lele

, I will never allow anyone to bully you. Your real mother is not here, but I, my stepmother, can still support you. Mom, don’t cry. Mom is by your side. Don’t cry. Don’t worry , mom will be by your side . Mr. Jiang is here. Come in. Mr. Jiang, welcome , welcome, welcome

, thank you for coming. It’s good to sit tight. This is arguably the best work proposal I have ever written for Shengshi. No wonder you had the guts to use such a special way to advance yourself that day . The workplace is like a battlefield. Everything must be strategic. What

Surprises me even more is your understanding of the imperial edict. I should say that you are like an old employee who has been in this flourishing world for more than 20 years. You are not only familiar with the development trajectory of the flourishing era, but you are also familiar with my management ideas.

You are really considerate of this award. Your resume says that you have a double major in architectural design and business management and you were a top honors student. Before graduation, you interned at the multinational company Huawei. After graduation, you stayed on directly and started as a grassroots employee.

He was promoted every year for the next three years . Three years later, you were promoted to regional manager. Why is it so strange? Since you get along so well with Hualei Company, why do you suddenly want to switch jobs to Gentleman ? Mr. Jia actually told you that

I have been studying in Gentleman since I was a child. There have been many reports about you. You were my idol when I was in middle school. I studied architectural design and business management in the hope that one day I could enter a prosperous age and study well with you

. But something went wrong and in the end I still didn’t. It was by some coincidence that I was able to enter the prosperous age. What kind of coincidence ? How could the prosperous age let you go when you are a talent that even multinational companies don’t let go

? This is purely a personal reason. My parents have been gone since I was a child. It’s my grandma’s fault. The old man who raised me does not agree with me joining Shengshi . Why is it possible that he thinks that working in a multinational company will have a better future?

Then if you give up the results of three years of hard work and jump to Shenzhen, won’t your grandma object? My grandma a while ago I just passed away . I’m sorry to go out. You live in pain. It doesn’t matter . Okay , let’s settle it. Welcome to join. Gentleman.

Thank you Mr. Jiang for giving me this opportunity to fulfill my wish. Xiao Ming, the school called and said that your sister hasn’t been to class for three days . If you haven’t returned to the dormitory, why don’t you just call Sun Yang and ask what’s going on ? I’m sorry.

The number you dialed is not in the service area at the moment. Please call again later . Mom, why can’t Song Yang’s phone get through? Oops, can something happen to them? Okay, Song Yang , Song Yang , Song Yang, Song Yang, who are you looking for? Song Yang,

Song Yang, Song Yang, Song Yang, come out to me. Song Yang , Song Yang. Do you know where Song Yang lives? It seems to be in 430. Thank you, Song Yang. Su Yang. Do n’t say, don’t say, don’t say , you saw me , heard, there is no sheep, hey

, hey, where is the sheep? Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, what are you doing with the sheep? Hey, what are you doing with the sheep ? Hey, hurry up and eat , isn’t it my mother, An Ning, Song Yao, let me tell you If you don’t come out, I’ll rush in. It

‘s not peaceful. Listen to what I’m telling you. Now I’m naked. I’m counting 123. If you don’t come out, I’ll rush in. Annie, oh, oh, I My aunt , I beg you, can you please listen to me and tell you that I am a boy, I don’t care if

You say that you are a girl, it will also have a bad effect on you . I can’t control that much. I ask you where is my sister? I don’t know where your sister is. I don’t know if you don’t know where my sister is.

I can go to the police station and sue you. Look at everything. Go out. Go out. Go out . You are so tough. Hey , so cruel. What’s going on? Hey An Ning, let me tell you, I can’t find your sister and I’m more anxious than you are. Do you know that

My legs have almost broken since I ran so much in the past two days? I want to ask you, what did you say to my sister? Do you want to follow her? When she broke up, I just asked your sister to wait for me for a few more years.

That’s not the same thing. Suyuan, you are too heartless. My sister is so kind and you want to abandon her. Let’s make it clear. It’s not me who abandoned your sister, but you. My sister has abandoned me and you have gone back to work in Yongxin.

This means that my sister’s previous worries are all serious. What did you say to my sister before? Everything you said was treated as fart . Are you really going too far? Song Yang, oh, okay, tell me, you two sisters, why are you like this ? Aren’t you being unreasonable and making trouble ?

So today I will teach you what unreasonable trouble is. I will make unreasonable trouble with you. Will you get out ? Can you get out ? Ah, you tell Song Jiang that I can’t spare you if something happens to me. Alright, how did he hurt you like this?

I just heard the doctor say that your head was concussed and your feet were injured . Sister Zhang , I hope I’m fine . Just don’t become disabled. Ouch, what are you talking about? I really didn’t expect Zhao Anning to be so aggressive.

He dared to rush into the men’s bathroom and beat you like this. This is not entirely due to Anning. In fact, at the time, I didn’t pay attention and scratched all this. It’s time for you to still protect him. I think you still have old feelings for his sister.

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