長澤まさみ・長嶋一茂・高橋英樹・永谷園創業家・さらば青春の光・矢崎総業創業家が住む家を見に行く!#豪邸ルームツアー #芸能人自宅 #japanvlog

During the year-end and New Year holidays, I was very busy shooting, editing, and doing research.Meanwhile, I happened to read the manga “Yumenashi Sensei’s Career Guidance” and felt depressed.It’s a lot of fun, but it also teaches us some harsh truths. I wonder if the people who live in such a mansion have dreams?

That’s what I thought.My immediate dream is to reach 100,000 subscribers.No, I guess I should confess my feelings to the cute waiter at the cafe I frequent.Celebrity home collection Creepy! Hello. This time, I would like to tour luxurious mansions in Nishinomiya, a hidden luxury residential area in Kansai.

Start from Shukugawa Station!I’m going to see the mansion of the founder of a major pharmaceutical company.The owner of this is…Shionogi & Co. Founder’s House Kotaro Shiono’s HouseIt’s a large piece of land that tends to be found in founders’ homes, so it’s a quick turnaround.

You can’t see inside, so this is what it looks like from the sky. Next, we went to the house where a popular returnee talent lived. Almost there. The owner of this isShigeki Ibi and Hikaru Nishida’s house Does Hikaru Nishida live here?

Next, we visited the home of the founder of a prestigious electronics manufacturer in Kansai. almost there The owner of this isFounder of Sanyo Electric Satoshi Iue’s house Next, we went to the home of a former Hanshin Tigers pitcher who made it to the Major Leagues. almost there the owner of this isTakuji

Fujikawa’s house. The impression is that it is surprisingly small. Next, we went to the house of a person who is said to be the god of management. atmost there Some of my relatives are across the street.the owner of this isMasayuki Matsushita’s house. The main house is this one. the owner of this isHouse

Of Panasonic founder Konosuke Matsushita This owner is againKonosuke Matsushita’s house Too big Next, we went to the house of a famous celebrity in Kansai. almost there the owner of this isclaude chiari house It is built in the middle of a steep slope. Next is a luxurious mansion in a sense.atmost there

The owner of this isYamaguchi-gumi Eigoro’s former homescaredNext, we went to the home of someone who was very active in the Japanese professional baseball world last year.atmost there the owner of this isHanshin Tigers manager Akinobu Okada’s house The surrounding mansions are also amazing. Next, we went to the home of a prominent figure

In the Kansai comedy world.almost there the owner of this isShofutei Tsurube House Mr. Nakai from SMAP also came here. When you walk around to the back of the building, you can see that it is a perfect property for a celebrity to live in.

I don’t know whose house is next, but I will introduce you to the most luxurious mansion in this area. It looks like a private residence. Next we went to the house of a former professional baseball pitcher who was famous for his slow curveball. this one the owner of this isNobuyuki Hoshino’s house

It’s a nice house with a great view. A cat gets slapped by a fast dash LOLThank you for your viewing. Please subscribe to the channel.Thank you for your viewing. Please subscribe to the channel.Thank you for your viewing. Please subscribe to the channel.

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