40 歳以上の人々に最高の日本の懐かしい音楽 🎸 心に残る懐かしい邦楽曲集 🎸 邦楽 10,000,000回を超えた再生回数 ランキング 名曲 メドレー Vol.12

Youe fore Fore [Applause] The so is a [Applause] Little [Applause] More [Applause] [Applause] Cool so is all little know Oh So Sh [Applause] You [Applause] Fore keep me me to car That for so is [Applause] All Around Watch it’s My [Applause] I never I I was B to fall in love you know we all alone oh your dreams it [Applause] never Naked Eyes in the sky Oh Moree Foree For Foree Fore Spee Fore Fore For Forever we can get at all together Oh You on For Fore Fore The world She To she you’re everything you’re Everything Oh you now See k she My you’re everything I you’re everything you’re I you one I give me in my you for You’re everything you’re everything [Applause] you you’re everything my yes was all that I Love Everything your [Applause] everything my [Applause] To For Sex [Applause] oh [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] Shim get that [Applause] Love for don’t [Applause] To Give for not to him [Applause] of Yeah I don’t Foree Foree Foree Fore Foree I said your War [Applause] Foree Fore H To eat that you get that you know you dance do you want to me that do you want dance tonight sure do all the of do you want to hold me down keep you want dan t do you want to me she Bo do you want tonight do you want Home You dance WR do you want to H it down took do you want to hold me Spee Spe Fore foree Speee Speee Spee For speeech foree [Applause] To die is Short B Mee I more You Mmy d For oh I’m more Cry Speee Fore fore Speee Fore Speee Foreign Speee Speee He Spee Speee Fore e me I Know could Fore The Door Could Foree He let you back alone Daddy to get there Me [Applause] [Applause] for do me something Keep Cing We go out [Applause] together to [Applause] I I [Applause] Yeah [Applause] St fol come on For What’s For No no For Noe For Spee she they [Laughter] [Applause] Your Spe Foree oh go [Applause] Fore Spee Foree For make so so fore fore spee fore [Applause] She For Fore me Time oo oh Yeah what St for Fore For I want to say with You Foree Fore [Applause] foree Spe Spee you Forever s Say Foreign spee Fore For daring I want You I just to all my hand falling love if my wishes can’t be true will you change my size to roses wi I roses they for you thinking about you every night and find the way I am I am not leaving you darling I need you Fore Speee I’m just a my hand fall in Love you love me you my good For I’m just a more don’t you remember when you are here we without thinking we were called in fire I’ve got a l but where it goes three Ling h p in a p of one can St can can I’m just a war one falling land I’m just a War Falling love Foreign Speee Fore Foree Fore Me [Applause] Foree Foree K the All Fore [Applause] Foree fore Now now you to Dan you Rocky will go me I I could get more to Good and I my Rain it’s so so so so I just can’t it’s all that you I feel so it’s To oh yeah Wow I want to see Sh it’s all so so funny I just can’ta I she me to go through computer my screen it’s A just You I Let Go I feel so good it’s Aome It’s it’s So I For together let I’m back for More looking want to let for oh baby oh baby me take The more into your I get I’m in love with you I know you want me To yeah I got want the angel I love you more give Me oh baby oh baby Come baby come on baby won you touch me baby one more time one more yeah ooh oh Yeah oh baby oh baby I think ICT to You Foreign Fore [Applause] For k Fore keep all The Fore [Applause] Haru For your Voice Your W [Applause] Good morning Foree Spee you For Fore Good morning you got Fore So P Yeah Yeah Foree wo O D Foree Fore [Applause] Iee Foree For Fore For baby woohoo O Fore foree Foree For Foree foree Speee My dream M Fore For Sh She Fore [Applause] Foree foree spe [Applause] For Foree [Applause] speee Fore Speee [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] She [Applause] foree [Applause] My For Fore Spe She [Applause] Foree [Applause] Fore your [Applause] Fore For Foreign Foree [Applause] He Spe Got I I ready to [Applause] move [Applause] [Applause] me got somebody Che they all that s [Applause] Now walk on my [Applause] [Applause] Road [Applause] [Applause] I I got swimming [Applause] [Applause] you I can let say s a b i g a [Applause] D [Applause] Made navigation No point a b i g A A a c i g a t i o n [Applause] lady let [Applause] Be b i g n g w that [Applause] Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Go let Itation Daddy [Applause] [Applause] You I Youmore Spee fore Foree she [Applause] For you girl I The you want a c C Spe [Applause] [Applause] And Night For You Go Toyo dring night Let’s Get It On Let’s Get It On [Applause] Toyo your one won’t Bel w’t Belong through I through pushing St up some too9 let’s get On yeah yeah yeah yeah St up to Sunshine Day my hand the come on Night everybody say come on come on To Everybody Somebody Scream won’t be be w’t be down be on my hand be long long be long be long won be won’t be y yo Yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Tooing all oh com Night be yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah W be long oh yeah my hand ladies and Gentlemen Brother all Sh on The J Kaak Call we are Mar J Hey Come jail come on W let yeah yeah Be Wild We can [Applause] [Applause] Say Yeah He Oh He Oh Oh

