

Hello everyone, I am the sweeping monk! If the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates in 2024, people with cash will directly become poor? Eh! In recent years, the Japanese yen has depreciated, the Korean won has depreciated, and the Thai baht has also depreciated

. Some people are very happy because they can travel and spend crazy money again! But do you know how serious the consequences are? Suppose there is a currency in the world now, let’s call it the Taiwan dollar! So if one Taiwan dollar is equal to one US dollar

And you have 100 trillion Taiwan dollars now , what will you do? There is nothing to do! Just save it and put it in the bank to collect interest, and your descendants will have wealth and freedom for 10 generations! OK! As recently as 43 years ago,

There was a currency called the Zimbabwe dollar! This country was the most developed country in Africa at that time, with minerals, and it was also the breadbasket of Africa! Because of this, the Zimbabwe dollar was more valuable than the US dollar at that time! You heard it right!

As long as 0.68 Zimbabwe dollars, you can exchange it for one US dollar! So if you had 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollars at that time and deposited it in the bank, it would be a no brainer to collect interest! So congratulations! marvelous! Your 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollars

Can’t even buy a piece of bread now! Why? Don’t think it has nothing to do with you! Have you noticed that your genes have been passed down to your generation for not only thousands of years, but hundreds of years, right? But why hasn’t wealth accumulated enough to make you a rich second generation?

The answer is simple, just look at how much gold you have hoarded now! What is the truth of this world, everyone? 97% of people work hard just for the salary they get at the end of the month? So how is this salary paid to you?

For example, if you earn two thousand US dollars a month, your boss will give you two thousand US dollars in banknotes! Right? Everyone will tell you that two thousand yuan is money! Because he is printed by the state and is authoritative! Eh! When did we start to think that printed things were real?

Now it’s even more outrageous. I’ll transfer the money directly to your bank without even giving you a banknote! In other words, you just have an extra string of numbers on your account! When you believe that this string of numbers is money, will become worthless like the Zimbabwe dollar!

So why do I never teach people how to be self-disciplined and how to work hard? Because of the fruits of your self-discipline and hard work, people only need to turn on a money printing machine to plunder it! An American once told me that

They are most afraid of us Chinese working in their restaurants because we are too diligent and take away their jobs! I was young at the time and thought it was an honor! But now I find out, yes! All the jobs have been taken away by us, and then what?

They become the guests we serve! So today if you want to preserve the purchasing power of labor force, you must use printed banknotes like a country to buy real currency, that is, gold! Especially before the Fed cuts interest rates in 2024? Why? Because the best buying time for gold has appeared in 2024,

It may be our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rich! So in this video today, I will not only predict and share my future gold layout from the perspective of a businessman and investor , but also review my gold investment this year! It may cause a lot of people to disagree with me

And then my peers will imitate me, it doesn’t matter! As long as one or two sentences here are useful to you and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people.

If you don’t want to miss more useful information in the future , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! First of all, one of the most disgusting lies I have ever heard in my life is that you buy antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times!

During a war, a country may disappear. Can you buy gold with this country’s banknotes ? It’s the same as buying insurance and asking others to pay your medical expenses when you are sick ! Look at how much gold has skyrocketed after the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Palestine war.

How much did the local currency then depreciate? The most important thing is, are you running around with gold during the war because you think your life is too long? You may think that war is far away from us. I will not comment on this.

But the so-called risk why gold is a safe-haven asset does not refer to war but to the currency depreciation we are experiencing every second! In other words, as long as you go to work and earn back your money today, the money in your hands will continue to depreciate!

Just say that you can’t see this depreciation, and then you won’t take it seriously! So be sure to watch the video until the end! Because the fastest way to make money in 2024 has appeared! Let’s see! This is a weekly chart of gold price trends!

Very simple! We can see that gold has been on an upward trend before! Since it rose to 11 years, it has started to fall! And the fall is quite deep! Until the last 20 years, it rose to about 2,077 US dollars, and then turned around and fell!

In 2022, it rose to 2,077 yuan, and then turned around and fell again! In March 2023, it rose to 2,077 yuan, and then fell again! Now it has risen to 2077 yuan in December, but it has not fallen yet!

What does this mean? It means that every time the gold price rises to 2,077 yuan, it may fall! This 2077 yuan is the pressure level of gold price! When we connect the tops of these bands, we will get the red horizontal line, which is the pressure line!

As long as the price of gold hits this pressure line, it may turn around and fall! How low did it fall? Let’s see, every time it’s around 1,679 yuan, it will rebound! Then block 1679 is the support level! When we connect the bottoms of these bands, we

Will get the blue horizontal line, which is the support line! So when is the opportunity to buy? That is, when the gold price completely breaks through the red pressure line, it will have no pressure at all , which means that the previous selling pressure has been digested!

