福寶 熊貓 푸바오 冬季限定糖霜熊猫🐼 看雪中福宝视频来了!玩雪的福宝有多开心冬季韩国爱宝乐园游玩旅游攻略#福寶 #푸바오 #에버랜드 #韩国旅游 #大熊猫 #愛寶樂園 #판다월드 #福宝 #

Oh! It’s snowing heavily today ! I’m going to find Fu Bao. I can’t imagine how happy Fu Bao will be when he sees this heavy snow , let alone Fu Bao. I’m so happy just looking at such thick snow. I just

Bought an early bird ticket today to watch Fu Bao play in the snow. I was given a badge for early admission . It’s really nice. I’m really looking forward to seeing Fu Bao playing in the snow today. The snow is so thick. Hey, I saw the 12-meter big

Fu Bao as soon as I walked in from the gate. There is also a lot of snow on Fu Bao . Sure enough, there is Ai Bao in the snow. The park is even more beautiful. Our Bao family followed the keeper and we set off to the panda pavilion . It’s so beautiful.

Everyone is lining up here to enter. I can see Fu Bao right away. As soon as I come in, Fu Bao eats in the snow. He is still a little bear. After eating a few mouthfuls, I was ready to start playing in the snow. Fu Bao’s ears were so cute when

They were stained with snow. Fu Bao seemed to be admiring the snow scene . He sat quietly and listened to the sound of snow. Compared with the snow, Fu Bao turned really yellow. Haha Fu Bao. The kid is so cute. He is actually marking the snow. Haha

, you must come and see Fu Bao when it snows. Fu Bao is so cute. He just made a snowball with his hands and played there. It was so fun today. It was Christmas when Fu Bao was playing outside. The snow was getting heavier and heavier. The snow

Was just like a gift from Santa Claus to Fu Bao. Don’t mention Fu Bao. He was so happy . He kept laughing and never forgot about playing wild in the snow . I forgot that Fu Bao, who climbs trees in the snow, is also a bunny hopping haha.

Fu Bao’s Grandpa Song was very happy and kept taking photos . I feel that Song Bao has not realized what will happen next. It is our little princess Fu Bao who is playing. He was so happy that he completely forgot that he was a little bear weighing nearly 200 pounds.

After breaking the branch, Fu Bao seemed to realize that he had done something bad and quickly slipped down from the tree. Song Bao also tried to get Fu Bao to go back indoors , but failed. Fu Bao was still very happy running around in the snow. He finally attacked the ornamental bamboo.

Fu Bao finally succeeded in hunting in the snow. After a while, Song Bao came to call Fu Bao home again. This time Song Bao used Snack Tactics gave Fu Bao a Wotou and told Fu Bao that there was a bigger one , but he had to go home to eat

And play with it all morning. Our Princess Fu also had to go back indoors for lunch. After Fu Bao entered , Grandpa Song came to clean up the place. We came to visit the bamboos that had been beaten and cleared the small dining table where Fu Bao had leftovers.

Then we headed to the exit to wait in line to see Fu Bao again. The bamboos in the snow and the Panda House in the snow were so beautiful. Just this photo. I’ve watched it 1,000 times and I still think it’s great. Today’s panda pavilion is really beautiful . Today is indeed Christmas.

It’s full of Christmas atmosphere. Today I still watch Fu Bao in the revolving sushi style. Just go around and around. Fu Bao is sleeping for 5 minutes in this round. This sleeping position is too cute, right ? Is Fu Bao dreaming

? Song Bao in the distance came in with a snow bear in his arms . Wow, this is Song Bao’s Christmas gift to Fu Bao. Song Bao kept thinking about it when he was preparing Christmas gifts. When I peeked at Fu Bao, I felt that Song Bao wanted to secretly prepare

A surprise for Fu Bao. Song Bao really loved his eldest granddaughter. The snow bear he made was exactly the same as Fu Bao. There was a little tug on the head. Well, I saw Song Bao’s Our 5 minutes at the Snow Bear Production Site are also over. Goodbye in the next 5 minutes.

Will Fubao love his snowman? Unexpectedly, Fubao just woke up when the next 5 minutes came in . Our little Fu really understands his grandpa. He actually knows. Song Bao prepared a Christmas gift for him here and walked directly from the tree. The way our Fu Bao appears is always so special.

When Fu Bao saw his Christmas gift , he sat down in a row with his new friend and started eating steamed buns . While eating, he even put his hand on his friend, feeling that he was very satisfied with this new friend. Then he got along peacefully with this friend for 5 minutes

, and then went to line up for a while to meet Xiaofufubao. Xiaofufubao liked him very much. His grandpa was also very happy as a Christmas gift. He kept taking photos of his eldest granddaughter. In the next five minutes, uh, sure enough, the new friend

Had been turned into two snowballs by Fu Bao. Anyway, his grandpa gave it to Fu Bao. I really like Fu Bao ’s Christmas gift . The sun has gone down. I’m planning to make the last trip and go home. Recently, there have been so many people

Coming to see Fu Bao. Even after work, there are so many people there. I thought Fu Bao would be early. I got off work , but I didn’t expect that Song Bao would still be collecting cats at this time. Song Bao was trying his best to attract Princess Fu’s attention.

It really seemed like my mom. My mom also started doing various housework every time she woke me up. But This method doesn’t seem to work. I hope Song Bao gets off work early . Then I’ll get off work first. Please remember to subscribe to my channel. See you in the next issue.

#福寶 熊貓#福寶 #푸바오 #에버랜드 #爱宝乐园 #大熊猫 #愛寶樂園 #판다월드 #福宝 #AibaoThemePark, #愛寶樂園, #아이바오, #大熊猫, #GiantPanda, #大熊貓, #판다, #福宝, #Fubao, #福寶, #푸바오, #睿宝, #Ruibao, #睿寶, #루이바오, #瑞宝, #Ruobao, #瑞寶, #후이바오, #辉宝, #Huibao, #輝寶, #러바오, #韩国旅游, #KoreaTravel, #韓國旅遊, #한국여행, #宋英관, #SongYoungKwan, #宋英官, #송영관, #강철원, #KangCheolWon, #姜哲源, #강철원, #강바오, #KangBao, #姜寶, #강바오, #송바오, #SongBao, #宋寶, #송바오, #에버랜드, #Everland, #愛寶樂園, #에버랜드, #PandaWorld, #판다월드, #熊猫世界, #판다월드,


  1. 사랑스런 푸바오❤❤❤
    눈내린 에버랜드 촬영하시고
    다녀오시느라 수고 많으셨습니다 ❤
    2024년 구독자 대박나세요❤
    건강하세요 ❤
    새해 복 많이 받으세요❤

  2. 感覺福寶寶的一天好充實呀,而且這個場地看起來好大,福寶在這裏一定玩得很開心吧,能看到福寶真的好幸福啊😢🎉🎉

  3. 울푸바오 중국 🇨🇳 가면 많이 사랑해 주세요 중국에도 러바오 유년시절을 키워준 고마운 사육사님이 계셔서 그런분이 울 푸바오를 돌봐 주시면 감사하겠습니다 푸바오❤사랑해

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