100均Seriaで爪長さ出し♥【ネイル長さ出しシート】【長さ出しフォーム】2種トリセツ!比較購入レビュー #使い方 #seria #長さ出し #やり方

Hello, this is Sari from nailfan! Today we are introducing two types of Seria’s lengthening sheets! It’s popular right now ♥ It’s always sold out, but I finally got it this time ♪♪ The right one is the sheet type, and the left one is the foam type.

Previously, I introduced a video of how long you can get with just Celia’s gel! This time, I will compare these two sheets! At the end of the video, I’ve tried two different lengths, and summarized what was good and what wasn’t good, as well as examples of failures

Such as how to make them last longer . Also, how do you usually clean your files? People who are concerned about dust usually use a dust collector machine, but I came up with a way to prevent dust from scattering without using this machine, so I’ll show you how in this video ♥

Please watch till the end ♥ Introduction I’ll try making it with a exposed sheet! I’ll make it for my middle finger! This seat is made of fiberglass. There are 4 pieces inside. This sheet is slightly hard. When you bend it, you will feel a popping sensation. There’s an explanation behind it!

This sheet is used to prepare your nails before lengthening, but you can also buy cotton and disinfectant nail files at Seria. This time I used Mo Couture’s 180G file.In addition , I needed something like vinyl to adhere this sheet to the nail, so I used Celia’s Kitchen Poly. Instead of a plastic bag,

You can use Saran Wrap like this one ♪ As long as it’s smooth, it’s OK! Cut the plastic bag to about 3 finger widths. Before applying Ceramic Pusher Base Gel, use this to roughen the surface of your nails and increase the longevity of the gel. I use Can Do’s, and

Seria also sells ceramics ♥ Seria’s Icing Gel You can strengthen your nails by applying this gel! We also provide small scissors for cutting the Seria base and top sheets. Now it’s time to measure the length using the sheet. Before applying the sheet, cut the white part of the nail to the limit.

You might think it’s a waste to keep growing, but let’s take the plunge and be cool! Smooth the edges. The ceramic makes the nail surface rough while raising the cuticle. Remove the dust that comes out. Take out a cotton ball and put your thumb in your pocket. Apply some disinfectant (ethanol) and

Press the cuticle with the tip of your thumb to remove the dust. The position where the sheet is applied will be slightly below the cuticle. Decide on the vertical length of the nail you want to make and cut the sheet. The root nail is round and curved, so cut the corner and

Paste it like this. The sheet is ready! Now let’s paint the base! First, apply one coat and let it harden. Apply base (or clear gel). Since the tip is lowered, apply a little more. Prepare the cut vinyl.

The clear gel you applied earlier will not harden and the sheet will be placed on top of it. The seat is hard so it becomes a pin. . . It’s only in the middle. . . It was a little too wide so I cut it.

It slips a lot so it’s hard to find a good position. In this state, gently place a plastic bag on it and stroke the sides to create a curve. Stroke the sides and make a curve along the bottom. It looks like this, hold it so that the side line curves round.

Hold it with your fingers and put it in the light. Hold this area of ​​the nail bed more than the tip of the nail as it hardens. Hold the area around the nail bed here rather than the tip of your toe as it hardens. Remove the sheet.

Make sure the sheet covers all the way to the edges. If it sticks to your skin, remove it with your nails. Apply clear gel all over (using BASE & TOP) Gently soak the gel into the sheet as you apply it. Next, apply plenty of paint to the toes as well.

As I applied it to the sheet many times, a lot of fibers came out.I also applied a generous amount to the nail part on the back of the TT. As soon as it hardens, squeeze your toe tightly and apply a pinch.

