
Maikeru) Okay, Maikeru) Today I’m going to make a hamburger Maikeru) Burger Chanko Soma) It’s better to have tomatoes in a hamburger, right? Staff) That’s good, Soma) OK Maikeru) Are you slicing the tomatoes into rounds? Staff) I gathered questions from viewers earlier Maikeru) Yes,

Staff) Did many of the questions revolve around asking for a self-introduction? Maikeru)There were indeed some questions like that. Maikeru) Self-introduction… Maikeru) Self-introduction…. Maikeru) I’m Maikeru. I joined the Futagoyama-beya in November 2017. Maikeru) Nice to meet you! Thank you in advance. Staff) What’s your real name? Maikeru) It’s Maikeru Hayashi.

Maikeru) Shikona is simply my name,Maikeru Staff) Does Shikona also have a first name? Maikeru) I also have a first name for my shikona. Maikeru) I go by a different name, not my real one, Maikeru) My given name beneath my shikona is Shuki.

Maikeru) I took one character from the name of my father’s name and, Maikeru) the coach who taught me sumo in high school, and that’s how I became Shuuki. Bacon Maikeru) Nice Staff) Nice Maikeru) This knife is very sharp. Staff) Really? Maikeru) Yes Staff) 20 now…?

Maikeru) Are you asking me my age? Staff) Yes Maikeru) I’m 25 years old Staff) 25 Maikeru) Yes Staff) Are you the oldest person in Futagoyama-beya? Maikeru) Yes, I’m the oldest in Futagoyama-beya. Staff) Are you the oldest and the biggest Senior apprentice? Maikeru) Well, that’s right,

Staff) What’s your current the sumo ranking? Maikeru) The second rank in the Sandanme division of the sumo rankings Staff) What’s the best? Maikeru) Makushita,29th rank of the sumo rankings is the best Staff) What is your specialty? Maikeru) Oshidashi Staff) Oshidasi? Maikeru) Yorikiri

Maikeru) I only have techniques that use straight attacks Soma) Maikeru’s sumo is all about Head-on confrontation Maikeru) It’s a head-on fight Maikeru) Sumo is a head-on fight Maikeru) It can’t be helped if you lose Staff) Which sumo wrestlers do you respect? Maikeru) Kotonishiki Maikeru) Kotonishiki is the current ’Asahiyama Oyakata’

Maikeru) I thought his speed was amazing, Maikeru)He has an incredible quick burst of power from the initial clash. Maikeru) I also think it would be cool if I could wrestle with that kind of sumo style. Maikeru) I have a lot of respect for him Maikeru) That’s amazing

Maikeru) The back side looks great Staff) Who is your favorite celebrity? Maikeru) Celebrity! ? Maikeru) appeared in a Donbei commercial,,, Maikeru) Riho Yoshioka Maikeru) It was cute Maikeru) I like the cute type more than the sexy type Maikeru) I recently found out,

Maikeru) I can’t open the bag. I can’t open it because my nails are very short Maikeru) I cut my nails too deep Staff) Why is that? everyone? Maikeru) Generally everyone. Sumo wrestlers generally keep their nails short to avoid causing harm to their opponents Hamburger steak

Staff) What do you do on your days off? Maikeru) I usually go to the gym Maikeru) I go to the gym in the morning Maikeru) I like a hot stoned bath, so Staff) Oh, you like a hot stoned bath? Maikeru) I spend the day going to nearby a hot stoned bath,and

Maikeru) I go to a hot spring. Staff) When you go to a hot stoned bath, does body weight decrease? Maikeru) I’m losing weight, Maikeru) I’ve lost about 2 to 3 kg, Maikeru) So, I eat a lot for dinner before going home. Maikeru) A hot stoned bath is great for relaxation

Maikeru) It allows me to be alone and unwind. Staff) What do you do when you want to be alone? Maikeru) When do you want to be alone? Maikeru ) I’m going to the park Staff) That’s right Maikeru) Yes, Maikeru) Is it basically a park?

