
Welcome back to the REAL Talk check out our outfits today. we even matched you two are too much you see the character “luck” at the back? That’s RIGHT. Today is our special program for the Lunar New Year. Oh yeah since it’s the special program for the New Year, we have to talk about

Our special guest Someone who does Feng (wind) and Shui (water) This is your host, Edmund and I am CK will bring you a little bit of real estate information every week. To help you have a smooth transaction never overpay easy peacey Among us, we have the famous Master Z! Hello everyone

Please tell us what do you do. I am a Feng Shui master. I have been engaged in Feng Shui for more than 30 years. I have written Feng Shui columns for magazines for more than 9 years. during the upcoming March if you want to learn Feng Shui,

You can take my Feng Shui course at PCC. A Feng Shui course will be held at Pasadena City College. Now, Master Z has no idea that his fengshui practice is about to get challenged Because I personally don’t believe in Feng Shui, I am half/ half. but I’m all ears!

Because our religious beliefs are different. I’m a Christian and I don’t really believe in this. But I’ve also heard people say that Feng Shui still has some science in it So let’s talk about what Feng Shui is fundamentally. Yes, what is Feng Shui In fact, Feng Shui is very simple.

Feng Shui comes from China… ‘so sorry to interrupt CK, when I asked you to put up the character “luck” did you know you posted it upside down Didn’t you know the character should be reversed No I did it right this is under the master ‘s guidance.

Master Z, please explain what is going on here In fact ,there are two methods of putting up the “lucky” character Many people would paste it like this, upside down, symbolizing that the luck is “arriving”. pretty standard operations But I I can tell you that if you post it like this,

Not only will you not be blessed, but you will get disaster. The word “lucky” cannot be turned upside down. You must hold it upright when posting it. For example, if it is a little crooked, it is not good please not that the “luck” has been folded and has a crease.

It symbolizes your luck is compromised that’s why you have to make sure there is no fold it must be very complete without foling and it must be straight in order to be truly blessed. got it got it but these things mentioned Many of them are literal understanding of things, right? It’s not

Scientific enough for me, but Master, could you please talk to us about the importance of Feng Shui in our Chinese culture Let me give you the simplest example. Nowadays, it’s not just Feng Shui, our bed is actually the most important thing to everyone

. What’s the reason for Feng Shui ? We sleep 8 hours a day. You can imagine that if the Feng Shui of your bed is good, you will be very energetic when you wake up every morning. Feeling full and full of hope is good Feng Shui. If on the contrary , if you

Don’t sleep well every day and have no energy, there will be problems with the Feng Shui of the bed, which will affect our efficiency throughout the day. Master, if you say this, is it possible that you ate bad food the night before? As for my stomach,

Could it be that the mattress is not good enough ? or could it be that there is some problem with my health. So Feng Shui is very scientific. Why is it scientific? We call it that the home life matches the home life and the home life matches! If you have good Feng Shui

, you need to cooperate with yourself. If you have stomach problems, this is a human problem and part of Feng Shui . It is a personal Feng Shui problem , but the Feng Shui of the bed actually does not have a great impact , but it will also affect us

As a whole. So Feng Shui can be regarded as a science, and it is consistent with many things. Is this what you mean? By the way, for example, we have nine fortunes now. What is nine fortunes? What is it? Nine is

The “pregnancy” of seven, eight and nine, which is the “pregnancy” of pregnant women? Luck is luck. Ninth luck is from 2024 to 2044. Ninth luck is OK. So what is Ninth luck? Before we talk about Ninth luck, let’s talk about Eighth luck. One luck earlier is Eighth luck. What is Eighth luck?

It is from 2004 to The 20 years until 2024 are the Eighth Luck. Now it is the tail of the Eighth Luck. Now it is the Ninth Luck. What are the Eighth Luck? We use Gen Gua to represent it. Gen Gua is the hand. For example, we don’t know if you like

Foot massage or full body massage. Ah, it can be like doing nails, eyelashes, etc. , industries that are operated by hands. In the eighth luck, it means that the 20 years from 2004 to 2024 are very prosperous. It is related to our Gen Gu hand

. The previous luck was 1984. In the twenty years until 2004, what is the seventh movement and what is the mouth ? Karaoke was very popular at that time. Karaoke is not so popular now. Like Guo Degang, hahahahaha, what should we do? Now we are the ninth movement and the ninth

