
I made an appointment with Pei An last night. Site selection for the new studio today Turn on the phone The 2 million transfer from Yu Chen has been obtained. Last night he discussed with Chen Yu Use a batch of planks for cash The other party readily agrees

The blonde hair came over early in the morning. Happy cooperation received I saw things online Do we need to intervene What’s on the Internet? A dumbfounded one leng He quickly logged into the forum and checked. Huang Ming game company can still play this set A Dai continued to read To his surprise

Huang Ming did not bring rhythm to the network Someone on the Internet immediately issued a clarification statement. The statement not only showed that A Dai and Huang Ming Game Company Relevant contracts signed Also published by the federal certificate Then the rhythm of eating melons was brought up on the Internet.

A group of people clamoring for Huang Ming’s company. Give substantial evidence of the encroachment of the company’s finances. Require the company to produce proof of ownership of prison 507 It is estimated that Pei Anan made people spend a lot of money. The statement is well-founded One by one, the return

A look is a veteran And more than half of the online rhythm is water troops. I didn’t think he was good at it. A Dai Huang Ming, they are too bullies. I have already sent a clarification post to my friend. However, my friend said that Huang Ming’s company may have the next counterattack.

Let’s be careful Thank you. Well done. In the past, A Dai would never care about this kind of public opinion outside the game. But it’s not the same now After deciding on the studio Foreign sales of materials are also in the name of the studio

In addition, in the future, I will collect rent from the outside in the game. bad reputation In case you can’t rent it out What if it affects business? Let’s let the federal bosses help. The big deal is to sell them another supply.

It is 2 million not enough to compensate for the newly established funds of the studio. In addition to selling materials. There is no other profit point A Dai groped his chin and thought for a moment. I sent a message to Chen Yu Let him help with the small minions of Huang’s game company

Have you chosen the company address? Uh-huh, according to what you said We rented the first floor address of the commercial building. At Hongmei Road I sent you the link and so on. Did you go over and have a look What do you mean, no Zhang Linghui’s eyes were bloodshot Face full of involved

There is really no conscience From last night until now The whole department works together In the company for a whole day of information. But there’s no information about prison 507. Can’t change one out of thin air We ‘ve been looking all day No one was found in the company.

Reports and information relating to prison premises Who is responsible for the prison? We have no idea It is now certain that he is not from the company. Mr. Li, do you think Jin Yu is Qin’s own investment project So there is no company photo. For example, not saying a word

The uneasiness in his heart grew stronger and stronger. For a time, the atmosphere in the office has stagnated to the extreme. It’s difficult. Secretary Zhang looked at his cell phone Show a surprised expression Almost subconsciously looked up to see what happened to Dai Zhe Said Mr. Li about things on the Internet

The federal side came forward and said Prison 507 has always been controlled by Dummies. The board materials they got were also provided by Ah Dai. And Huang Ming game company has no relationship Zhang Linhui looked carefully at Dai Zhe on the side. Our side is also slow to come up

Corresponding evidence of the attribution of No. 507 More and more people on the Internet began to question our company Just Dang was forced to resign. It was also revealed. This matter has a great impact on our company’s reputation. The Federation himself came down

Mr. Li, the board of directors began to pay attention to this matter. Go on like this If it causes the company’s stock price to fluctuate. I’m afraid, for example, I turned my head to look aside at Dai Zhe. All the good things you do Who told you to post online

Go and delete the post for me now You are responsible for all the consequences of this incident. Inform the Marketing Department Let them reduce the impact of this. Buy water army to reduce heat Move fast. Dai Zhe stood aside His face was gloomy and terrible

The article on A Dai’s complaint was published by him on the Internet. He’s angry. He’s using a private account. I didn’t expect to be reprinted by the major self-media as soon as I couldn’t send it out. It turns out all this is a bureau I was secretly calculated Now delete posts and field

It is clear that the prison has fallen into the hands of A Dumb. Mr. Li, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The storm on the Internet has not yet started. Spend some money to always be even But what about that big federal bill? No. 507 prison

What should I do with that federal plank order? The marketing department is pushing hard. I… How cruel Everything was laid down by Qin Shulan. Qin Haoran, how cruel are you Zhang Linhui also felt that the atmosphere in the room was not quite right.

It is suggested that we make a phone call to Qin Zong Ask the total. What happened to Prison 507? Or try to bring A Dai back After all, it is the property of Huang Ming Company. Qin always won’t die from ruin, will he Secretary Zhang I want to talk to Mr. Lee alone

What else do you want to say If you hadn’t been so impatient this time If you wait until everything is clear. We wouldn’t be so passive There’s no point in saying that I asked you Now you want to lower your head to Qin Shuran Expect him to spare you Well, he won’t.

I now have a way to save What method Do whatever it takes to get prison 507 Just 507 Prison is in our hands. Everything has room for redemption Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha All aspects of the surrounding environment of the office building can only be counted

A little bit out of the way of office space place is very big Within the office building Enough to have a separate lounge for each employee Working overtime at night is no longer afraid. He’s the one A silly day Prepaid lease half a year’s deposit oh. Alipay to account

Ordered another 20 sets of the latest game factory If it goes well We can start tomorrow. On the way back He went around twice. His perception is as high as 20 points The thinking of ordinary people. It seems that no one was followed during this trip.

Unless each other’s strength far exceeds their own If someone really wants to be bad for themselves. I’m afraid he stopped already. Mechanical maintenance skills book Physical or resource exchange Price from excellent speed Black Gold Mercenary Regiment Perennial on the top ten mercenary regiments list released by the Federation occupy the fifth

The old mercenary group in the sixth position Seven teams led by Black Tiger Ensure that all members are elites within level 5 They can complete many tasks that other mercenary groups cannot accept. Boss heard that this is a fat sheep Well, the difficulty rating of this task is S.

Employer requires action to be kept confidential Is it necessary to set the S level so high? Well, the price offered by the employer is very good. All cheer up When the time comes, the bonus will be distributed to each brother. Definitely to everyone’s satisfaction And ordinary miscellaneous army is not the same

Black gold is the old mercenary group Strong strength They’re fully armed with tactical ammunition at the supply point. Vest pistol machete Even the whole team is equipped with a flash bomb and two small explosive kits In this way, the combat effectiveness level is extremely horrible in the early stage of the game.

The target site of this mission is the prison. It is expected to reach the target position before sunset. The team just brought in half The front leading squad player suddenly stopped Made a gesture of the future The squad immediately lurked in the bushes. Hide body shape What is it?

Cheng Bing, who was in the team’s reconnaissance position, pointed to the captain not far away. Look, something’s wrong over there The black tiger is not far away. It looks like a group of zombies are attacking with wooden spears in their hands. Another batch of zombies with no resistance at all

The zombies still use wooden spears as weapons. will attack each other What situation The zombies were starving and dizzy. They all started eating their own people. But how is this routine of using weapons? Evolution will use the brain And it’s strange The number of zombies is too much, isn’t it?

A large number of zombies gathered there ahead. The number is about 40 to 50. After this group of zombies slaughtered their own kind Blocked at the intersection with big grins What does lying trough mean Is it painting territory? The players who were hiding in the bushes and secretly observing were all overwhelmed.

What about the boss? Can you detour? Yes But it will take nearly half an hour Black tiger frowned They ‘ve got a tight schedule this time. according to the pre-planned We will arrive at the prison before the sun sets But now these zombies are stuck at the intersection. detour words Time a drag

I’m afraid it will be sunset when we arrive at the prison. When the time comes, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Well, no wait Rush with me The Black Tiger analyzed it. Both sides save their combat power There will be no problem dealing with these zombies. Brothers on. The black tiger roared

Most of his beliefs sprang out of the empty undergrowth. Kill the little zombies What the hell is this? Nani, how does this knife feel wrong? Why is this zombie so hard a vine-like object in a treetop It is very clear from the root of the wound broken by the machete.

Along the machete fast primitive he ah Such a special attack is actually a vine zombie. It’s not good to go back quickly. Yet it’s a few seconds late Many players have been entangled in vines zombies The Black Tiger. No more hesitation Pull out a blue flash bomb for emergency use

Toward the foot to death A piercing tinnitus accompanied by a strong flash of light Blast in the zombie crowd All zombies stopped attacking instantly. Run with me While the zombies are in a state of vertigo and blindness With the players quickly through the zombies Gradually away from zombies

Just a few tens of seconds of time The team unexpectedly appeared battle damage Attrition to leave the zombie pursuit gasping for breath by the tiger His heart is bleeding Too much loss If you don’t use flash bombs There’s a great possibility that our whole team will be destroyed there. Fuck it.

Huang Ming company this bunch of garbage Such important information is not announced in advance. Go back and see how I can find their magic. Colonel, it’s getting dark. Let’s finish the task first. Mm-hmm. At present, the task is still the first. It will be dark soon

All we can do now is take the prison shelter as soon as possible. Take a five-minute break supplement physical strength The zombies were affected by flash bombs. Enter the blinding state Player escapes battle range Your zombie pack is no longer chasing political people, task guards are on standby.