Maikeru) When I want to be alone, I go to the park or take a walk around here. Maikeru) Being with everyone all the time gets tiring….lol Staff) You’re always together Maikeru)We’re together all the time Maikeru) It’s not common to be together all day from morning till night

Maikeru) If we were just living a normal life Staff) What’s the happiest thing you’ve ever received? Maikeru) You know those drawstring pouches, right? Maikeru) I received one with my name on it, and that was the most joyous for me. Maikeru) That’s nice Maikeru) That’s good, Soma) Yes, that’s good

Staff) If you hadn’t become a sumo wrestler, what kind of job do you think you would be doing? Maikeru) I feel like I would be working as a regular office employee. Maikeru) I have younger brothers, Maikeru) All of them are in the Self-Defense Forces

Maikeru) I might have ended up joining the Self-Defense Forces. Maikeru) How many siblings do you have? Maikeru) I have,, Maikeru) five younger siblings Staff) Oh, that’s a lot! Maikeru) Yes, it is. Staff) So, you’re the eldest among the six siblings? Maikeru) Yes, that’s right Staff) What’s the food you dislike? Maikeru) Hmm,

Maikeru) I’ve been gradually overcoming it, Maikeru) but I used to dislike cheese. Staff) You don’t like cheese? Maikeru) Oh, this is delicious, seriously. Maikeru) It looks delicious Staff) You say that looks delicious, but don’t you dislike cheese? Maikeru) Well, I did say I used to dislike cheese,

Maikeru) but I’m gradually overcoming it. Maikeru) Melty cheese like this looks really tasty. Staff) Is it okay to send personal gifts? Maikeru) Well… Maikeru) it’s a bit tricky, but if possible, Maikeru) I’d appreciate it more if they were sent to the whole ‘Futagoyama-beya’

Maikeru) It would be great if I were a sekitori Maikeru) but since we’re not sekitori Maikeru) we can’t afford such luxuries. Maikeru)If possible, I’d be happy if you sent it to everyone. Maikeru) If we indulge in luxury now, Maikeru) I don’t think our ranking will improve.

Maikeru) Indulging too much can make desires disappear, don’t you think? Maikeru) Now that I’ve become a sekitori, I should believe that I can afford luxuries Staff) Like a hungry spirit? Maikeru) I think the hungry spirit weakens over time. Maikeru) Cutting the tendons of chicken meat Staff) Where is Maikeru from?

Maikeru) I’m from Fukui Prefecture. Maikeru) My father is Japanese, Maikeru) My mother is Filipino Staff) Have you ever been to the Philippines? Maikeru) Yes, there is. Maikeru) That was the only time I went to the Philippines, Maikeru) to visit my grandparents during my student days.

Staff) What club activities did you do in elementary school, junior high school, and high school? Maikeru) I was on the softball team when I was in elementary school. Maikeru) I was in the judo club during middle school. Maikeru) In middle school,

Maikeru) the coach from the high school sumo club came to scout me Maikeru) That teacher said to me, ‘Since you have a big build, why don’t you give sumo a try?’ Maikeru) I ended up joining the sumo club on a whim.

Staff) How were your results in the sumo club during high school? Maikeru) There was a national sumo tournament in Ishikawa Prefecture, Maikeru) and by chance, I achieved my best result by finishing third. Maikeru) I was 3rd in the country. Staff) Individually? Maikeru) Individual Staff) Oh, that’s amazing

Maikeru) At that time, I thought to myself, ‘Wow, I really did something amazing’,LoL Staff) How did you become a professional sumo wrestler after that? Maikeru) Originally, my parents had the idea of ,, Maikeru) wanting me to become a sumo wrestler.

Maikeru) The coach from my high school days was originally a sumo wrestler, Maikeru) and the coach’s classmate from high school was also a senior-junior relationship with Futagoyama Oyakata in the university sumo club. Maikeru) So, the coach brought Futagoyama Oyakata to our high school,

Maikeru) and that’s when I was scouted by Futagoyama Oyakata. Staff) What are the good points about Maikeru? Soma) Good points about Maikeru,, Soma) Well, just like what he’s doing now, Soma) during chanko-ban, he teaches me things I don’t know, Soma) gives advice on knee stretches,

Soma) and if there’s something I don’t understand in sumo, he explains that too. Soma) So, those are the good points about Maikeru. Chicken cutlet Staff) What are your current worries? Maikeru) My problem is that my grades aren’t improving Maikeru)I’m aware of it myself, Maikeru) I’m not sure what else is lacking.