Movement is Li Gua is fire or electricity, what about AI, 5G communication security, government data management, etc. Big health is also related to several nine fortunes, so it is related to practice. It sounds quite reasonable. Why does it sound like it is a bit out of date with the times? I feel that

AI is used in everything , so we cannot be unilaterally superstitious. We talk about superstition and some things about Feng Shui , because we know that Feng Shui masters are also different, and some will talk about some mysterious things , as well as agents. Similarly, some professionals and those who talk nonsense are

All right, so Master Zi is a relatively neutral one that I have heard of, right, right, so let’s talk about housing and buying a house… You tell me, I think. ..I’m relatively new to Feng Shui. I think I bought a house recently

. Is it right for me to look at the house now? What is really messy? Feng Shui, everything can be Feng Shui. I looked at this apartment today. I don’t know how to start looking at it. You know, but at least it tells me what should I pay attention to

When I look at it from the outside ? It ’s very simple. We use the most Traditionally we call the Four Spirit Ancient Beasts. What are the Ancient Beasts? The Four Spirit Ancient Beasts are very simple. I’ve heard that

There are green dragons on the left and white tigers on the right. I’ve heard that there are four zodiac signs, four animals, etc. in the former, Suzaku, and back Xuanwu. They can help us. It’s very simple. Yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s so mysterious. Ancient beasts basically don’t exist except tortoises

. You mentioned 4 things, but I don’t know what to look at yet. It’s very simple. When we look at houses, it seems that I’m looking at a residence. This is me. If there are two houses on my left and right, then left Qinglong and right white tiger are better. What is Qinglong?

Qinglong means there is a house on our left. If there is not one on the left, it is an azimuth pair. For example, if our house is on the left, there is a road. Living on the left side of us is not so comfortable because there is a lot of noise

Or the risk of traffic accidents will increase, so we need a house on the left side and a house on the right side. For example, there are two handsome guys next to me. They are both very strong hahaha. For me, the situation is also oppressive. For example, if my house is one-story,

And my left and right are two-story, I will not live very comfortably. This is a bit stressful. If my house is two-story, the left and right are. On the first floor, I seem to be very comfortable if I sit on a chair with a few armrests.

It’s the green dragon on the left, the white tiger on the right , and the Xuanwu Fang. If there is a mountain behind, there is nothing to support us. We are just like sitting on a chair without a backrest. If there is a small hillside behind the mountain, if

It is a round hillside , it is small but not a very big hillside. It is very comfortable for us to sit on it. In front of the Zhuque Mingtang, if it is a high mountain, for example, with Mount Tai at the top, there

Will be no comfort. It is a relatively open place. For example, if you see the sea or a park, it will be more comfortable if there is a Suzaku hall. If the house has four ancient beasts, a green dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, a Suzaku

In front and a Xuanwu in the back, it is basically equivalent to it. Feng Shui won’t be much worse . Can you interrupt me? So it sounds like he’s talking about Feng Shui , but I think it sounds a bit like… right? Yes, it’s scientific,

Because when you bought a house, you just mentioned that there is a landscape in the front. Then there is a small slope at the back , so don’t feel any pressure on your left or right. In fact, this thing meets the basic requirements of our lives and everyone will feel quite comfortable.

But I think Feng Shui has incorporated some of the poetic and picturesque things of our ancestors into you. You know, let’s not talk about this kind of knowledge for the time being. It’s scientific knowledge. It can integrate things into it. I think it’s pretty good. You recently bought a house

And you just won four prizes . What I wanted to say, the master kept saying, I’m even afraid because the left side is the road and the right side is one floor higher than me. There is a hill in front instead of the back. It ‘s blocked by the front and

Back. What should I do ? Master, my house… sell it and buy another one! Then we are very simple. As long as you need it , you can buy it. Then, if you enter the house and feel comfortable, you can actually buy it. Then we will make other Feng Shui layouts

In the house to resolve them. Our Feng Shui can resolve them , that is, it can be done. Adjusted? No Feng Shui is perfect. We can resolve it this way. I still like this science. Don’t say it because it’s just some principles . It’s too confusing to buy anything and

It’s not good. If you put it this way, you can buy any house. Well, the main thing is to buy a house. For example, if I buy this house, it is for me to live in. The house you buy is for you to live in.