Your zombie pack has killed two players Block experience plus 334 Flee EXP plus 277 Butcher’s Teaching Bleeding Experience Value Plus One Block up to two levels Flee increased to two levels Your zombie group completed the task clearance mission A total of 229 ordinary zombies were killed. Alienated Zombie One Gain 411 Survival Points

Evolution Crystal Shard 34 Your task to clear the abandoned campsite has been completed. Please look for the zombie group to receive your reward for t2 in time. After completing the search for the abandoned original camp, I actually met the player. Meet the zombie body group Also can only calculate your bad luck

But these people still have flash bombs. After an hour Outside the prison, the black tiger stood far away on a hillside. He took a telescope and looked at the prison in the distance The lying trough turned out to be the elite mercenary npc of the Diablo Knights. How is that possible?

Is it a sanctuary built by npc and players The cold sweat lay beside the cheek of the tiger This prison is terrible. Anyone who attempts to approach the prison will be easily spotted by the guard Yes, and the tower. The prison inside the dense tower A full row was built

Plus the Dark Knights Elite on the Sentinel Tower There’s no way our people are breaking into this prison. Mm-hmm. Is the game company crazy? To offend such a powerful enemy Really not afraid to die I depend on Wang Ming not afraid We’re still afraid He’s glad he’s on his guard

We were scouted before we attacked the prison. Otherwise… If you forcibly attack the camp Except for the annihilation. There will be no second answer. The tower is guarded by at least two dark knights npc This is the defense of the prison on the surface. Actually, you don’t need two.

All you need is an elite sniper rifle in hand. Can destroy our whole regiment mother Huang Ming Deliberately engage our mercenary group I almost ran to die with my team’s brothers. The other brothers in the regiment were also in a cold sweat. Just did not die in the hands of zombies

Now he almost died at the hands of the Dark Knights mercenaries. Today’s day is really wandering between life and death several times. What about the colonel? Withdraw before it is dark. Find a place to live nearby for one night. Turn around tomorrow and leave.

After going back, we must ask Huang Ming Company for an explanation. What is the difficulty of this task? S only. This is an impossible task. A Dai looks back at the hardware store A Dai stood at the door Control of the HutMore than a dozen zombies together

Go inside the hardware store and search for supplies. But for a moment One by one, the zombies came out of the hardware store. Materials collected One by one to Adamich Your video Crowbar machine repair manual found through search Three single hand five tires 3000 Jin Top One bar two Simple Repair Kit

Two tigers before three Steel wire mechanical assembly detailed skills book Sweet silk screen Great harvest of skill books A Dai picked up the war profits to check the mechanical maintenance manual type skill book Maintenance requires specific tools and consumables Success rate of maintenance Related to current skill level and character base attributes

Blue fox gold wire mesh type Blueprint Description Use to master the construction of barbed wire Upgrade on the basis of ordinary barbed wire Extra 20% durability of barbed wire Barbed Wire rebounds 20% when receiving close damage Damage taken is not valid for player Invalid for large losses Blueprint Learning Conditions Foundation construction timing

Good stuff The harvest was so good that it exploded. There are three maintenance manuals. Apart from giving Qiu Yaokang a copy I can learn one myself. Help with the fight Unfortunately, as a player. Skill cannot exceed character level At present, the highest level can only be increased to 13

Qiu Xiaokang is not the same Theoretically, he can increase his skill level indefinitely. In addition, the transformation map of the barbed wire is also a good thing. Shelter Defender in addition to counter injury He also has a hidden effect Very effective against spider zombies Hey, there’s a funnel

A Dai overturned and pressed a skill book at the bottom of the material. Eric’s Mechanical Handout Mechanical disassembly and assembly detailed explanation type skill book Skill Description One Players can use tools such as wrenches Disassemble mechanical objects Some mechanical parts can be obtained after disassembly Components and other skills description II

Disassembly will consume extra stamina The number of parts obtained by disassembly is related to the skill level. That’s awesome. Disassembly skill book The skill of mechanical dismantling is very versatile. Pan He’s inside the old server He was even fired by black merchants to the skill book of Pica. the same price

Even 1 degree has no market. After learning mechanical dismantling skills Parts can be disassembled using a wrench to obtain higher grade components Hey hey, is there something good that my demolition office needs? You learned the skills Mechanical maintenance Mechanical disassembly You have mastered the blueprint Spiked barbed wire

Next, you can control the zombies and dismantle the machinery. But before that You also need to arrange a wrench for each zombie member. A Dai immediately into the abandoned mine The zombie members of the iron smelting block gave instructions to make a wrench. Back to the Shelter A Dai Control Vine

The zombies dragged the zombies into the breeding warehouse research laboratory. Study Room Qiu Yaokang is looking at the analysis report of the damaged instrument. Mm-hmm. Where’s your protective suit? Ha ha ha ha ha Emergency Next time definitely A Dai scold grinned into the room

And then to signal the planarity blindness of the body dragged the zombies into the lab What is this? Hey hey good stuff Siege the zombies Live secondary ghost long Also said a few virus vector Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha He’s dangerous Jiao Yaokang stopped in front of the ghost claw zombies.

Is there any way to put it in the culture chamber and observe it Just soak in a special liquid It will fall into a dormant state like a licker. Can try You open the training chamber Burn to the edge of the instrument where Qiu Yaokang hid aside.

Vine zombies cooperate to lift Beidou zombies high Forced participation in the culture cabin Quick injection solution The good green liquid is gradually filled into the culture chamber. Until the whole body of a ghost zombie The zombie attack is strong. awake state The tempered glass of the culture chamber is almost a machine body.

You ‘ve acquired a living experiment. Ghost Armor Zombie You get a new special research direction Ghost armor zombie research your shelter Scientific research level upgraded to level 22 Li Yuqiu wants to see a substantial increase in friendliness. Qiu Yaokang’s Loyalty Raised to 99 Qiu Yaokang stands in front of the incubation cabin

He admired the ghost claw zombies up close Show the look of thinking nice It’s a second-order alien zombie ghost claw. Where did you find his hardware store in the outlying areas of the forest It’s a little far from here Near an abandoned town over there. Qiu Yaokang frowned again What is it?

Something’s wrong According to the virus is a special virus based on the T virus. In addition to changing the genetic factors of organisms It also causes the infected organism to evolve and mutate its genes. Qiu Yaokang watched the ghost claw zombie The origin of this biochemical virus leak is the t virus

Theoretically, the virus variant is a secret study of the meteorite company. Ghost looking for zombies appeared in that place Makes me feel a little strange Seems to be a bit of a problem A Dai bowed his head and thought for a moment Before entering the hardware store

It is true that there is no careful search Just let the zombies go in and search it again. And make sure there’s no locked room Zombie search efficiency is also very careful But they automatically ignore each hidden point. and locked doors

A Dai could not confirm whether there were other hidden items in the hardware store. You rushed away the task to Kang’s confusion Task Name Qiu Yaokang’s Confusion Task description Qiu Yaokang thinks abnormal g virus found in hardware store There may be some omission. Please return to the investigation

I’ll go there again when I’m free to do a detailed search. Pay attention to safety There are still a few days I’m going to take a trip to pine town Have you heard there Qiu Yaokang turned his head and looked at A Dai up and down. Why would I keep myself safe?

This time I’m going with the Diablo Knights. Then you need to go to the hardware store again. And as soon as possible Why is there a meteorite company in pine town? The largest research office I heard friends talk about After the disaster

There’s a huge increase in the amount of virus in the air. If you can get a sample of the g virus I can work out some potions Allows you to reduce the risk of infection All right. I will as soon as possible

And this Dumb handed over the maintenance skills book he had collected. Nuo, this is the mechanical maintenance skill book for you. Wow, thank you, Qiu Yaokang I took a look at the cover of the skill book. Bow your head and study He reads very fast Do you need my help?

How do you think I can’t I need to show you a hand. A Dai felt underestimated He walked up to a damaged culture pod. You have the skill MECHANICAL REPAIRS FOR CURRENT DAMAGE OBJECTS DAMAGED BARDS Current damage 23% Unable to use Repairable and finished embroidery Expected reduction of 1% to 3%

Breakage Requirement Tool Wrench Requirement Cost Iron Block 34 Nail 21 Basic Parts V Stamina Value 22 Current repair difficulty s are limited by the player’s current skill level or higher than 35% Unable to repair A Dai took out the wrench A long reading strip appeared on his head. A long time lying trough

Physiological failure The damage degree of the current culture chamber is increased by 2%. Your repair material is scrapped. You get Scrap Iron 33 You expended 23 extra stamina points Your skills machine maintenance experience plus 11 Failed A dull face a stiff He suddenly felt a cold behind Go back

A Dai saw Qiu Yaokang staring at himself expressionless You can leave now Don’t stay here Affect my research progress Treatment Kang’s favorability decreased slightly The score is reduced to 98. Hey, come on, it’s just a mistake My zombies can help you Really trust me again I’m going to do some research Need quiet

Please leave Nothing good here Don’t bother me Don’t be angry This is just a mistake Give me one more chance Believe me I’ll come back tomorrow If you fix it alone The efficiency is too low I promise I can A Dai is forced to block the door and not leave, okay

Do you have any kind of machinery out of the street? It’s a little easier to repair. I’ll practice my hands first Qiu Yaokang stopped He pointed to a few blood analyzers on the side. Those three machines are temporarily unavailable. Then I’ll take them first I promise to give you a surprise tomorrow

A Dai said Control Vines The zombies carried away the blood analyzer piled up in the corner. Qiu Yaokang’s laboratory doctor set out to repair the culture warehouse. After half an hour Repair of the culture hatch door completed Qiu Yaokang pinched his temple Repair machinery is very physical In addition to this

After repair to a certain stage Also need to use high-order precision devices I don’t know if there is any in the warehouse. Qiu Yaokang wants to leave the laboratory. To the underground warehouse Inside the entire shelter except for Dummy Qiu Yaokang is the only one Have access to the basement shelter warehouse

Push open the warehouse door Qiu Yaokang paused He saw that the warehouse was lying in the middle. Three blood sample analyzers previously available from the laboratory Seven zombies are surrounding the sample analyzer for maintenance. Long reading strips appeared on his head. Little fat face showed an incredible look

Zombies can actually carry out mechanical maintenance when they are divided into bodies. This high-precision action He thought zombies were strong enough to divide their bodies. Didn’t expect to go further What did Qiu Yaokang notice again? Warehouse corner Another vine zombie who was just watching the play suddenly made a move.