Because most people will buy when it is blue and sell when it is red to make money , but now it has broken through, it means that the power of the buyer is deeper than that of the seller! At the same time, the red pressure line is also the highest price of gold.

In history, gold has not been higher than this price! If this price is exceeded, it means that everyone who bought before will make money! When do most people sell stocks? They panic sell when stocks fall! Otherwise the price of the stock would not have plummeted! When stocks rise, most people buy them

Because they are greedy and afraid that they will make less money! The principle of gold is exactly the same. When the price of gold breaks through a new high, few people want to sell because everyone wants to know how high it will rise

And is afraid that they will miss the increase if they sell. So when the price of gold completely breaks through a new high, the price of gold will be very easy. Being pushed up! And the most important thing is, if you have been watching my videos

Or you will be my disciple in the future, you will find that gold has appeared in a classic cup and handle pattern , which is a signal that it may skyrocket! Can you see a coffee cup and a cup handle? This U-shaped one, which looks like a round bottom, is a cup!

The area formed between the red pressure line and the blue support line is the cup handle! This pattern probably means that after the previous sharp decline and washout, those who should have sold their gold have already sold. These people are called retail investors!

The remaining gold holders are those who are bullish on gold, some institutions, or even a country. We call them big investors! In other words, when gold is concentrated in the hands of a few people, the price can easily be pushed up! For detailed principles, you can watch my previous videos!

To understand it simply, we will not buy gold when gold has just fallen or try to buy gold at the bottom , but when the price of gold breaks through the top of the cup handle, which is the red pressure line just mentioned, it is the most appropriate thing to do. of!

So I will buy gold ETFs or futures when the gold price breaks through the red horizontal line , and then set the stop loss at the red horizontal line because this red horizontal line is originally a pressure line , but after the gold price breaks through the pressure,

It will It becomes a support line, so I will stop loss here! In other words, I will stop the loss at the buying price. If the gold price drops after I buy it, my biggest loss will be some handling fees, taxes and the like! But what if it goes up?

Then what I face is endless room for growth! This is the importance of controlling risk! Especially in 2024, the Federal Reserve has publicly retorted that they may cut interest rates! You can see that smart money has made a good layout and gold has reached the top!

Remember, the relationship between the U.S. dollar and gold is inverse . When U.S. interest rates rise, everyone sells gold or houses and converts money into U.S. dollars to collect interest . Therefore, the demand for U.S. dollars increases, and the U.S. dollar appreciates!

But it’s different when the United States cuts interest rates, and the story is reversed! Everyone is throwing dollars! Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg of my plan because even if you buy here , when will you sell after it goes up? How much to buy?

When should we increase or decrease our positions? When will you buy it next time? why? Everything like this requires a complete systematic method to tell you what to do at every step, how to do it, and why you should do it!

So if you just want to be able to afford a house, buy a car and live a life of wealth and freedom , but the reality tells you that working day after day makes you unable to see the future

, and you have no skills, and the work hours are long but the returns are not proportional. At the same time, if you are worried that your pension will not be enough in the future , then you must learn the systematic method of buying and selling stocks, gold, and Bitcoin!

If you want to learn this method and don’t want to miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make huge profits while the stock market is recovering , then you must sign up for my stock investment class as soon as possible through the first link in the video description column !

Because of the registration fee of one thousand US dollars, as long as you like and subscribe, we will not charge you any fees at all! But after our server capacity is exceeded, it may be removed from the shelves or charged extra! So if you don’t want to miss it, sign up now!

So in 2024, I may spend 10% of my income to pay attention to the money-making opportunities of gold ETFs and futures! Because I always spend 10%-20% of my income to buy physical gold every year. Why? Most people lose money when buying physical gold!

Let’s take a look at the trend of gold prices in these years! If you bought gold in 2011 and planned to invest, then in the eight years from 2011 to 2019, you lost a full 45%! 1 million is gone, 450,000 is gone! And in this process,

Gold will not give you a penny of rental income. The interest income is just a piece of golden material placed in front of you! Of course, gold has already risen back in 2023. Not only will you get your money back, but you will also make a profit of about 7%!

