
She is Setsuko Hara, the leading actress in the 1953 movie “Tokyo Story.” I’ll have lunch at Shimizu Shokudō. Actors had here while filming for TV shows. Onomichi ramen, fried oysters, and scattered sushi are all very delicious!

From here, it takes about 20 minutes to climb up Approach to Senkōji Temple, which is typical of Onomichi, a city of hills. I’ll visit Senkōji Temple, which is located on a hill overlooking the town of Onomichi.

Tsuzumiwa Rock is also called Pom-pon-iwa because when you hit it, it makes a Tsuzumi-like sound. (Tsuzumi (hand drum) is a traditional instrument unique to Japan) Tenneiji Temple three-storied pagoda and Onomichi town If you rub the head of this lucky stone cat 3 times, happiness will come to you.

I’ll take a walk to the foot of the mountain looking at the lucky stone cats placed here and there along the alley and the cats drawn on the stairs.


01:50 しみず食堂
03:10 千光寺通り
06:31 千光寺
12:19 鼓岩
13:34 千光寺頂上展望台 PEAK
17:22 猫の細道


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