He walked slowly up to him with an iron bar in his hand. Raised the iron bar and knocked several times at the blood sample analysis. What is he doing? Looking at the zombies who continue to repair their equipment regardless Qiu Yaokang has a name So that’s it.

The zombie’s body also has some kind of learning ability. Terrible skills I hope this ability can help us change the world Your zombie has been repaired. Add four to your mechanical experience Your zombie caused damage to the blood sample analysis. Your mechanical maintenance skill has been upgraded to level 6

The newly built canteen on the second floor of the prison while he dined Look at the game log. Not bad, the maintenance skill has been brushed to level 6. He has experience in brushing skills arranged in the warehouse before going offline. Very satisfied with straight assembly line

The zombie cycle destroys the instrument every 30 minutes. As long as the material is sufficient Seven zombies can repair the sample analyzer continuously. Hang another night’s machine It is estimated that mechanical maintenance skills can be brushed to level 10. Hey, hey, I have to go to Qiu Yaokang tomorrow to save face.

Boss, there you are I ‘ve been looking for you for a long time. He saw Liao bufan with a group of Liu yi coming towards him Liu Yi and a group of stars followed Liao Bofan A dejected look What is it? One by one Is it trouble A Dai, we ‘ve been tricked.

Sit down and speak slowly Liao bufan found a stool and sat down. All the servants of Liu Wei’s daughter to one side sat down. Tell the boss in detail. Liu also sat down together. According to the boss’s request In the past two days, we and the players in several nearby shelters

Have had contact Most of the players are happy with our offer Evacuate soon after taking the supplies. Only one of them is in trouble. Well, what trouble Don’t they want to move? Two are unwilling to move. But the most trouble is not their Liu Wei took out a map drawn by hand

Draw a circle on it This location has a shelter built by the player Shelters built on system buildings A rough estimate is that there are about 15 players living in it. At first they agreed to move out and accepted our supplies But today we found in the past

They have no intention of leaving I theorized with them. They started playing rascal Said we didn’t give enough supplies. Not enough for their demolition costs Hope we give some more A dull face down It can be seen that the other party has no intention of moving away at all.

Cheating money to my head Dumbo has to teach them a hard lesson. Otherwise, others will follow the example in the future. Our prison expansion plans are in serious trouble. The shelter is currently in a state of rapid expansion Things like this have to be dealt with quickly

The more you drag the more trouble Liu Weisvento Neck Boss I was so angry A few words with them. They claim to be Capt. He also said that we are always welcome to find them trouble. Capt’s Dumbo recalled it. The impression is that it is a multinational company

An industry belonging to an established family abroad. It seems that Cape Corporation has already figured it out. Eat this stuff. They have nothing to fear. So confident Then I’m welcome Is it not a multinational company? During the day, I was still thinking about looking for players. Brush block and dodge skill level

Really sleepy Someone sent a pillow It’s hard work, everyone. Early rest tonight All day off tomorrow I’ll take care of the shelter. The new people look at each other The boss can really do it. After all, it’s a multinational consortium. And the shelters have been built. and all kinds of fortifications

Hey, youWhat expressions do you make one by one The boss gives you a day off Not happy yet Not yet. Thank you, boss Unexpected Look at this group of new people Wave The boss said that if it can be done, it will be done. Go back to rest for a day

The day after tomorrow online Wait for the good news. After a night of fear The next morning Mira takes leftover plank supplies from the shelter Prepare to repair the perimeter damaged by the zombies last night. Spike traps and stakes Open the door of the shelter.

He saw more zombies than he did last night. The zombies stood far away from the shelter. about 100 meters away They do nothing And there was no movement Just standing there The amount is twice as much as last night. He slammed the door shut Snake returns to the room

Wake up all the players in the sleep After a few minutes Players who received warnings from the main god game in their sleep went online one by one. Is a zombie group They didn’t leave at all last night They stayed out of the shelter

Mira led the crowd to the door of the shelter. Push the door open Everyone saw the zombies outside the camp. There was an air of despair in the shelter. They just feel like their hearts are blocked. After last night’s catastrophe 7788 of the destruction of the defensive buildings outside the sanctuary

There’s not much left at all Not to mention that their arrows are already insufficient. If the zombies attack the shelter again… It’s impossible to hold up Why are there so many zombies? How do I know? It’s like they’re still gathering company around here. This group of zombies clearly has a purpose Against us

What are you talking about How could a zombie call a companion Do you want to try draw them away Don’t go One thousand angered zombie group What if they attack our shelters directly? All calm some Ante stand out Trying to calm the players down

I ‘ve already reported to the company what happened to the shelter. Company Reply A professional mercenary group has been hired at a high price. To help us with these zombies Two more hours After two hours The mercenaries will arrive. Help us hold the shelter Ante’s words made the players feel a little relieved.

If you have a professional to help with the Corps Maybe we can hold on. Do you think these zombies are strange? I killed a vine walker yesterday. And then I went through the game logs What’s wrong with you? Game log display After killing zombies I didn’t get the Evolved Crystal Shard

Also did not get survival points The other players also had a puzzled look in their eyes. No crystal fragments It’s a good thing the body But there are no survival points What did Ante catch vaguely? You got What are you trying to say

I wonder if there is anyone behind this group of zombies Mira showed a worried look. I think they’re probably It’s about the prison player we met yesterday. The prison players sound incredible. But after this analysis by Mira It does seem to make sense The players looked weird. Players who can control zombies

Almost at the same time, they turned their eyes to Ante. If it is really a thousand feather players That would be a problem Ante offended the prison gang yesterday. These zombies are here for revenge. Don’t talk nonsense How can a player possibly have the ability to control a zombie swarm

Don’t even think about it This is nonsense The company has already paid for black thorns. Use the Corps to help us guard the sanctuary. Now we need to work together to get through these two hours. But you took this time Your zombie group has finished making iron blocks. 555

Completed the mining of iron ore 2615 At the time of the year line Your zombies continued mechanical maintenance You have gained 5399 experience in mechanical maintenance. your skill mechanical repair upgrade to lv 11 Part of your zombie group is standing

Alas, it is really tiring to control the strength and flirt with these players. Last night’s results were gratifying. Dodge and Parry skills have all been upgraded to level 7. One Night of Kung Fu Cape Company should have finished the repair, right The fighting capacity has been restored a lot, so wait.

Let them make some arrows in Just fatten some Wait until noon to kill again Hum, hum, hum, hum, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha There’s still some time First go to the hardware store to deal with the follow-up tasks of the G virus. Come back and mine.

A dull driving vehicle with a car full of vines Zombie driving on the trail At the time of arrival at the hardware store The vehicle happened to pass by several novice players A Dai saw a familiar figure Through the rearview mirror Brother Dai narrowed his eyes

Again and again confirmed that he is old black A Dang heart plop plop accelerate the beat Since the last Hope Town incident A Dai never heard about the whereabouts of Lao Hei again. The old black is like into thin air After the event A Dai heard Chen Yu talk about it inadvertently.

Chen Yu revealed Old Black is also a member of the anti-federal organization. I didn’t expect to meet Old Black here. What a coincidence Are the people who explore in advance old black They Dummy accelerated driving truck to five experience To be on the safe side

He hid the truck in the bushes by the side of the road A few more vine zombies were left behind to hide behind the guards in the car. A Dai controls another zombie. Standing on the road outside the hardware store Make preparations A Dai stepped into the hardware store with 20 vine zombies.

Same as when I left yesterday The zombies inside the hardware store have been cleaned up. No zombies The shelves were also searched clean yesterday. There is a small warehouse and a small shop office at the rear of the ancient gold shop. A Dai searched again in detail. These two areas Still no discovery

Can’t find Is it Qiu Xiaokang’s estimation error A Dai stands in the middle of the room Look around the room search Places where hidden items may be hidden The game log suddenly refreshed the information during the search. Your zombies are under attack Did you resist parry failure

I have gained parry experience plus one. It was the zombie that was outside the hardware store that was attacked. A Dai quickly walked to the door of the hardware store. He hid his figure Side over body watch the outside world carefully That’s right. is the old black They

Old Black and three other companions Is dealing with vines zombies outside Looks like they’re also targeting the hardware store Something that can interest all anti-federalist figures like Old Black. It’s probably not an ordinary mechanical skill book. Qiu Yaokang’s judgment is mostly correct. Should there be any hidden items in this hardware store?