In other words, if you have earned 7% in the past 12 years, your annual return rate is 0.58%! Even if the annual inflation is only 2%, can gold maintain its value? Of course this is a special case. If you hold gold for 100 years, your average return is 4.7%

. But comparing stocks and real estate, there is no comparison! Moreover, real estate and the stock market have never been at the bottom for eight consecutive years, so in terms of cost performance and efficiency, physical gold is not suitable for investment! This is very important. If you are confused about investment and speculation,

You can wait and watch my last video! What I want to say is, why do most people lose money or fail to make money when buying gold? This is important! Pay attention! Because maybe getting married will make you doomed! As an ordinary person,

Where can you think of to buy gold? What is your first choice? Of course it’s a gold store! But as long as you go to a gold store to buy gold, you will have to pay expensive brand premium fees and craftsmanship fees! What is brand premium? It’s very simple. Today, an ordinary bag

Is of very good quality and sells for $300! But if you want to buy a Chanel bag, you have to pay more than 3,000 US dollars! The quality and materials are very close, and the appearance is similar just because of the different LOGO, but you have to pay 10 times more

Because of the brand premium! The same goes for gold. All gold jewelry is made of gold , but jewelry with a smaller proportion of gold may be more expensive than pure gold jewelry because the brands are different and the craftsmanship of the masters is different!

So when you go to a gold store to buy gold, it is no longer an investment. What you buy is jewelry, its services, and the status and reputation that the brand brings to you. So some people may choose to go directly to a gold store, silver shop

, or bank. Go buy gold bars, buy gold nuggets! Doesn’t this mean there are no processing fees and brand premiums? But think about it, do people who open a store need rent? Pay a salary? transportation cost? Storage costs, etc. And do people want to make some money?

So the gold bars you buy actually have a handling fee included! Then it’s ok if I buy it online. This again involves the issue of genuine and fake products! In other words, you have to pay a handling fee before investing in gold ! So since there is buying, there is selling!

When you sell gold, you also need to sell it at a price slightly lower than the market price because no matter which sales channel they have to make money! So when you buy, the price is higher than others, and when you sell, the price is lower than the market price!

These are the reasons why most people lose money when investing in gold! But why do I still spend 10%-20% of my income buying physical gold every year? Because I don’t buy gold for investment. In other words, I don’t buy gold to make money, but to hold it!

When a country buys gold, it is not used to invest and make money, it is also used to hold it! What does that mean? Do you know why many thousand-year-old shops and families have experienced countless dynasties , but they can still survive today? Why are the descendants of previous emperors and presidents

Becoming poor and impoverished, while some families and businesses, their descendants can still have enough food and clothing without doing anything? There is a culture in the fashion circle called New Money and Old Money! People who have a new money style of dressing like big logos and exaggerated colors!

The biggest fear is that no one knows that they have money to afford famous brands. It is usually the rich generation, the nouveau riche! As for the old-money style people, they wear clothes worth tens of thousands of dollars but can’t see the logo at all! This one has a sense of nobility!

Today we can make a lot of money by doing business and investing. This is just called wealth! If you have a lot of banknotes today, a lot of new money, you are called rich! But wealth may only last three generations. Only by evolving from wealth to wealth can wealth be passed on!

And this process takes time! So how can it withstand the baptism of time? Gold, that is, old money, can withstand the baptism of time! Why can the rich N generation become the rich N generation? It’s not just because they know how to reincarnate , it’s not just because their products are particularly good

Or they know how to do business! It’s because their ancestors’ safes contained not silver notes, but gold! Gold is a safer insurance than insurance! Can you understand this? Suppose one day the world no longer recognizes the US dollar or the Japanese yen that keeps printing money, and

Then a new money New Money appears and everyone uses this new currency to trade . At this time, the US dollar and the Japanese yen will become worthless! However, we can still use old money, that is, gold, to exchange for new money for transactions! It’s the same as people

In the past never thought that one day banknotes would become worthless and people now would use US dollars to trade! From ancient times to the present, gold is the real currency and the eternal Old Money! And banknotes, copper coins, and silver notes are actually just to facilitate our transactions. It is man-made!

And gold is made by God! It’s timeless! Most metals are actually consumables. For example, copper will oxidize, right? But gold will not. No chemical can corrode gold! If you use gold to build a house today, thousands of years later, if you burn this house

, all the wood and bricks will be burned away! Only after gold is refined, it still exists! In other words, it is very stable and will not rust, change color, or fade! The reason why I hold gold instead of investing in gold is because holding gold has no risk and no return!

The so-called investment has returns, but also investment risks! If you lend me your money today and I don’t pay it back to you, all your money will be gone! This is your investment risk, so I want to give you interest in return!

It is also equivalent to the fact that if you invest money in the stock market today, the company may go bankrupt and the stock price may fall, causing you to lose money. This is the risk of your investment! But the profits from rising stock prices

Or profits from interest dividends are your return on investment! So investing in gold also has risks, didn’t I just say that? I bought gold in 2011 and lost money for 8 years! Because gold and the US dollar are opposites, if the US dollar is strong, gold will be weak! A substitute!

