Number_i Yuta Kishi 岸優太 – シンデレラガール/岸優太ソロパートまとめ REACTION

That’s f ah wow 175,000 views and this  video was uploaded four years ago I see you baby hello ladies and gentlemen those in  between welcome back to my YouTube channel   my name is Everett and today we are going  to be reacting to another utak kishi’s video

Compilation hey everyone I hope you guys are  having a wonderful time wherever you are in   the world right now and of course our friends  from Japan kicha arik happy Lunar New Year’s   Day anyway today we are going to be checking  out another video I found this video earlier  

Today and this is utak kishi’s um solo Parts  more like a video compilation performing the   song Cinderella girl which I believe was the  debut song of King and Prince so this video   is a 5 minute 40c long video I’m not exactly  sure whether this video contains a copyright  

Copyrighted material but I’m keeping my fingers  crossed and I’m able to make this reaction video   go through without having to deal with copyright  issues but anyway guys I don’t want to keep you   waiting for much longer without any further  Ado let’s get started 23rd upcoming next are

These you that Kishi uhoh K unfortunately the  English translation is not working so what   originally King and Prince had six members 1 2 3 4  5 six I had no idea of this originally there were  

Six members yeah anyway let’s move on Friends King  in friends all right here we go their deut song is the song I completely had no idea of it so  originally there were six members of King   and Prince I thought there were only five okay  I remember making a reaction video to King and  

Prince I think that was more like Miss King  versus Prince something like that and in that   video every one of them was very very young so I  think there there was another guy in that video  

Who I couldn’t recognize so I guess he’s the you  know the other member who eventually uh resigned I guess oh my goodness I love it when he smiles oh my goodness I I  love how adorably Charming he is I love it when it Smiles okay where is

Shano oh okay the solo Parts this is this is more   like a compilation of his  solo Parts uh in this song yes I love it when he looks at the camera  and then giv us give us a little bit of

Smile I think it’s not easy to  divide the parts of a song to   like 1 2 3 four five six members right  so originally there are there were six   members of King influence I’m actually  looking for hanano here’s maybe this is

Shano oh hello who’s that Ren or Kao wait I you  know I sometimes get confused okay that’s Kao   Takahashi y Kao Tak Kao Takahashi sometimes I get  confused uh about which one is Kao and which one   is Ren nagazi because I think they look like  real brothers like because they look so much

Alike oh his hairstyle is keep changing oh okay  one two three four five so during this time the   I don’t know what his name is is he’s not already  I mean he hadn’t been part of his group anymore oh okay compilation of his Parts  only only his Parts okay I get

It jingui okay wait jinguji really reminds  me so much of this Thai actor I’ve already   mentioned this in my previous reaction video but  again guys to those of you who were not able to   watch my reaction video to uh UTA jingi G’s uh  like video compilation let me show you one photo  

Of praya ruang Ro or sing to this is sinto he’s  a Thai actor and um his voice love series back   in 2016 if I’m not mistaken became phenomenal  yes this is him what do you guys think let me  

Know in the comment section below uh Utah  jinguji reminds me so much of this guy of   this Thai actor oh you guys can hear some noise  in the background please ignore okay look jingu G okay who is this is shirano yeah it’s hot my go

So maybe this is the the the other member who  quit uh working as a member of King and friends maybe that’s f ah wow 175,000 views and this  video was uploaded four years ago I see you baby their dance moves are so kinky kids so kinky

Kids okay here’s my honest opinion of uh utak  Kishi shirano and UT jingu G being the current   members of number I I’m I’m glad that they  formed a new group because quite honestly   back when they were still members of of  King and Prince they were actually boxed  

In the same dancing and singing Styles more  like the kinky kid style to be honest but   now that they have formed a new group number  I and with their phenomenal song goat I have   seen such completely different Utah jinguji  shirano and utak Kishi like they’ve been able  

To maximize their potentials as a trio  as Artist as dancers and as singers and   I love them now more than before I don’t want  to tell a lie I don’t want to tell a lie Hest goodness I really love him when he occasionally Smiles now I’m singing

Along a I love this actually I’m  having a little bit of hard time   choosing which part of this video  to take a screenshot of later for my thumbnail Tash in the back I see you honey I see you is their image back then is completely  different from their image now as number ey

Members I love the way he looks at the camera and   then you know gives us this  cute smile and cute facial expressions the fans are like yes okay  I get you guys I understand you oh my goodness looks good in this hairstyle

A thank you okay I’m going to just make my  introduction very short and simple because I   think that this reaction video is a little bit  lengthy already and I just want to say that I  

Really enjoyed watching this video it’s so nice  to see um utak Kishi sing his SPS alone and um I   really really really have uh I mean I I always  enjoy listening to uh utak Kishi Singh I love  

His voice and like I said before he sounds like  Ki the Moto from from Kink kits and um speaking   of Kink kits honestly speaking back in the day  I honestly feel that um King and Prince was  

Boxed in the old uh performing style like Kink  kin style and I’m glad that uh UTA jinguji UTA   Kishi and shirano have formed a brand new  group showcasing their contemporary modern   um singing and of course dancing skills I’ve  got nothing against uh the remaining members  

Of King and Prince Kao hasashi and Ren nagazi  and in fact uh there are moments when I still   watch the two of them but quite honestly I hope  that um Ren nagasi and Kao Takahashi also move  

Forward and you know uh try to explore more  of what they can do as artist but anyway guys   I’d like to tell me what you think of this  video in the comment section below because   of course your opinions are also important  so that’s about it for today’s video thank  

You so much for watching this video and if you  like this video hit a like button hit subscribe   and hit the notification Bell so that you can  be notified when my next video comes out peace out

#Number_i #ShoHirano #平野紫耀 #YutaJinguji #神宮寺勇太 #岸優太 #YutaKishi #GOAT


Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. Video and music belong to it’s rightful owner. This video is for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy watching

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.”



  1. The name of the member who left the group is Genki Iwahashi.
    Fans call me Iwachi
    Genki Iwahashi has been close friends with Jinguuji and Kishi since they were 15 years old and they belonged to the same group.
    After that, Mr.KING VS Mr.PRINCE was formed in 2015, and Sho Hirano and Genki Iwahashi became friends, and the members of Number_i were especially good friends with Genki Iwahashi.
    In 2016, Kishi, Iwahashi, and Jinguji formed Prince, and in May 2018, they formed King & Prince and debuted with six members.
    In November 2018, along with his popularity, Genki Iwahashi's chronic illness worsened and he took a break.
    Then, in March 2021, he announced that he would be withdrawing from the group due to illness.
    The members of King & Prince have been waiting for Genki Iwahashi to come back and have even written a song dedicated to him.
    The members are still good friends, and Iwahashi commented on the Instagram live on the 9th, and the Number_i members were talking happily.
    Genki Iwahashi also follows Kaito Takahashi and Ren Nagase on Instagram.
    Even in Japan, many people know about King & Prince but don't know that there were 6 members. I really wanted to tell you about the existence of the 6th person, Genki Iwahashi, so it took a long time.
    I'm a Prince fan, so I definitely recommend this song.

  2. Thank you for your reaction to Kishi’s solo singing video!
    I’m very glad to your realization to members of King and Prince. Yes, they were 6members first. Then a little over a year later Genki Iwahashi puit his job because his disease. Number_i’s member have never forgotten him. Their friendship is forever!

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