It just so happens that I can’t find it anyway. Let them explore the road first. But we have to find a place to hide Where can I hide so many zombies? Finally, A Dai looked up at the steel column beam above the hardware hall.

There are zombies who have spread out of their bodies, long and narrow vines. One end of the vine is slowly wound upward on the beam. Pull the zombies up again brought to the vine The zombies climbed up the shelves and above the steel column beams. Several more vines descended from above.

Wrap a fool around his mouth Slowly lift him up Watching the old black people outside gradually approaching A Dai also opened the hidden breath Deng Xin, the squad leader with long maroon hair, observes my classic Just deal with conditioning A boss has a bad reputation.

Theoretically, there should be no vines in that area. according to the plan Lead diatom zombies out After using explosives to seriously injure them After going abroad The other two male players nodded vigorously. Old black walked slowly to one end Everything carefully I won’t go in with you Stay outside Prevent any unexpected events

Team member turns on flashlight After a quick sweep And immediately irradiated several corners of the hardware store. A boss. Ghost Claw Before Strange Zombies. Deng Xing turned over the shelf beside his hand. Sink your voice carefully Some passers-by got to the armed police shop before us. It has been cleaned up.

Which team who has the ability to deal with five ghost claw zombies at the same time Ordinary players want to rely on bow and arrow kite to kill them Can’t do it at all And the words with a gun At the beginning of the game, firearms were extremely difficult to get.

Not to mention that it will cost a lot of bullets. They also spent a lot of effort Only then did I get two copies of explosives from my employer. The expected use of explosives to solve the ghost claw zombies That’s good. save us trouble I don’t know if the task was triggered.

There should be no problem Only we have the safe. Ordinary players Even if good luck Found the secret passage Also no password update I used a flashlight to find a circle. After determining that there is no danger in the hardware store I also relaxed a little. Mu Zikun

You check the back warehouse and office Brother Tang You go outside and tell Black The hardware store has been cleaned out in advance. Ask him what to do next. Deng Xing finished the task He walked forward alone Until you walk to a row of shelves in the corner.

Mu Zikun and Tencent will be back soon. Sister Xin checked No one in the warehouse or office Same with the shelves inside. They ‘ve all been raided. Confirm that someone was one step ahead of us. Old black let us continue to plan first find the g virus sample n

He noticed that the location of the secret passage had not been moved. Fame not from This time it was originally planned to deliberately find the zombies and destroy them all. I didn’t expect someone to help me in advance. And it looks like the forerunner didn’t realize There are hidden passages

You guys go move it Shelves are slowly pushed away Gradually exposed rear access The old man’s information is correct The entrances are behind the shelves Hey hey But Deng Xing three people did not notice In a dark corner behind them A Dai is squatting at the top of a shelf Watching them coldly

The G virus still has dark lanes and safes. Fortunately, I met this group of people to show me the way. Otherwise, if you search the hardware store by force alone. Estimated to take a long time A dull hide in the dark pull a toy out of a backpack Ultraman Mask

Watch the passage be opened Update is trying to say something Suddenly he felt a chill behind his neck. Qi Wei’s Voice Let the update master be excited He had no time to turn back sudden pupil reduction Deng Xing felt his neck strangled. He subconsciously reached for his throat.

Deng Xing was wrapped around his throat by vines. The whole person lifted into the air in the process The body hit the stopped shelf with a thump. Where did the vines come from? Two people heart beat violently Immediately look up Five or six vines The zombies are relying on the vines

Updated attached to cross member steel frame A desperate struggle In a panic, he pulled out a machete and stabbed it upwards. Trying to save yourself Hold on. Meng Zikun was the first to return to God. rush up To help Two-one array of spinning

He was dragged up into the air by the vines tangled under his feet. Mu Zikun’s brain is buzzing He had a hard time getting used to the fundamental world up and down. Quickly look around Trying to Bless Kun Heart under a sink It’s over. Tang Xun is the same as him.

My feet are wrapped around by vines. Hang him upside down Deng core on the other side was breathless by vines He feels his vision is getting blurred The knife in the hand has long been unable to hold fall to the ground Suddenly updated The entangled companion on the fruit stem is undivided.

I haven’t had time to raise my head and update it yet. Rescue Teammate A black hole with a gun mask in his face Deng Xing’s face was pale A Dai used a large-caliber shotgun in front of Deng Xin. Give me a reason to keep you alive The cartoon Ultraman mask on his face

On the contrary, it makes Deng Xin feel creepy. We can give you everything we have. As long as you put We have everything outside and we can give you a walk. Don’t play games with me Supplementary provisions to article 66 of the Federal Emergency Asylum Regulation

The host’s game can be robbed at will. Can be involved once outside the game That is starving to death Want to live Hiding overhead in the dark a dense vine The zombies were all manipulated by him behind his back. That man is the devil He’s been hiding there since the beginning.

Follow the team to the door After a brief weighing of the strength gap between the two sides Deng Xin immediately lost his mind to resist. Take everything out of your backpack and update it Save immediately. Empty all the materials in the backpack. One placed on the ground Good guy.

He even brought a pistol and a small explosive charge. This group of people is indeed prepared He quickly recovered all the updated materials. good backpack I need to know something words of cooperation I can spare your life General An airship hanging in the air of Tang Xin and Mu Zikun

Immediately dragged into the darkness by companions Deng Xin’s face is white What do you want to do To prevent collusion, of course That’s how it’s played in the movie. Answer the question honestly Don’t try to hide Why come here to say in detail Start from scratch We are a team of players.

Received a commission on the black market Entruster I hope we can help him get something from the hardware store. Our mission ended ten days ago I was cleaning out the hardware store the day before yesterday. Found a second-order diatom zombie in the hardware store

At that time, according to our team’s ability, we couldn’t handle it. So the employer helped us prepare explosives and robbery today. We were trying to solve the ghost morning city. I didn’t expect to come here after only to find that the diatom zombies have been removed I saw it all afterwards.

You still have those Update the lingering fear of looking up at the top And some fear of looking at A Dai A Dai motioned with his chin to the secret passage behind him. And then? What happened to that secret passage? I don’t know exactly

The client just told me the location of the secret passage. And there’s a safe underneath the maze The password to open the safe is a question All we have to do is take out the contents of the safe. To the client can complete the task What is it?

The employer said who is the head of the 17 virus body I don’t know his exact identity His it in the dark net is old gray Looks like about 70 or 80 years old Height 1 meter 6 No special features She’s all out there now Didn’t follow in very good

A Dai said and made a ring Refers to the rapid spread of roots and vines Once again will update the dead winding mouth Give him an early cut-off Remember not to make any sound If Old Black comes in and probes. And don’t let him find out

Otherwise you will be killed by the vine immediately There is nothing wrong with Qiu Yaokang’s analysis The hardware store is indeed hiding a virus. This makes a lot of money. Hey hey T virus can greatly improve the research efficiency of the current shelter It’s worth more than the t virus.

Behind the hidden channel is a straight down ladder Forward down the ladder Dummy enters the basement hall The basement is very clean inside Several sofas, wooden tables, wooden chairs The safe is placed in a very conspicuous corner. In addition to this There is also a side door next to the basement

To be on the safe side A Dai carefully control vines zombies Push the side door open checked it out It’s a lot of canned food left in the storage room. Food and bottled water Back in front of the safe. A Dai immediately enter the password Safe door opens in response

A potion and lying quietly inside the safe Potions and a total of 18 sticks But now there are only the last two left. You acquired the defective disease poison Two has completed the task Qiu Yaokang was doubted Please look for Qiu Yaokang to receive the task. Reward what

Why is it a defective G virus It took half a day. The result is a defective product He tried to search the basement hall. Tried to turn over the cabinet Inside was a postcard from Pine City and an employee work permit Lucas Many people are strange Why did you suddenly choose to resign?

Everyone says you don’t like life in the company. After you left I found some problems part of the g virions that should have been discarded in the experiment Found that the quantity does not match I checked the records You were on duty that day. Mm-hmm. I didn’t mean to doubt you

I know your daughter is very ill But the pg virus is eliminated All right. I just wanted to tell you I hid it from you. No matter what As your friend I can only wish you good luck You got the item postcard You got an item employee work permit Lucas

Turns out the hardware store owner used to work for the Meteor Company. He was trying to save his daughter’s life Only then did I steal the G virus that was to be destroyed from within the company. What a coincidence It’s the rain new company from Pine City of Pine Tomb again

Is it related to the research and development of disease virus Thinking room A Dai took back the backpack with the employee’s work permit and postcard. Back upstairs A Dang will hang in the mid-air ice heart to relax alone You found the virus. A Dai did not answer

Just to end up doing something for me You said to go outside and bring in your employer. Finish this thing I’ll let you and your partner go I will do what I say. Tang Xun and Mu Zikun are hanging high in the air. Hear the words of A Dai

At that time, they all showed a look of imploring. Deng Xin looked at the two teammates high in the sky. Give them a nod Then he turned to look at the clinic promise of A Dai Hope. Of course, I promise. A Dai said and walked to the door.