Therefore, the risk of investing in gold is to lose money from the short-term drop in gold prices! Anything, whether you invest in a pair of sneakers or a car, there must be risks and rewards! But I’m talking about holding gold! Holding gold is completely risk-free

Because today humans may be extinct and banknotes may be eliminated, but gold will still exist! Just like I have a friend who is doing business in Russia . As a result of the Russia-Ukraine war, the ruble depreciated greatly. Everyone thought that not only was his business not good, but his assets also depreciated

, and he still did well. Why? Because he holds gold in his safe! Today, you can find out how much money Li Ka-shing, Bill Gates, and Musk have and who are the richest people in the world! But this is just what we see on the surface

. Is Musk really richer than Li Ka-shing? Do you know how much gold Li Ka-shing bought and how many gold bars he hoarded? We will never know! Gold can be passed down, not only because it is eternal, but also because, like cash, it cannot be traced!

To put it bluntly, why do some people pay cash when going to prostitutes? Because I can’t find it! It’s just that now, between cash and gold, rich people choose gold! Because gold can always be exchanged for cash, but cash may not be exchanged for gold!

You can find out how many houses, companies and stocks you own! But the gold cannot be found! Only we know how much gold we have in Singapore’s private vaults today ! And this old money is very scarce! Gold is dug out of the ground, which is inherently difficult to dig out!

The so-called gold panning 20 years ago actually meant finding two or three grams of gold from a ton of rocks! Even though mining technology has improved, the difficulty of mining has not decreased! Because there are not many reserves of gold left to mine! So for me,

I don’t buy any banking products or financial insurance. I only buy gold because gold is the real insurance that protects my wealth and allows my family to continue to be rich! I myself don’t like gold very much , and the gold bars in Hong Kong are more reliable,

So I usually ask my mother to help me buy such gold bars in Hong Kong! Because I’m not in Hong Kong! To digress, since it’s not investment, I just asked my mother to buy it for me. Anyway, it’s fixed investment, and I don’t care much about the fluctuations in gold prices!

I don’t know if my mother’s Five Elements needs gold. Every time she buys it at the bottom! For example, she had already bought it before there were many reports of war in 2023! So for physical gold, which is old money, I will use the holding strategy!

Because there are many ways to make new money, make dollars, make banknotes I can do business, I can invest in stocks, real estate, Bitcoin and more! For example, the stock recovery in 2024 may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make huge profits, but you are very afraid that stocks will lose all your money

, and you don’t have time to keep an eye on the market and don’t know how to read financial reports and calculate valuations, so you must have one. The systematic method allows you to control the risk of loss and never lose the money you invested

Because you have earned it back with hard work! At the same time, this method must be automated and what we earn must be passive income because you may still have a job, or when you accumulate wealth, you have to quit your job and go on vacation!

The most important thing is that it does not require you to take a financial course, nor does it require you to learn to read financial reports and calculate valuations! So if you want to get rid of the endless cycle of work,

If you want to become my disciple and learn the automatic stock trading system, sign up for my free investment class immediately on the first link in the video description column ! We may be removed from the shelves in 2024 , it depends on whether your hand speed is fast or not!

Alright! If the price of gold can completely break through the pressure level and high level just now, I believe it will start an upward trend. If we don’t want to miss this trend , we can make money through trading and speculation. And as long as we do good risk management,

We can lose or lose. One piece, odds of earning 1 million if you win! These will be discussed in detail in the free stock investment class! In the long run, I will not invest in gold, but I will buy and hold it! The reason is that it is real money!

Real insurance! Real wealth! If you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied ~ I will continue to share about becoming rich and entrepreneurial

Every Thursday at 8:30 If you don’t want to miss the free information for investors and investors to achieve financial freedom, I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! If you like this kind of positive energy, you can also like and support me,

And share the video and positive energy . You think you are saving others, but in fact you are saving yourself . See you next week, Bye!



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0:00 2024年美聯儲降息,擁有現金的人都將直接變成窮人?如何把財富傳承下去,千秋萬代都富裕呢?
3:59 2024黃金已出現瘋狂暴賺信號?等了十一年的機會,終於有機會抓住人生一次的暴富機會?黃金可以避開戰爭的風險?
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青年創業2021| 提過收入達到財富自由懶人包 |創業基本功
掃地僧創業賺錢2022| 提高收入達到財富自由懶人包 |創業基本功

2021電子書-創業 理財 財富自由 投資 賺錢 股票 富人窮人
掃地僧書評2022 電子書 理財 財富自由 投資 賺錢 股票 富人窮人

2021股票投資買賣技巧的技術與心法 賺錢方法 財富自由 vcp 三角形態 支持位 阻力位
掃地僧股票投資教學2022 買賣技巧的技術與心法 賺錢方法 財富自由 vcp 三角形態 支持位 阻力位


  1. 🔥【2023最新】股票投資班:如何拿1塊去股市換1個億?






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