When you get a pinch, release your finger and put it back into the light. This time I put it in the light for the normal curing time. It was a little long so I cut it and adjusted it. < Next, cover the entire nail with icing gel to increase strength. Now apply it evenly. First, put a generous amount in the middle and spread it on the cuticle line. Then lower the brush to the tip of your toe and guide the gel. Cover the side points thoroughly with gel. Add a little pinch again. If you squeeze the gel while it's warm, it's easy to get a pinch. Put it in gel light again and let it harden completely. The curve looks like this! Now that we have a curve, it's time to shape it. Cover with another layer of icing gel on top To make the surface smooth . Remove uncured gel with a paper dampened with disinfectant solution. Pour water (you can use disinfectant instead) on your nails and file to smooth out any unevenness on your nails. Applying water and filing will prevent dust from flying around. ⇢This is a recommended method, so please try it ^^ If the water on the surface dries, it's a good idea to add water from time to time to moisten it. Once you have the overall shape, make the sides straight. Keep the sides straight and adjust the thickness of your nails. Smooth the cuticle line so that there are no gaps. Next, make the vertical straight lines. Next, make the vertical straight lines. Smooth both corners a little to create a square off. Keep your toes straight. Check that the overall thickness is even. It's done - Remove the dust with a paper dampened with disinfectant. It's OK if the thickness of your nails looks like this and it has a nice curve! Make sure it is connected neatly and straight from the side point to the toe . As a final touch, apply a top coat and you're done.Next, We'll create the lengthening form. I'm going to make it on my index finger. The material is paper, vinyl chloride, and aluminum, and it looks just like the nail foam used in salons. The size of each sheet is 3.3 times 5.3 cm. There are 20 pieces inside, and I'm going to use one for now. Let's compare it to see if it's different from the nail form used by nail artists in their certification exams ! The width is quite different. There doesn't seem to be much difference between the lines inside. The circles in the middle are about the same size. This nail form is used with a curve. Use something like a thin stick or a thick stick depending on the width of your nail. Use something like a thin stick or a thick stick depending on the width of your nail. The way to determine the size is, for example, the thumb should be about this thick. Use one that is slightly smaller than the width of your nail. The thin rod is too thin for this thumb. If the width of this stick is the width of the index finger, it feels just right! On the other hand, the pink rod is the perfect width, so you can't use it. Okay, now let's round out the nail form! Take the middle sticker and paste it on the back sticker. Put the foam back together and use a stick to create a curve on the foam. When it looks like this, it's OK! Next, let go of this part. Remove the backing paper. Cut the toe part. Center your cent fingers in the middle of the form. Cut this part so that the side point is here on the foam. This nail form will also be difficult to shape if you do it while your nails are long, so cut it as close as possible. Cut the foam into small pieces. I'll try it on my nails once. It's a little difficult to do in this state, so attach the tip of the foam. It's a little difficult to do in this state, so attach the tip of the foam. Please check again. Looking at the side, the side points are still uncovered. In this case, cut more of the tip so that the side point of the sealing foam is in this position. When cutting the foam, I find it easier to open the tip. The side points are now flush with the edges of the foam! The index finger nail usually hangs down, so attach the form slightly upwards like this. It is easier to change the angle of the form by removing this part. For the vertical position of the form, move the form so that the line between the finger bone and the middle of the form is straight. If the tip is sharp, press it with your fingers to make it round. If the bottom part has come off, It will be easier to attach it with sellotape. This time I'll just do it like this lol Now that I've prepared the base, I'll apply the base. First, apply it to your nails. Next, make the base for the tip. I will make it with this width. Apply base to this area. Paint the sides up to this point. Create a base for the length part by slightly covering the nail. By doing this step, the next gel to be applied will not flow beyond this area. Now that the base is prepared, I will use Seria's icing gel. I'm going to overlap it with the base part that I painted earlier. Add some gel if it's not enough. Apply to the side points as well. Guide it to the side point with a brush like this and cover it with gel. If there is too little gel on the side points, it Will come off easily, so be sure to cover it well. Just put it in the light for a few seconds and then pull it out. While