Watching Deng Xing leave the hardware store Deng Xing and Laohei said a few words outside Old Black obviously hesitated But in the end he couldn’t resist persuasion. Hide with Deng Xing towards the hardware store Just stepped into the room The old black realized that it was not good. But before he could react

The muzzle of the black hole has been aimed at the old black face Now you can fuck off Deng Xing three people such as amnesty Quickly walk away from the room Old black frown He watched Deng Xing three people leave Eyes twinkle He realized that he had been deceived

And the attackers were after him Who are you? A Dai took off the Ultraman mask Long time no see Should I call you old black or old black Ha ha ha ha ha ha It was when you received the video of your mission. I think you are very good To be honest

I didn’t think anyone would survive in that environment. Old black did not show any guilt and guilty There’s even a tone of an old friend. But dai wants to meet me There are many ways Lying to an old man in this way. Not so good.

How do you know the organic virus in the hardware store and Alex before. You already knew that Alex was locked up at Hope Town Community Hospital. Hey hey old black gradually relax down He looks like he was armed with a shotgun Not afraid at all Dumbo I’m a professional middleman

You can kill me But trying to get the news out of me. But it costs money Hey hey hey oh You are a professional middleman Aren’t you a member of the anti-federal organization? Of course not. But the federal group should not be so divided.

There is still a big difference between me and them. The most important point I only work for myself. But speaking up There seems to be no deep hatred between the two of us, right And if I didn’t guess wrong That is, the virus is now in your hands.

You’re making a lot of money this time. Why don’t you just let it go? What do you think A Dai looked at the old black coldly Old black words Ten letters, three points at most To this not afraid of death hob meat There’s nothing too good a way for A Dai, okay

Let’s just forget about the businessman’s past. But as a positive and good citizen Meet a dangerous person like you It is also good to choose to turn over to the Federation. I think the Federation will give me some rewards. How are you going to buy your life

Without young people, it is quite fast to learn. You’re not going to hand me over to the Federation. I will not resist But I have 10000 ways to kill myself Why don’t you make a friend like this I can send you a piece of information for free

To be honest, I’m really short of friends like you I have a lot of work on my hands lately Many client tasks can’t be handled by anyone. A player of your ability is very rare, huh Make a friend to complete the entrustment Do you mean to help you do those anti-federal things?

A Dai, I checked your information Knowing that you were close to the Federation in the alex incident I still want to advise you Don’t be brainwashed by the Federation. They’re not good things Of course, the anti-Federation guys are not good either. We wretches at the end of the day

The most is to be a middleman to earn some difference. Don’t listen to either side of blind investment When the time comes, even the whole life will be lost. A Dai frown What do you mean? If you want to know Why don’t you ask the Federation?

What are their doomsday clearance plans to hide from the public I’m sure you’ll be absolutely amazed Why don’t you tell me I asked the Federation. In case it is also regarded as an anti-federal organization member group Hey hey is not how to know I won’t tell you This information is too valuable

Tell me what you want to ask I’ll send you a piece of information for free Just think of it as Jago’s good fortune We have plenty of opportunities for cooperation A Dai think quickly What the old black said is true or false

The Federation may really have some special culture in its own game. At least now, killing old black didn’t mean old black can be reborn A Dai thinks he has been very close to the Federation recently. But the relationship hasn’t reached the point of intimacy.

Right now, striving for the greater good is the most important thing to do. So the one thing that’s missing right now modified t virus after getting the modified t virus His sanctuary lab will be able to start research. Licker makeover program I want words to my lips Somehow A Dai’s mind instantly emerges

The letter I found earlier in the rental house I want to know about Ulopoulos. Old black has been indifferent expression has changed He was obviously taken aback The pupil suddenly shrinks look extremely serious How did you know A Dai’s heart also jumped hard. Ulopoulos is true.

The diaries left by this body are real. A Dai stared at the old black The end is coming Game Mapping Reality These are all true Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha That’s right. It’s true So, as I was saying This world apart from itself. No one can rely on

I think the cooperation between us is more necessary Isn’t it? A Dai stared at the old black He thought of a lot at that time. Why the game world is the safest This is the body the former owner has been left in the game Reasons for building a shelter

The Second Crisis in the Real World The federal employer of Chongqing A Dai is waiting for my reply. Not much time to waste What you want to know or I’m gonna go I think the senior intelligence old black won’t say at the moment. Not as good as practical

Solving the most critical problems of the moment I need to know about the licking eater modified t virus. Most importantly, where can I get the licking eater modified t virus Hey hey you this is two questions The previous question was too simple I refuse to answer

As for the easiest way to get a licking eater modified t virus You can find it when you go to the pine room. There is the Meteor Company Division Research Center. The specific location is in building 1 In the research center, except for the licker you’re looking. beyond the modified t virus

There are a lot of good things You know I’m going to the pine room Hey hey Dummy Please do not doubt my professionalism. Old Black stretched out his hand and slowly pushed A Dai away. Pointing the muzzle of his shotgun This trip to Sumu City was a large team.

Get the internal list in advance. The problem is not big To celebrate this happy beginning of cooperation Might as well add a friend in advance I have a wonderful feeling After entering the pine room We will have a deeper cooperation. A Dai slowly withdrew the gun Open Survival Radio Add old black friends

Hey hey smart choice have a suitable commission I will come to you I promise for VIP partners The commission I provide will never have a pit. It’s best to leave the hardware store this way. Immediate return to prison institute He submitted two defective disease poisons to Qiu Yao Tang.

Incidentally, it also tells the postcard found in the secret passage. Not to a certain extent, the evil will increase its position. must give them a big boost in friendliness Also may avoid the level of promotion China Entrepreneurship Project Theme Store on 19 So that’s it.

The hardware store is a g virus source stolen from inside the meteorite company. Qiu Yaokang carefully checked the G virus he just started. I heard friends talk about According to the development of the virus In the beginning, it was to treat the disease.

He does have some of the ability to treat the disease. Qiu Yaokang handed over another list that had been prepared for a long time. What is this laboratory maintenance list? When on the list I need your help to fix the machinery The rest I will find my own way

For some instruments, the maintenance percentage is marked. Don’t do anything beyond your ability. Repairs can be stopped when the target percentage is reached. Thank you. Say it Qiu Yaokang turned his back Start the preliminary preparation of the hand disease virus analysis experiment. You’re crazy

Didn’t you let me touch your precious lab equipment yesterday? Originally, I wanted to show my mechanical maintenance skills in front of Qiu Yaokang. By the way, recover the failure of maintenance yesterday. Wake up I need to get to you before you enter Pine Development of virus-resistant agents as soon as possible

Increase your resistance to infection Sufficient time. I can analyze and study more efficient agents. Extra boost your base attributes Don’t waste everyone’s time Okay, no problem Big Hear Neng Bai Piao Potion He immediately shut his mouth. A Dai summons several vines in the basementZombies, come here. He touched his chin

What should I do next? A Dai began to think about how to teach zombies to be busy. Read the list list Wow, what’s wrong with the protective suit? Uh… You mean zombies Who else besides them? All right. I’ll try Your zombie was attacked with a gun Your zombies try to dodge but failed

You gain skill dodge experience plus one Your zombie sustained burning damage one This group of players still have some strength. Would take the initiative to attack Where did they get the guns I didn’t expect this group to take the initiative to attack. Hey, hey, then have a good fight Black tiger frowning

Things haven’t been going well lately. I actually met you in the mission today. And this time they even took the initiative to attack Players must compound Why are they again? The black tiger already had a bad feeling in his heart. Before the mercenary group accepts the task

The mission has clearly indicated that there will be disgruntled zombies. So this time the black tiger led the team equipped to deal with vine zombies. The most useful combustion bottle But the vine zombies carry flames. Hand-held iron lance Still alive and well Even added a bit of momentum

Let the player more dare not easily close to the captain Fire attacks still have limited effect on them Tactical 2 also led them out. Such a large number of difficult zombies The tiger had to adjust its tactics to contain the zombies. Stretch the front for consumption It was a good fight.

Brought with the pistol bullet has consumed most of Why did a zombie kill a black tiger? Can’t help it He asked Ante, the head of the shelter on the side. How did you mess with them? Facing this soul torture Capt’s players are also full of anguish. Really no. We didn’t do anything

They attacked us, didn’t they? That’s strange. Ante black with a face Don’t think about it What reason can a bunch of crazy zombies have Nothing more than being attracted by the taste of flesh and blood Hurry to find a way to solve them Black tiger heart secretly shook his head

The faster the Vine zombie returns blood after its blood volume. Hard killing is a waste of resources. We don’t have that many bullets Only to find a way to draw them away Find a cliff or something Lead them down. Completely resolved Unfortunately there is no time

Otherwise, make a large body pit in advance. It’s also a good way to bring in zombies. Back up. Captain, there’s something wrong with the zombie. Protect the shelter. The black tiger’s face suddenly changed See the vines The zombies turned their heads in unison. Come closer towards the shelter. Not good. Quick defense

Ante looked at it and broke out in a cold sweat. Lift up the carpentry and shout loudly Let’s help together. It’s crazy. These zombies are crazy Companies to build shelters Short pot for early investment If the shelter is destroyed… The players in Cape did not dare to think much at that time.

Take up arms to join the defense team The zombies came out of the mountain with iron spears and headed for the shelter. Abroad has been a wave of zombie attacks Stakes and spike traps outside the shelter The remaining durability is fine. In a panic Ante Loud Command Don’t let them near the shelter.