Maikeru) Mentality Soma) Is mental strength related to the match? Maikeru) No, initially, I didn’t think mental strength had anything to do with it. Maikeru) But gradually, as I continued, I realized that mental strength is indeed crucial Maikeru) Soma will also face a mental barrier at some point, I believe.

Maikeru) But it’s better not to run into mental barriers, isn’t it? Maikeru) At the beginning, I was full of momentum Maikeru) mental strength or anything like that didn’t matter much. Staff) Does that mean you tend to overthink during matches? Maikeru) Yeah, overthinking…

Maikeru) It’s bad not to think about it, but it’s not good to think too much either Staff) How many chicken cutlets do you expect each person to have? Maikeru) at least 2 pieces of chicken cutlet per person Maikeru) The knife fits easily, isn’t it? Staff) Bread knife Maikeru) Indeed!

Staff) You’re making clean and sharp moves. Staff) Are you going to make the sauce? Maikeru) Let’s make the sauce! Maikeru) The first one is aurora sauce. Soma) Aurora sauce? Maikeru) Yes, the standard one Mayonnaise Ketchup Honey The aurora sauce is ready. Maikeru) The first sauce is completed Maikeru) Yeah Maikeru) Delicious

Staff) Licking it like a cat, huh? Maikeru) Wow delicious Japanese Sake Soy sauce Staff) What kind of sauce is this? Maikeru) Teriyaki sauce Honey Maikeru) oh,,Salty, Add water to adjust the taste Maikeru is Googling how to make teriyaki sauce. Mixing flour with water Maikeru) Upon searching, I found that

Maikeru) you can use wheat flour as a substitute for potato starch to add thickness. Maikeru) Seems like you only need to add a little. Staff) What’s good about being a sumo wrestler? Maikeru) I don’t have to worry about the essentials of life, Maikeru) and I receive a lot of gifts,

Maikeru) so I can eat various things that I wouldn’t normally have the chance to eat. Maikeru) I can eat a variety of things Maikeru) It’s really enjoyable to try different foods The teriyaki sauce is ready. Staff) It smells sweet, doesn’t it? Maikeru) Yes, it has a sweet aroma. taro salt and pepper

Soma) Frying taro to make it like potatoes, Soma) for a hamburger and fries kind of vibe. Soma) It tastes good, Maikeru)Arrange them on the table, then go ahead… Soma) It’s hot Mochi Maikeru) Let’s use about half of the mochi Soma) Sure,

Maikeru) Let’s have the remaining half used by the cook for tomorrow’s dish. Masatoshi) This is Masatoshi Takeuchi, a second year junior high school student. (oyakata’s son) Masatoshi) I’m doing track and field. Masatoshi) I won the metropolitan tournament Staff) Which event did you win? Masatoshi) I won in the 1500m run

Staff) Winner of the 1500m at the Tokyo Metropolitan Championships Staff) That’s amazing, Masatoshi) Tomato Staff) Tomato, huh. Maikeru) Cheese hamburger, Maikeru) Cheese hamburger Keiga) It’s fun, Staff) You’re putting a lot, huh? Koga) Yes Staff) Looks delicious Staff) Is it delicious? Kyoda) It’s delicious. Maikeru) Like this. Staff) Oh,Looks good Staff) Awesome

Staff) Name it?? Maikeru) Double hamburger bacon combo Staff) You don’t add vegetables, Soga) The meat alone is more delicious. Keiga The Third Hamburger (BLT) Soga The Third Hamburger (chicken cutlet & cheese) Soga) I love junk food Kyoda) Can we finish this? Staff) There’s a lot of mochi.

Kyoda) I’m starting to feel full little by little. Maikeru) Here you are. Staff) Is this Maikeru’s space Staff) The one at the very end? Maikeru) I’m using the space at the end. Staff) It has a chic atmosphere Maikeru) yes? Staff) Chic Maikeru) tic??? Staff) Chic Maikeru) Ah~, Chic

Maikeru) What does ‘chic’ mean?? Staff) Lol Staff) It’s like calm and sophisticated colors. Maikeru) Ah~ Maikeru) I don’t really like flashy colors Maikeru) I always use this. Maikeru) When my body is sore from muscle pain, I use it to loosen up the muscles.

