【skibidi toilet】倒さないと終わらない鬼ごっこでトイレから生き残れるのは誰だ!?【鬼ごっこ】 #skibiditoilet Tag

-Hi, I’m Silk. -Ndaho. -Zakao. -Motoki. -Dama. -Masai. Remember the horror demon? -Yes! -So nostalgic. -That was scary. -For real. As you guessed, there’s something in the school. Those guys. -Guys? -Guys? Guys? Taiman? Not Taiman. You said, “guys.” Hope we can escape. -Yes. -They’re fast. -Time limit… -No limit.

-It’s not missions. -You gotta clear the conditions. Horror Tag. We’ve done a lot. We won completely last time. We can handle anything. We’ve taken on a lot… Would a Skibidi Toilet appear? It’s possible. If you’re chased into a toilet. I hate KissyMissy. -Not KissyMissy. -I don’t fast ones. Not Sadako-san. Sadako-san?

-We performed together. -We did. -What is it? -Chucky or something? -Chucky! -I love him. Let’s survive. Can’t leave it to others. Gotta cooperate. Yes, since there’s no time limit. Let’s hope everyone survives. Focus! Start! Okay! -Who is the demon? -Who is it this time? -We need to know.. -Should we all be here?

-We all came this side. -We’re following you. For now. -We can split up. -Either way is fine. What if we all get caught at once? We don’t know the conditions yet. -Everyone came. -Not! -Not yet… -No, he’s coming! -It’s here. -So fast! -Hurry, hurry! -What, what? Huh? This soon?!

I have to see what he looks like. Gotta check him out. -Yeah! -Whoa, wait! -Oh no! Oh no! -Wait, it’s over?! It’s over?! Hey! Skibidi! No way! No way! No way! I’ve been tagged. Tag! -Skibidi Toilet! -Skibidi Toilet! What?! No way! Over there? No way! It’s Skibidi Toilet!

Skibidi bop, bop, bop, yes, yes. Skibidi bop, bop, bop, yes, yes. What? Who? No… -Saw it? I didn’t yet. -I saw it. -I saw it. -I didn’t. -Who got tagged? -Zakao. I dunno about Motoki. -I saw. -I didn’t see it. It’s a Skibidi Toilet. Skibidi bop, bop, bop, yes, yes.

They’re super famous abroad. I’m a big fan. We should spread out. Skibidi bop, bop, bop, yes, yes. They sing and get closer. If I’m caught, I turn into a Skibidi Toilet. It’s weird. Its head sticks out of the toilet. In the original, when you flush… It’s coming! It’s here!

In the original, you defeat it by flushing. You can beat it? What? Looks like a toilet man… Let’s go around back. I’m scared. It’s coming! It’s coming this way. No way! I’m scared! It’s dangerous here! Wait! Wait! Wait! -Wait! -Run, run. Masai, run! Hey! Hey, hey! Not just one? Not just one?

-It’s got a button in the back. -Press it? It’s Skibidi Toilet! It’s Skibidi Toilet! Oh no… I got separated. So scary! No! No! I hate this! Why are there two of you?! -Yikes! -What we do?! For real… Wait, wait. I’ve been tagged! I’m about to collapse. -I’ll beat you! -Okay.

I’ll beat you, Skibidi Toilet. -Press the button -Just like the original? -I got rid of one. -Just flush ’em. -Flush the toilet to beat ’em. -Really? There’s a new one on the 3rd floor Let’s split up before another one comes. -So press the red button? -Yes. Got it. No use staying here.

-Stop the Skibidi above. -Got it. -Their backs are vulnerable. -They’re scary. Oops! None on the second floor. No time limit. -I’ll take a break. -Be careful, Silk. It’s waiting outside this door. It sure can move for a toilet. It is safe here? Zakao and Motoki are out?

I should meet up with them once. Where are the other guys? Oh there! – Anyone up there? -Only noises. Someone, come with me. One’s there. The noise suddenly stopped. It’s around that corner. I know it. I’ve been playing this longer than Skibidi Toilets. What is a Skibidi Toilet? Can’t let my guard down.

If we flush ’em all, we win. It’s hard to press that button alone. Did he give up on Silk and coming for me? -You’re here? -One’s in the 1st floor science room. …1st floor science room. No one upstairs. I better move too. Oh no, a dead end! For real? Wait a minute!

It keeps hanging around there! Masai was tagged? For real? For real? It’s coming! Hey, I got one of your friends. It can move… It moves fast. Damn, I can’t help or move. Two big Toilets are wandering around. And grinning too. No, I’ve been spotted! Whoa, no! Aghhhh! Awright! I flushed it!

Out of the locker! I flushed it! I beat it! I know there were 3. I’ve gotten rid of 2. Wait, all the guys are gone… I heard Zakao and Motoki scream. I heard Masai too. Who else? I heard Dama too. What about Ndaho? Ndaho was tagged here. It’s just me. Damn!