Get them out of the way. Seduce with Flame Sword Take them around in circles Last night it was extremely effective. But this time, Ante realized The zombies are different from last night. They ignored the players’ wooden sword attacks Forced use of iron spears to attack stakes and spike lines

No matter how players seduce shopping The one on the right is really not Players. Watching the zombies break through the stakes outside the shelter Started an attack on the sanctuary But if you go up for a melee attack. What’s the difference between this and dying? Your mirror ghost is under attack

Upgrades match enemies and repair shelters The game log is like a reminder. Brush out Ante in the lower right corner of the retina But you can only watch the zombies Destroy the player sanctuary Get firewood 2727 Nail 11 Scrap 60 Waste plastic II Ha ha ha ha ha

Forced demolition of the house is still cool enough Cut the grass and root save trouble The rest were also removed. Your zombie pack is dismantling the building. Your zombies are dismantling the brick wall 30 damage to brick wall Obtain Gravel Plus One Watching Shelter’s Durability Zero Capt players show their desperation

It’s over. It’s all over. It took so long to set up the shelter but not dismantled Not even half an hour In the face of these unreasonable zombies A deep sense of powerlessness rises in Ante’s heart. The despair is not over. He saw the iron spears that the zombies were holding.

Was switched into an iron pillar What they’re going to do a heavy blow It’s like hammering into the hearts of Captekus players. The zombies started tapping the system again. The walls of the initial building went crazy They even have to tear down the rest of the system.

If you really cheat a not to stay Capt Corporation Players feel humiliated. The black tiger is too strong Play the game half your life It was the first time he had seen this phenomenon. You are also under attack. Damn, what is this?

My station has already encountered a wave of zombie attacks this morning. So am I upstairs Why did these zombies suddenly appear? Can’t live The zombies I meet every day are enough to annoy me. Still survive a fart I have moved Let’s move quickly, too. Move now. You can still go to the prison.

Zero Material The blood moon hasn’t come yet. This also how to live It is not easy to mix in the forest. There have been a large number of zombies in the forest area recently. Did you find out Recently, there are more and more zombies in the neighborhood.

A strange id appeared in the regional group chat Is it a vine zombie? You are also attacked. Everyone in the conference room was overjoyed. looked at each other and took the bait I found it. It’s one of the nail houses in the North District. I can’t stand it

It’s hard to move the forest tomorrow. Several of my friends are popular outside. Drink spicy It’s no fun for me to suffer here. A Dai looked at the players’ acting skills and nodded secretly. Afraid of what ah Meet zombies and kill them. I spent so much time building the shelter

One or two zombies run away Dude, don’t say that. Can live well Who wants to kill? Let’s move early. These zombies are really different If you can fart, let them come to me. I’ll just stay here Do you want me to punctuate Big Brother Niubi I also feel strange

Why are there so many strange IDs at once? I’m thinking it’s all Thomas Where did the zombies attack the boss? That’s him. It was that kid who yelled yesterday. I didn’t think there was really no fear of death. That’s what you asked A Dai has already been sent in advance.

Three batches of zombies are on standby next to the nearest few nail houses. He remotely gave the zombies instructions to attack the shelter. Your zombie group began to take the initiative to attack The zombie in the player’s shelter is hurt by the shelter. The game log began to swipe the screen crazily again.

Ten minutes later Death of a player in your area Death of a player in your area Death of a player in your area Three died. Han Song should not be you, right Still alive. You just squeak There was silence inside the survival radio station. Whether you move or not I’m moving tomorrow anyway

I can’t stay in this place for another day. The brothers are out of sight. It’s really not my shelter. Almost torn down. This place can’t live These days of hard work All his mother nostalgic A Dai patted his eyes on the shoulder Nice job. Continue to refuel

I’m going to do some tasks these two days. It’s up to you to dissuade me these days. Continue publicity No problem The boss leaves the second floor Dumbo returns to underground asylum again Inside the originally empty underground shelter At this point filled with supplies iron block log coal mine

There’s even a copper mine that just started developing yesterday. Now it’s finally time to put together the conditions for the first shelter expansion. It’s time for a wave of expansion. A Dai turns out the system blueprint some operation Rebuild new basement area map He divided the big warehouse again.

Split out 12 classified warehouses, large and small These warehouses are large enough to accommodate the massive accumulation of resources at this stage. As a strategic reserve Became scanning player custom shelter blueprint For the sanctuary established by the player General shelter expansion is limited Small shelter Tsodo can be expanded three times

Medium five times Large ten times Giant 20 times Super large enough to expand 50 times The Federation’s current largest super-large shelter has only been expanded eight times. Players choose custom scale expansion The player’s current shelter template is very large You completed your first shelter expansion after transformation Dumbo gets twice the extra space.

It is enough for a six-person server for the time being. The first player with a low guard level of lv 25 Fame among survivors also spread by Xiao He You get extra rewards assault npc survivor Please pick up the operation at the survival radio station. and gain exclusive skills Oversized Backpack

You get an additional 20kg of backpack capacity for the current character level. Hey, and this good thing A Dai opened the survival radio station to observe You can choose the type of reward for new cg npc There are many types of NPC. Common such as mechanical maintenance Cooking Fight

Collect scientific research and land Tailor Machinery R & D Construction and more At this stage, there is no shortage of survival materials for farming or something. npc later Direct selection of scientific research You choose survivors with scientific attributes Survivors will be in less than 30 minutes Gather outside your shelter

Tomorrow I will go to the tomb. If there’s a chance I don’t mind And then find a way to dig a big rock pit over there. Brush survival points and evolution crystallization points well. The boss, the Dark Knights, Mr. David, visited me. I have taken him to wait in the reception room.

I’ll be right over Meeting room David paced back and forth Looks a little restless Welcome to my sanctuary How’s David here? very good It’s been a long time. Are you okay? not bad Come and sit down Can’t say Something happened I have to go to another assembly point.

David took Dumbo to the table. positive color channel I’m here to explain to you About tomorrow’s pine action This time we have 12 teams. Common to go from Pine Tomb Room Six people per team A total of 72 people. So many teams. More than just the command team.

We have a team of nearly 80 people From what we have in our investigation at this stage Meteor Company in Sumu City built a very large corporate campus Even though our 12 teams will be scattered across the corporate campus Step-by-step search David said, pulling out a map

Spread it out on the round table in the reception room Specific search tasks will be assigned by the team leader after field visits. This is your nearest rally point 8 The helicopter will depart at 11 noon tomorrow. It is expected to arrive at Pine City at 3 pm. If it goes well

We will stay in the Sumu room for one night. The helicopter will arrive at noon the next day. Take us out of Sumu City A Dai looked at the meeting point on the map. Location is a little far About a two-hour drive Such a calculation We will leave early tomorrow morning.

Besides, when I got here, I got some really bad news We originally prepared 15 teams to enter the Sumu Room together. But in the morning Eight surviving sites were attacked from unknown sources. Three of them were completely destroyed. has been destroyed Someone is interfering with the mission

Is it not clear who did it But a little confirmation There’s a good chance our operation has leaked Somebody doesn’t want us to go into a pine-wood investigation, et cetera. I will rush to the scene to conduct a detailed on-site investigation. Hope there is a discovery Everything carefully David patted A Dai’s surveillance

This is our Diablo Knights since the founding The first mega-scale operation Not to be lost After David left. What else is there in A Dai’s brain He turned on the survival radio and sent a message to Old Black. A Dai wants to test the old black

Look at the attack on the Dark Knights meeting point. Is it something to do with him See the old black temporarily no reply A Dai put away the radio station Run outside the shelter to meet the new NPC There are five survivors. Skinny Face Obviously, I suffered a lot outside.

A led them to the restaurant to eat Change into protective clothing Back to the Shelter Underground Lab What is Qiu Yaokang discussing with Li Bo Who are these people A Dai noticed that Qiu Yaokang’s eyes were bloodshot Looks like I haven’t slept in a long time. This guy is also very dry

Aren’t you short-handed? Get you a handyman Xiaoyao Kang nodded to Li Guo Come and register with me first. I’ll teach you some basic lab rules. Wait until Li Guo waits for him to leave Qiu Yaokang fromThe test bench took out a small bright memory in a bottle freezer. Just want to find you

This is our latest research and development. Look at it. Wow, that’s awesome. A hand is a box Not the kui is an S-class figure Open the medicine box View acquired potions When potent anti-infective agents when the basic t virus is infected with the vaccine Bacteria Virus Resistant Infectious Agents a good guy

Even the first step virus vaccine has been developed. It has its own research laboratory. it is cool Ha ha ha ha ha ha You used a modifier virus to fight infection. You’ll get a small boost in infection resistance Your basic physical Add three and earn three physiques for nothing. And this Qiu Yaokang

As he said, he bent down and searched for something under the test bench. Imitation developed according to the Meteor Company Living Sample Collector. I made these two nights. I don’t know why You seem to have been able to encounter some ultra-high-intensity alienated zombies.