Maikeru) The electric massage machine I always use Staff) It’s big Maikeru) This is… Maikeru) When it was my birthday Maikeru) everyone at the Futagoyama-beya gave me this. Maikeru) I don’t think it’s that messy. Staff) Are all of Maikeru’s belongings in this shelf? Maikeru) Yes, this shelf contains everything. Staff) It’s beautiful.Staff

Staff) It’s stored neatly Maikeru) This is,, Maikeru) various creams. Staff) Oh, is this the one you said you got? Maikeru) Oh, that’s right Maikeru) This is made for me, ointment, hand cream, mouthwash. Maikeru) This is,, Maikeru) Health food Staff) Supplements? Maikeru) Supplements

Maikeru) Vitamins that I couldn’t get in a day Maikeru) I don’t have enough vegetables, so Maikeru) I take supplements to help me get those things. Staff) Grip strength machine. Maikeru) Grip strength machine,lol Maikeru) This is 60 kg Staff) Is it 60 kg? Maikeru) This is 60 kg

Staff) Got some room to spare? Maikeru) No, not much room at all, actually. Staff) Having a grip strength of 60 kg is quite impressive, The staff is taking on the challenge. Staff) Wow,,,It’s tough. Maikeru) This is the most important thing. Staff) Passbook? Maikeru) No. Maikeru) Fan letters,

Maikeru) Everything I received is in this. Maikeru) This is the one I received when I went to the nursery school for a visit. Maikeru) Drawings and origami Maikeru) Various things. Staff) Have you kept everything you’ve received so far? Maikeru) Yes, I’ve kept all the fan letters I’ve received. Staff) Wow, that’s amazing

Maikeru)I look at them occasionally. Staff) Is it okay to send such fan letters to Futagoyama-beya normally? Maikeru) It’s fine if you send me fan letters at all. Maikeru) I’m happy If I could receive something like that, Maikeru) After all, Reading fan letters is encouraging for me. Staff) Game, right? Maikeru) Game

Staff) What’s inside your bag? Maikeru) Inside my bag… Well, Maikeru) Book Staff) Do you read books? What are you reading? Maikeru’s favorite book 1: Habit of delighting oneself.” Maikeru’s favorite book 2: Don’t live your 20s too safely. Maikeru) lol Staff) Futagoyama Beya’s protective charm? Maikeru) This is,,

Maikeru) When it’s the Osaka tournament, we use a shrine as our lodgings, Maikeru) and the protective charms there are made by Futagoyama Beya, the sumo stable. Maikeru) Koshikiiwa Shrine. If you’d like, please come by.








🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 募集 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸

🔳 二子山部屋では、新弟子(行司、床山、呼出し)を募集中。




🔳 後援会のご案内



【🎬運営 🎥撮影 🖥️編集確認 / 坂上祐生】



  1. ずっと一緒ですもんね

  2. 優しい兄弟子舞蹴さん。



  3. 舞蹴関は真っ向から当たる相撲でいつも感心しています〜横に逃げない〜引かない〜又性格抜群ですね、怪我しないで頑張ってね、大野市から応援しています。

  4. 相撲は真っ向勝負、大好きになりました。ファンレターや頂いた物大事にしまわれて好感度しかないです。頑張ってください。

  5. 親方のお育ちが良いので お弟子さんもゆったり育ってられると思います. よってなおさらご飯が旨そうであります! 最近 発見したチャンネルなのでこれからも楽しみです✨

  6. 親方ご家族の保護猫番組見てます

  7. たぶんね、双子山部屋が角界一のご馳走ちゃんこ部屋だとおもうよ。

  8. 昔の部屋メシは、やたらお米を詰め込んで食うイメージでしたが今は違うのですね。

  9. 生き生き栃木っ子のみんなも好きですが、舞蹴さんもしっかり者で可愛くて好きです😊頑張れ舞蹴さん!

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