How do I beat the other one? Gotta be on guard. How to fight? Wait, how should I fight? It’s hard to fight alone. Wait, how do I fight? I should’ve strategize first. But I can still escape. Do I fight here? I have no idea how to win. It spotted me..

That ugly one is the last? So he can think? It’s super good at detection. The funniest-looking one is the strongest? For real? Our guys disappeared so quickly. I’m a little surprised. With 3 foes, it can’t be helped. They search everywhere. I’ll use that. It’s coming… I’ll get ‘im here. Okay then… Awright! Gotcha!

Yes! I’m so happy. I’m so happy! We won! I got ’em all! I’m so happy! Awesome! I’m so happy right now. Okay, it’s over. They were Skibidi Toilets. I dunno what they’re for… Just weird toilets! Huh? Yeah, what are they anyway? Some sort of zombie? I saw a short video once…

I thought, “What is it?” You watch one… you end up watching all. They’re addicting. I guess so. They’re like memes. -Super popular. -Yes. An internet meme. It’s a monster. The latest post was 5 hours ago. -It comes out of the darkness… -So scary! -So scary. -Yeah. The scariest so far.

-It smiles the whole time. -Yeah. They try to blend into human society -and turn humans into toilets. -Right. You become a Skibidi Toilet. So you guys should be one of ’em. Flush ’em to beat ’em. Only you may not have known, Ndaho. -I knew. -I knew. Flush it and beat it.

We realized it at one point. The button glowed red, so I was like, “Oh, that’s it.” -There were 3 Skibidi Toilet. -3?! Yes, 3. They appeared suddenly? I bumped into them and got in a pincer attack. 2 got tagged? -Couldn’t be helped. -No. I climbed the stairs ‘cuz Skibidi Toilets were coming.

Then got tagged. Couldn’t be helped. -It was so fast -Yes. -Really fast. -Had mobility. They were fast. This time, there were three of them. -I flushed them all. -That’s amazing. Nice. You had to get behind it, right? They were really good at detection. The slightest footsteps and they’d come running So tough.

For the first one… It was chasing me, Masai made a loud sound from behind… -then I flushed it. -I see. For the 2nd one… It was just me. I hid in the library… in the locker. -Reverse strategy. -Yes. As it was leaving… I hit him from behind.

If it suddenly came in, if I flush it… the 2nd one’s out. I had to check that there was only one left. I saw that there was only one and I flushed it. Felt good. Got the third one. The moment it came. -Wow! -Yes. Come, take a look. -Follow me. -I wanna see.

Check the left side, it’s quite bright. Like this. -I see! -Oh! -Here? -And… I knew it’d check this side. Reverse psychology. Decided to stay here. It was so bright. Good job. When you think no one’s here… You tend to want to move on. I looked here… and thought, “move on.”

I let my guard down here. But it’s quite a gamble. It is a gamble, totally. Our horror demons were… Skibidi Toilets. -They were scary. -And strong. They were super strong. Very strong. New demons… On video, Skibidi Toilets don’t look that horrifying. They are if you’re on the receiving end. So scary. Horror demons…

Three demons simultaneously. I was a little lucky and survived. -Look forward to next time. -We’ll do our best. -I’ll do my best. -Let’s do it! That’s a yes! We’ll do a horror demon again. -Please subscribe and like us too. -Please. That’s it… Ready, set… Adieu! Thank you for watching. Secondary, X, Instagram!

There’re lots more videos! Please subscribe! Ready, set… Adieu! Time to party! Light it!

【skibidi toilet】スキビディトイレ→https://www.youtube.com/@DaFuqBoom

①【最後】扉が開くまで逃げ切れるメンバーは誰だ!?【鬼ごっこ】#青鬼 #ぴえん #カートゥーンキャット #ハギーワギー

















―Epidemic Sound
■ http://www.epidemicsound.com



※1 業界の皆様・ご依頼の方々・その他ご相談がある方は、UUUMウェブサイトにある「サービス」からお願い致します。
※2 YouTubeメッセージ機能は、フィッシャーズでは利用していません。ご理解いただけると幸いです。



#Fischers #フィッシャーズ #skibiditoilet


  1. フィッシャーズの鬼ごっこはスキビティトイレめちゃくちゃ恐いし夢出てきそうです。しかも走るの速い‼️

  2. モトキとザカオすぐ挟んだのにシルクとマサイ挟まないで少し甘めにすんの、視聴者にボタン押すシーンを見せるためなんだろうけどえ〜ってなった、笑

  3. ネタバレ注意⚠️


  4. Silk Road 太強了啦!!
    很少留言的我,這次震驚到一定要出來誇獎一下!跟最後一個馬桶對決的時候真的好刺激,真的是憋著氣不敢呼吸,超級恭喜。再次認識到Silk Road的機智反應,不愧是魚團的隊長,是最強的呢

  5. おめでとうございます❗❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤シルクさん大好き❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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