This time I went to Pine City, I probably met him. In short, if you encounter it, you can collect more living samples and come back. Don’t waste You acquired the live sample collector a box of 48 Only three Thank you

It turns out that he stayed up late these two days just to make this fool Silently chose to accept the kindness Don’t say the living sample collector is really a good thing. Also known as the giant greed collector A Dai also asked several times before. This living sample collector

Whether it’s at the Doomsday Merchant Camp or the Dark Knights. are not sold It is estimated that Qiu Aokang’s npc with S plus level Only the strong can imitate it. This pine-type task is so big. If there is no fourth-order alienation Zombie law is unreasonable If there is a chance

We must collect more looks. A Dai took an early off-line break. Get ready for tomorrow’s fight. A Dai moved out of the rental house two days ago. Just ready to wash up The phone rang Take a look at the phone Hundreds of missed calls Chen Yu has been calling herself since noon.

Hello, A Dai can count on contacting you I ‘ve already sent someone to the prison to find you. What’s the rush? Something about the pine room In fact, this is a task assigned by the superior himself. Let me contact you We learned that you joined the pine-style mission

Because we in the Federation will be involved in the entire mission. Chen Yu hesitated Continue to say Dummy, I’m sorry It is not convenient for me to disclose specific things. But this mission is very important We may need your assistance in the process We’ll try to satisfy you in terms of compensation. Mm-hmm.

The Federation is not very good. How long has it been How is the federal intelligence so long behind the old fly No problem On the surface, A Dai still promised to come down By the way, ask Chen Yu for information. Do you know anything about Sumu and the mission? Ah, this is good

I understand not to ask more Dumbo Because discipline I can’t say too much I can only tell you This task is closely related to the main line The federal side attaches great importance This mission The reward must be generous But the completion is also very difficult

The danger level of the hematoxylin is S. It’s full of high-level zombies. To be honest We also don’t know why this mission was triggered so quickly. Hey. Theoretically The task should be six months or more later. may be punished That’s really embarrassing. I did this thing

I’m the one who gave Ireta’s living sample to the Diablo Knights. Only carelessly triggered the task Chen Yu did not know that this matter was still related to A Dai. His heart is very heavy now Anyway, we were once again preempted by the anti-Federalist. This time the main task came suddenly.

We were caught off guard There is no preparatory work Two Federation players have just joined the Diablo Knights. received this task. If one step later I’m afraid I can’t even catch up with this mission. What about mission information? Other servers should have corresponding strategies No, no, um… In the main line game

Players cannot disclose information about the main task to the outside world. Otherwise you will be punished Serious and even directly sentenced to death By the way, the Federation has not announced this to the public. You don’t say out good So we can only come up with some other details. Inferring Task Flow

And we also found The main task process is different for each server. There’s no pinewood in at least 1267 server. All right. Is there any intelligence information that can be shared? After learning of Pastor Su’s mission We immediately launched the relevant search Instead, I found a map of the interior of Sumu Town.

And the internal map of the Meteor Corporation campus I’ll transfer it to you later Thank you, Dummy. Also don’t take Chen Yu’s things for nothing So remind him According to the news I got possible t virus leak inside the pine chamber I ‘ve been in that place for a long time.

The level of infection will increase significantly. So to do a good job of protection Okay, your information is very important to us I’ll report it to my superiors. By the way, there is one more thing I want to ask you You said we recently received a report from an enthusiastic player.

It is said that the zombies in the forest area of Zone 8 have mutated. The zombies began to master common weapons. It will even attack the player’s station. Serious and even demolition behavior Okay, you guessed it I did it again Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

After our research, we think there may be a new mutation in the zombies. But but what But we received a real-name report from a player from Aput. They think that the zombie pack was made by a prison man. Controlled in the dark Suspected prison and anti-federal organization power related

I hope we can find out who they are by investigating the gang. Little Joe, they Dummy, that’s not what I meant. We’re still very comfortable with you. See a Dai don’t answer the phone Chen Yu on the other side scratched his head How could it be that you did

It is said that alienated zombies are sold by the Second Order Hall. How can a player have such a strong fighting ability? This is not common sense But you have to be careful too Many players have confirmed it. A large number of alienated zombies appeared in the forest.

Although your prison is outside the forest but also in the danger zone Well, thank you. However, how is the Federation going to deal with this matter? It’s too late to deal with sudden main tasks. Besides, the first blood moon is coming soon. The superior can’t send any support

We’ll send another team into the forest. Check it out is already the limit. Shen Yu poured bitterness to A Dai For the time being, the Federation will consider issuing mission guidelines in the forum. Forest areas classified as high risk areas

It is recommended that players in the forest area handle it as soon as possible. After all, now this situation Then you are not suitable for ordinary players to survive Adai classical Chinese breathed a sigh of relief It’s hard work Hey, brother. Serving the people. Lele. I’ll report the situation to the leaders first.

Contact me next time Hey hey hey Hit the wrong way Anyway, these two days to take zombie busy group to pine room to do the task FEDERAL RUNNING TO INVESTIGATOR I’m sure I can’t find anything. And with the official crisis propaganda It is estimated that fewer and fewer players remain in the forest.

Grandpa, your grandson called you The phone shows two old black phones. Strange I don’t seem to have added Laohei’s cell phone number. Hey hey Dummy Is it finally offline? I ‘ve been waiting for you How do you know my cell phone number Dumbo This question of yours is very amateur. As a middleman

This is the basic skill it can be You keep blowing Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Don’t be nervous This phone is special. No federal trace And there won’t be any incoming calls. Anyway, there’s something more urgent I hope you can enter point 9 tomorrow. Join Team 9 Enter the pine room

Believe me It’s good for you You can go to the nearest Dark Knights camp for advice. Spend a little knight honor points and you can teleport. Good luck to you Looking forward to our cooperation What the hell? A Dai wants to dial back

However, it was found that the incoming call message of this mobile phone could not be found at all. Like it doesn’t exist What is Team 9? Will it be a pit Whatever. Ask first tomorrow. A Dai decided to follow what Lao Hei said. Take a motorcycle ride to Katerina’s Little Bar Oh.

You want to change the place of departure Join Group Nine Can you tell me the reason Nine is my lucky number. Hum dishonest I see you have another purpose Katerina snorted softly Bow down and take out the incentive ghost Look at Group 9. There are indeed remaining vacancies. You can join

But it’s a long way from here. In the beginning, when we assigned teams It is formed by regional distance. You have a way, right? You’re right. Consume 20 Honor Points Can open a space transfer for you Direct transfer to Group 8 Nearest Diablo Knights Contact Point Past from there

The meeting point takes about half an hour Then come with me walk into the room by the back door A Dai saw a metal instrument full of high-tech texture Zombie Doomsday World and this high-tech transmission facility Is it hidden again? Let’s begin Stand in the middle Open your eyes again

Dummy came to another station of the Diablo Knights. The head of the station is an old man named En. Katerina has told me all about you The assembly point is just north of the station. walk about 30 minutes I can lend you a bike

Thank you. I took A Dai and rode his bicycle through Araki. Wait for A Dai to arrive at the gathering place It’s past half past ten After stating your purpose A Dai was taken into a temporary one by two Diablo Knights soldiers. You are a Dai camp Colonel Barker in the tent

Stand up I ‘ve heard your name Dumbo You find a way to get it from the Meteor Company. We got a living sample of Arietta Let’s get a lot of valuable information Representing only the Dark Knights Thank you for your efforts Launch to your favorability score increased

I’m Colonel Barker, the commander-in-chief of this pine operation. Dummy looked up at Buck Turns out he’s the chief of operations Buck is very rough Heavy eyebrows, big eyes and a bald head But he’s passionate I’m sorry Since my squad is full So I can’t give you more places. If you don’t mind

You can follow the logistics team for the time being. Wait until after the Dasong tomb I will direct the operations of the logistics team And the logistics team Is this the old black plan Come on, it’s all coming. Just have access to the truffle room

There is no problem even if one person acts Joining the logistics bone is not a big problem. Okay, listen to your arrangement Buck stepped forward I patted A Dai’s pancakes. I’ll take you to the logistics group meeting point. Another camp assembly point Everyone cast their eyes towards A Dai and Hello.

I am a dumbass He saw the tall blonde girl in the crowd at once. nose bridge high Stature Presentation This is Lucia The leader of the logistics team this time Buck turned his back to Dumb’s daughter Slave’s eyes. small channel She’s pretty, right? Lucia seems to have heard Show a look of displeasure

The young man has an eye. But I advise you not to have any thoughts on him. You’re too weak Not enough for him to beat up I don’t believe Ha, ha, ha. Okay. Just a joke. The helicopter will take off in an hour and a half Ake looked serious down

He pointed to the helicopter that was parked on one side. and a couple of big boxes on the other side Since this helicopter is used to load supplies So there are strict restrictions on the weight of members. We need to streamline individual backpacks Each person carries up to 100kg of items.

You can store items you don’t need for the time being there. Only 100kg Trouble. Adruth’s distressed look His backpack is full. For safety considerations before coming A Dai’s backpack also contained a pile of sundries. He went to the box and struggled. The zombie body also has a small amount of weight

And also inherited A Dai’s oversized backpack skills But the problem is Zombie Death After the Resurrection Except for weapons, tools and clothes. All items in the backpack will be emptied Use zombies to remotely ship supplies. Unrealistic a little trouble A Dai muttered and took out a packet of biscuits. Another bottle of coffee.