40 歳以上の人々に最高の日本の懐かしい音楽 🎸 心に残る懐かしい邦楽曲集 🎸 邦楽 10,000,000回を超えた再生回数 ランキング 名曲 メドレー Vol.12

📺 プレイリスト 📺
01. ALONE – B’z
02. Get Along Together – 山根康広
03. Everything – MISIA
04. 夏の日の1993 – Class
05. 初恋 – 村下孝蔵
06. ひだまりの詩 – Le Couple
07. ダンシング・ヒーロー – Eat You Up
08. まちぶせ – 石川ひとみ
09. 三日月 – 絢香
10. マイフレンド – ZARD
11. クリスマスキャロルの頃には – 稲垣潤一
12. Everything (It’s you) – Mr.Children
13. 酒と泪と男と女
14. 愛人 – テレサ・テン
15. らいおんハート – SMAP
16. 恋におちて Fall in Love – 小林明子
17. プラネタリウム – 大塚 愛
18. Automatic – 宇多田ヒカル
19. Addicted To You – 宇多田ヒカル
20. 春よ、来い – 松任谷由実
21. Re-Cool ルビーの指環
22. 夜空ノムコウ – SMAP
23. 心を開いて – ZARD
24. キセキ – GReeeeN
25. シングル・アゲイン – 竹内まりや
26. さまよえる蒼い弾丸 – B’z
27. MOVE – B’z
29. HOWEVER – 西川貴教
30. 制服 – 松田聖子
31. WON’T BE LONG – バブルガム・ブラザーズ
32. 太陽のKomachi Angel – B’z

🌎 🌎 へようこそ 90S JPOP Melodies。
✨ 私たちのチャンネルは、最高の音質と画質を備えた音楽プレイリストの発見と作成を専門としています。
✨ ポップ ミュージックへの愛を原動力に、ファンが最高のものを知り、楽しむことができるように音楽を作成します。
🔔 この曲が気に入ったら、「いいね!」と登録してみんなと共有することを忘れないでください🔥🔥


  1. そう言えば、今日も交通事故見ました。もう、本当に怖くて夜道も歩けなくなりました。ジョーさんにずっと側に居てもらわないと困ります😢😢😢

  2. 昨日、こども食堂の動画見て思い出しました。私、子供達と遊ぶの大好きで羨ましいと思った。うちの子供達も大きくなって、もう子供達と遊ぶ機会がなくて。子供って、エネルギーに満ち溢れてますよね。見返りもなく無条件に楽しいと思える!お年寄りと接している時は、「ありがとう。」が嬉しい。これって、見返り求めてる😅

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