The main thing is that when you enter the house, you feel comfortable and you feel that you can live and work in peace and contentment here. Then you can buy it . If there are any Feng Shui problems, we But some people feel very strange, like some agents who

Keep saying all day long that I don’t feel comfortable coming in. Many agents will tell me CK, it’s a bit dark when I look at a house today, you know? I’m a little afraid of that house! But is he… I think he’s a little sick. What should we do at this time

? Let’s just leave it like this. If you feel uncomfortable, it may be the agent’s problem. You have to see if the guest feels comfortable. What does the guest think? It’s very comfortable and good, so there’s no problem. If there is a problem, we can solve it the day after tomorrow. Who

Should we contact the day after tomorrow? You can ask me for advertising fees or advertising. Or do you want me to come back ? Thank you, Master. Some of the sharing among us is quite neutral. Actually , can I ask another question? Master, I’m sorry. What does the direction of the house

Look like ? If it’s facing upwards, what about our nine fortunes now ? In terms of nine fortunes , it’s best to be south . South is the direction. Many of us Chinese like it very much. Especially when we live in the northern hemisphere, it is very cold in the winter.

The north wind comes from behind. If we face south, the wind will not blow to our front, which will give us better lighting , so the south direction is very good . But There are many south directions. For example, 190 degrees is south direction, 191 degrees is also south direction,

But there is a difference. We pay attention to the difference between gold and gold in Feng Shui . Wealth and wealth do not meet each other , so we use the Feng Shui compass to make specific plans. But the houses in Nanshan are good, but there is no best , only better ,

So in fact, this is also science, because if we are studying architecture , we also know that the light-receiving surface is relatively good in the south , especially in the northern hemisphere . It is warmer in itself, and when it is warmer, bacteria are less likely to breed

, and the human body is less likely to catch cold, so it is not unreasonable. Also, we are facing the Zhengshen direction in the south, so we will have good luck in the ninth period of 2024-2044. If you want to have better wealth, there is a swimming pool in the north. Because

There is water only in the early morning in the north, you can have good fortune. Yes, yes. I understand , so this is some good advice. Anyway , buying a house and swimming pool is not bad. Since we invite the master to be among us, we can’t Let’s not ask.

Many people want to ask if 2024 is a suitable year to buy a house . It should be said that if you feel the need to buy a house , no matter what year it is, you should buy it, no matter how high the interest rate is

, no matter how expensive it is, if you need it, If you want to buy this sentence, it is really scientific. I will shake hands immediately . Thank you, Master, for your guidance . It is really a light in the sea of ​​suffering . 24 years is… Let’s put aside metaphysics

And religion and not talk about it. When it is needed, it is really needed, including what the Master just said. Among us, if you buy a house and you feel pretty good when you go in, your body is actually telling you certain things, such as hot and cold, etc.

In fact, everyone will feel it. In fact , some things are difficult to tell you after you say it . To understand , but you can feel it , but it’s okay. If we feel bad but still need it, we can resolve Feng Shui. It can be resolved .

Yes, of course, you have to find an expert. You can’t just say that you can do whatever you want here. I watched it on YouTube. Wow , that’s too bad, that’s too bad. Of course today is the New Year’s special program. We have to give you a special occasion. Come on

, come on , what do we want to give you? Please tell me. People here are beginning to have good fortune, and wealth is coming. Here is the dragon descending. Good luck has come to me. This is the Year of the Dragon. I wish you all good luck and more money in

The Year of the Dragon. I wish you all a happy new year. At the same time , although our dry stuff is presented in the form of comedy, we hope to bring some good luck to everyone. I hope to share some knowledge about real estate buying and selling through something like this.

If you like it, please remember to give us a thumbs up, reply to us, and help us spread the word. See you in the next issue. I love you all. Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year.



00:00 前言
01:16 風水!福到 (倒)了?
02:16 風水在住宅中的體現?
03:33 九運是什麽?
05:35 買房風水上需要注意什麽?
08:48 住宅風水不好怎麽辦?
09:38 什麽房子不能買?
10:43 房子朝向的要求有什麽科學印證?
12:16 2024 是否適合買房?
13:16 拜年!

#chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #fengshui #風水 #gunghayfatchoy #紅包 #年夜飯 #團年飯 #團圓 #守歲 #元寶 #拜年 #春晚 #春節 #除夕 #龍年2024 #賀歲 #吉祥 #舞龍舞獅

验资看房,请联系 Edmund Lin (地產 E 哥)
微信/ Line: whyyynot
Instagram/TikTok: edmund.the.realtor
电话: 626-376-6216
E-mail: edmundlin509@gmail.com


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