Eat and drink milk slowly First of all, the sample collector is definitely required. Can’t live up to Qiu Yao Kang’s two big nights and weapons and ammunition Small explosive package gasoline Plus a small amount of survival supplies Water and food essential anti-infective agents Medical Bandage Blood Return Bag Treatment Spray Rope

Flashlight, coffee, etc. Yeah, okay. Start emptying Starting from the arrival of A Dai In the squad Player Mo Jiawei has also been observing A Dai. He saw a dull in front of the box for a period of time I realized that Dumbo might be a player. Dumbo started throwing things into the box

Pistol Bullet Box Bullet box Bullet box 21 Flashlight Rope Nylon Rope Luncheon meat cooking bag CannedCoffee The honey bag was soaked for five minutes. Haven’t you heard his backpack is so big? It started with food cookies. It takes two minutes to dig out the honey. Then there are all kinds of sundries.

What rope? Wood Lighter Flashlight Crowbar More than three minutes Then there are all kinds of high-level weapons and equipment and recovery props. focused flamethrower Treatment Spray Dozens of boxes of pistol bullets The most is food. Carry the grill with you What is this routine The bicycle is also installed.

Really not afraid of super load furnace Good guy. Why would he carry a furnace with him Mo Jiawei I saw a lot of high-priced items thrown into the box by A Dai. There is no doubt This player is definitely a big brother. How can an ordinary player have such a big backpack?

How can there be a house of high value? A Dummy had a hard time emptying his backpack. He turned around and happened to notice Mo Jiawei’s expression. The expressions of other NPCs are calm. He’s the only one who has never seen the world.

It seems that there is only one player in this team, Mo Jiawei. Finished Dummy walked into the line stand at the end Mo Jiawei whispered hello to A Dai Hi friend. Is it a player? My name is Mohist I live in the snowfield. Where do you mix

Quick success A Dai Xinghui Xinghui Great God took me to fly No problem When the time comes, we will cooperate with the helicopter after the cargo is shipped. you’ll be able to trigger early The soldiers began. Distribute to each member in turn An inhaler and a palm-sized hacker communicator

Inhalation is an anti-infective agent Immediate reduction of player’s current 10% to 20% after inhalation degree of infection Communicator Diablo Knights Special Communicator It needs to be within the coverage of the base station before it can be used. We’re in the pine air low concentration of spread t virus detected

Long-term exposure to this environment There will be a risk of infection This inhaled agent can effectively reduce infection But the capacity is very limited Only one per person More than 30 hours. There should be no problem Another is the communicator Pastor Pine has a special magnetic field shielding ordinary communicator inside

The logistics team is expected to enter the pine room after Installation of a base station on top of the Meteor Company Area B building After the base station is completed, the communicator can be used for internal communication. Is there any problem No family teaches Wen Buck nods Then look at Dummy

When I was away Dummy will be the team leader Lead you through this mission Mo Jiawei Knock Overhead A surprised look at the teammate beside him His captain did a good job A Dai superior Lucia will assist you as a lieutenant Why are the three Mo Jiawei even more horrified?

Looking at how A Dai did it inexplicably He smashed tens of millions down This has just been promoted to second-class private. This is definitely a great god. I didn’t run away Since your rank of honor is the highest in the group has been assigned as captain Lucia for vice-captain

There was a look from the side of A Daichang watching him. Looking back Lucia is also looking at herself a little unconvinced. Lucia is less friendly to you My knock favorability also decreased In Pine City or Buck take over the team This wave is a big loss After two hours

A Dai wears an emergency parachute bag Follow the team and board the helicopter. Including the pilot. Group members a total of seven Lucia sat in the passenger seat He looked back at a crowd We have officially headed to the Pine Tomb The whole journey takes about four hours Everyone can take a break.

Energetic guarantee This can also rest I can’t see the plane shaking like this. Mo Jiawei has already made the idea of holding his thigh. A Dai, aren’t you nervous at all Nervous. This is your first time in a helicopter Acrophobia It’s okay. Just get used to it.

A Dai said and took out his sleeping bag from his backpack. I’ll go offline and sleep first. Come back in about three and a half hours There is something to call me for my sleeping bag. Mo Jiawei looked at the sleeping bag left by A Dai.

Is this the way the Great God acts? Ha ha ha ha ha ha Downline A Dai lay back in bed He conveniently took out what Chen Yu sent last night. Pine City Regional Map There are two maps to view. One is a city map of Pine City.

The other is the internal map of the meteorite company. The interior of the meteorite company park is divided into five areas of abcd. and the most central area s living quarters in block a activity area of area B Area c Area d Experimental Area Area 1 Office Area

The s area is just marked with a name. Well, it shouldn’t be hidden in the destroyed area S. But from the information given by the old black This time the target is the regional experimental area. That’s the experimental area for the T-virus. After entering the pine room

Find a way to see there first. Look. Get the modified licking for the virus as soon as possible. After three and a half hours A Dai Online He noticed that Mo Jiawei still looked nervous. Strange. I thought Mo Jiawei was anti-federal. It doesn’t seem like much now. Too nervous

Then why did Laohei let himself come to group 9? Ladies and gentlemen, we have entered the tomb search room According to the scheduled plan We’ll be on the Meteor Corporation campus. Docked above the Science and Technology Building in Zone 1 Please get ready. Pine is

The streets of the city are full of zombies At a glance Half of them are first-order alienated zombies. There are also second-order alienated zombies everywhere. There are even a few red shadows scurrying in the alleys. And the angel of Mo Jiawei pale He has some regrets about coming to this mission.

Clearly, the labels are all tasks with 30 levels of difficulty. Why such a big difference ordered a strange Why does God look so excited? Good guy. This city is simply a geomantic place. So many first-order alienated zombies You dare to believe There are also a large number of second-order alienated zombies mixed in.

That’s great. That’s great. That’s all survival points. All are the crystallization of evolution Join the Dark Knights It was the right choice. A Dai this mission is too horrible Well, indeed, risk also means opportunity. Dumbo, my natural ability is to assist in weakness tracking.

You can get the information of the target and the landing point. In addition to this You can also set a short-term tracking of a target. Also, I’m not good at fighting. Not bad Is it an S-level talent? Are you fighting? Can barely calculate half Is the same as you

Belonging to the Department of Auxiliary Logistics What am I particularly good at collecting supplies? Demon Dao Mo Jia Wei covered his forehead more distressed Before, I thought A Dai was a great god of combat talent. Such a dangerous environment The task is so difficult.

It happened that there were still two auxiliary teams left. How to play this game A Dai knows what Mo Jiawei is worried about. He laughed in his heart. The corners of the mouth a pull Point to a helicopter outside the window. This plane dumbass

This is the cell phone of the President of the Pasta. Don’t be afraid, if you want me to say that our colonel is very good. The rank of colonel can fight very well. Let’s just hang out after him. When the time comes to follow the humble all drink the same What situation

The members of the Dark Knights of Bassan Samara were also affected. The crowd immediately looked out of the window. The number 009 pointed to by A Dai just reached out his hand. The plane was completely out of control Tail riser The plane was lost in a small house. The tomb fell down.

The bruise on the tail was clearly not caused by mechanical failure. Brother Lucia in the co-pilot’s seat shouted at the crashed plane Watching him fall beneath the city The city’s central intersection A humanoid monster up to 2 meters tall He carried a large bazooka launcher on his shoulder

Lying Trough Tyrant Fourth Order Alienation Tyrant His face turned white with a brush. Not a tyrant. Mo Jiawei stretched out a hand to cover his left eye. And in his eyes immediately came the details of the tyrant. Nemesis Trapezoid Reward Two-way Cell Implant the product of tyrant 1103 mass production in vivo

When Lear’s law grows into an adult Will take over tyrant 103’s brain and destroy its frontal lobe Formation of the second brain The second will transform the tyrant’s body internally. and re-edit its neural circuits The parasite gives the tyrant a stronger physical response and much more regenerative than 1103

And make it acquire the intelligence of ordinary people Nemesis can manipulate a bazooka Rotating machine guns and heavy weapons combat In addition to strong regenerative abilities and parasitic tentacle attacks Strengthening outside Nemesis has no other special enhancements Mo Jiawei put it down and put it on his left eye.

Hand turned to look at A Dai Trouble. is the fourth sister A flower 30 first wait What did you just say about ne alpha? From Mo Jiawei’s description It’s like a parasite It’s an ascending body similar to a vine zombie. It sounds like a very powerful thing.

I don’t know if I can be transformed by my own zombie. I don’t know what the driver can provide. Not far from the plane. Second helicopter explodes in the air Mo Jiawei’s face was pale Don’t panic What panic According to the game of urine

It should not be given at the beginning of the mission. At least we’re lucky If you want us to take those two helicopters… Is it directly gg Mo Jiawei does not speak He looked below Eyes full of fear He shivered below. I beg you Don’t milk.

A Dai looked subconsciously down in his heart. I fuck the tyrant with a bazooka on his shoulder. He targeted the helicopter Adele was in. I wipe A Dai really wants to slap himself Does he think his mouth is open today? Why so many Rise, rise, build a tyrant’s change

The NPCs in the helicopter were shouting. Guide the helicopter to dodge upward Hoping to escape the tyrant’s bazooka A poor range can affect his hit rate. A rocket from inside a bazooka on the tyrant’s shoulder The helicopter was deliberately hit by a rocket launcher. A violent shaking of the entire cabin interior

The helicopter jitters out of control Quick skydiving Now up to 20 seconds That’s skydiving. At stake He looked fast at the white building in the lower city. Listen to my command Select drop point Set above the white building

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