
Just yesterday The long-awaited Blazer Altman styling has finally been officially announced And today there’s a new trailer for Blazer. It brings a lot of information. This new Altman Blazer’s star Jue also has a mature face. The actor is 35 years old. It is because of breaking the age taboo

Arranging the oldest star in history. Before this There’s never been an actor over 30. played the lead role in the Ultraman TV Previously, the oldest actor of the Orb Man was Hero Ishiguroi. At that time, he was only 27 years old. And this time Altman starred

It happens to be the middle management position of the team. The post of captain is a married man has a seven-year-old son This is also an unprecedented setting in the entire TV series. In addition, professional tour also played the role of heart in Kamen Rider drive. A new special star is born.

Sure enough, the plan to destroy Kamen Rider is Altman’s main character. Named than Liu Jinxian People are special monsters. Dealing with detachment captain set age at 30 In the first 4 years, the main character, warm-blooded fool, has always been adopted. It’s really time for a change.

It is better to arrange a mature uncle to be the main character. This Blazer transformation prop is called Blazer Key Insert this prop into the transformer Blazer Bracelet One side of the groove The blue crystal blocks on both sides will unfold The central display will appear with a retro sense of light effect

Pushes the switch on the other side accompanied by a smell of Showa After the heavy effects Blazer Altman on stage In order to link the new era Ultraman So in the Blazer bracelet Can insert other Ultraman keys For example, after Zeta inserts the corresponding key

There will also be corresponding light effects in the display screen. That is to say Different Altman have different exclusive transformation effects Such a look I feel that this toy is much taller than before. So is it convenient to arrange other Altman to make guest appearances? But according to the grapevine

At least there is no such plan in TV. The transformation is quite handsome. But Blazer’s look is a bit hard to say. The asymmetric design of Dekai’s three forms is followed. And this time more self-release Carry out the asymmetry I can’t see the head shape of Laize alone.

A full sense of non-mainstream accomplishment In fact, just look at the head This image is quite distinctive. But after seeing the pattern of the body Somewhat suspicious Is this the villain of the play Too many black stripes on the body

Especially in the abdomen, there is a sense of accomplishment of the extremely evil Beria. Since there are so many black colors It is estimated that you can guess It’s also Goto’s new masterpiece. Irregular red-blue stripes on the chest and entire left side generally speaking Arguably the most fancy Altman in history

In fact, we can understand these provisions Arteries and veins similar to the human body And this structuralist design It’s an innovation in Altman’s modeling. But still that sentence In the fancy Altman, it is handsome to move. From a couple of battle shots in the trailer

This Bryce Altman has a sense of coming on stage and being at the top. At present, no other forms of Brad have been announced. Maybe this year will take an unconventional route. The follow-up form will not come too soon. The initial form can also maintain a certain force.

Don’t be so quick to become a queen’s form. There is one in the team this time to fight monsters. Type 23 Special Tactical Mechs Asgaron The head shape of this mecha beast is adorable. After all, as friendly forces on the human side So you can’t feel like a vicious monster.

The head shape is a bit similar to Gedi in Deja. And look at the body color It always feels like wearing the uniform of the De Kery Elite Victory Team. Plans for a new generation of Gaia are canceled This Bryant Altman will bring a new story It’s a good thing

The new Altman’s supervision Taguchi director Although there have been mistakes in the shooting units in recent years But at least the Altman works he oversaw in the past. Never let anyone down So we can look forward to his performance in Brad Altman this time.



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