it is still hot, press it firmly with your fingers to create a curve. The place to press is around the side point. Next, cure as usual to stabilize the curve. Now take a generous amount of icing gel and place it in the center. Guide the top half of the gel placed around the base of your nail and cover it. Now that the roots are done, Take a generous amount of the same icing gel and apply it again to the toes. Similarly, after guiding the nail to the side point, cover the tip of the nail with gel. Do the same on the left side. If there is a dent in the center, add some gel to fill it up. It will harden. Remove the foam from your fingers. You can easily remove the foam by removing the lengthened part with your nail and pulling it down! If it sticks to your skin, remove it with your nails. Like this, the curve is properly included. When you look at it like this, the curve is more beautiful than the length sheet. Peel off the stuck part on the right side.It was a little long, so I cut it a little. Smooth the surface by applying water and scraping as before. Adjust the side straight. Next, pull the file straight down to make the left and right sides neat. Pull the right side straight as well. Pull the tip straight to the side.Next, round the corner a little. Once the cuticle line is smooth and shaped, remove the dust and finish with a top coat. How about that? This time I used Celia's length, and I did two different types, but if you look at it this way, the length sheet I applied to the middle finger looks a little wider, probably because it's difficult to pinch. The tip of the middle finger looks like this, and the nail Looks a little milky, probably because the sheet is whitish. The index finger is made entirely of gel, so it has a translucent feel. The ring finger was made with a nail length sheet as long as it was. Although it is not transparent, it is thick and I think it is the strongest. So, I have summarized the two types of Seria length sheets that I used this time! The first good thing about the lengthening sheet is that the sheet is attached to the nail bed, so it gives strength to the nail bed. Second, it can be used as a repair agent on cracked nails. Disadvantages of length cutting sheets First, this sheet becomes fuzz every time you cut it. Also, as you apply the gel like this, more and more fibers will come out. Even when cutting the sheet, the fibers were flying around and my eyes were hurting. Therefore, if you want to lengthen your hair with this sheet, I think it's best to go somewhere out of the wind, wear glasses, and wear a mask. If you apply this sheet to the gel once and it fails, it will become messy and you will not be able to use it twice. Another bad point is that the nail sheet is made of a hard material, so it doesn't follow the curve of the nail, so you need to be prepared. You will need to prepare vinyl etc. to make it snug. Also, it's very difficult to make a C curve Because you have to pinch it while covering it with vinyl . The curve looks flat. . Now let's talk about the good points of nail foam sheets. The first point is that the form makes it easy to create beautiful shapes. I think it's easy to get a nice C curve as well. Another thing is that you don't need a wrap to make it go along your nails. Disadvantages of nail foam sheets The first disadvantage is that the width of the foam is small. My thumb is quite narrow, but it still felt full. It's completely different from the foam that nail artists use for certification... Another bad thing is that the seal on the tip doesn't stick once you remove it. I found it very inconvenient as I had to open this and adjust the angle of the form . Yes, I have seen the good and bad points so far! Considering all of these, I would recommend the Nail Foam Sheet. The reason was that it was difficult to pinch and create curves when trying to lengthen the sheet . It's really difficult to add a pinch (curve) when using a nail sheet to lengthen the nail.TTThat was the problem. Celia's nail form is a bit lacking in width. Compared to the difficulty of using nail sheets, I definitely recommend Nail Form! I often see these nail sheets sold out at Seria stores and only the foam sheets left, but I don't think this is a problem at all. Rather, is there anyone who can really make nail sheets beautiful? That's what I felt. This time, I compared and reviewed two types of lengthening sheets with Torisetsu . Did you find it helpful? If you found this video helpful, I would appreciate it if you could hit the thumbs up button! On my channel , I distribute art and product review videos using 100 Yen Nails . If you haven't subscribed to the channel yet, please do so. Next time we will introduce three new magnetic nails from Seria! I'm going to do some art and product reviews here. See you again in the next video ~ It was Sari, a nail fan! See you bye bye!




= 使用材料 =
1.アイシングジェル (補強用)
2.BASE & TOP (ベース用)
4.つるつるのビニール袋 (
5.Seria LED ライト
6.セリアのオーバル筆 or 平筆 https://a.r10.to/hUljAo









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【完全保存版♡】セリアネイル【2022秋冬】ニュアンス系ブラウン(パール・ラメ) 質感レビュー✨

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