
Hello everyone, my name is teto 🫧 and happy new year 🎍 I plan to continue posting videos in 2024 that will motivate you to manage your household finances! Thank you for your continued support this year✨At the end of the video, there will be an announcement that may increase your motivation, so

Please watch until the end.❤︎ Now, I would like to start sorting out the final salary for 2023 . This month, I will be distributing December’s salary and winter bonus all at once.⛄️ I continue to check the balance for last month on the “household account closing date”, so

Here is how I am confused about the new NISA withdrawal. Please take a look at it lol December salary and winter bonus ✨ Thank you everyone for your hard work this month 😊 Now let’s check the contents! Here, the amount excluding coins is withdrawn from the account.

The total amount of December salary and winter bonus was 428,000 yen! In December, I had to work many days and it was quite hard, so I received a small allowance ☺️ To make up for it, I decided to take a substitute holiday in January.

I’ve been feeling exhausted for the past few days, but once I get the bonuses, the fatigue disappears 🥰 Now, I’m going to clean it up and move on to sorting it out ♪ First of all, I ran out of credits last month, so I’ll start by making up for it.

I was satisfied with just setting up the NISA increase and the new NISA… lol Well, the amount is not funny 😟 Even if it’s an expense, it’s not “consumption” but “investment” so it doesn’t hurt. I don’t have any, but I was shown right in front of me that my plans were lax. I plan to deposit this money into my payment account later along with the money I prepared when closing the household accounts.

From here, do the normal distribution. First, let’s allocate the fixed costs. Since I live at home with my parents, I give them my living expenses and the medical insurance that is deducted from my parents’ account. Thankfully, I am able to live with this amount, so

I save when I can! It would be a waste to sit cross-legged in this environment 😖 I would like to save more at that time to prevent this from happening! The next step will be fixed costs. There are products such as contacts that are paid semi-annually, but

I try to deposit a fixed amount into my payment account. I don’t have any coins, so I’ll exchange some money. This is the first shot in 2024. Please join me for my farce again this year🥹LOL From next year, we will change the way we do this item as well.

It’s important to update the method that suits you at the time 🌿 Next is transportation expenses. This will mainly be the cost of gas and parking at your destination. (When I look at it like this, the color of my nails doesn’t look good…)

I can’t do nails due to work, so I’m wearing SHEIN nail tips 🤍 If you have any nail tips you recommend, please let me know in the comments 🥰 It’s the last one, so Cake 🍰 stickers of! Also, if you have any recommendations for cute stickers, please let me know🧸

Next is the communication fee. My smartphone carrier is Rakuten Mobile, and I am paying for my iPhone model in installments. I don’t have enough 1,000 yen bills, so I’ll exchange some money. I am often asked about radio waves on Rakuten Mobile, but

It is true that it is difficult to make calls depending on the location using a dedicated calling app… Sometimes when I use it for work, I use the original calling app that costs money 🤔 I’m fine with not talking that much.lol Next is my dog’s veterinary bill.

Since the symptoms worsen in the winter, I decided to distribute more. I wanted to have a little more room in my budget, so I was thinking of saving money for next time, but since it’s an expense that always happens every month, I think I’ll try rolling it over!

My child 🐶 loves the kotatsu, but he also wants to be with me, so it’s cute how he urges me to “come under the kotatsu with me”😂 Next is the discretionary fee. I received a bonus this month, so I’m going to allocate a special extra amount ✨

During the bonus month, I plan to go out to eat with my family and also spend some New Year’s gifts for my nieces . I always wonder how much is the correct amount for New Year’s money. I manage my discretionary expenses in this wallet, but since it’s mostly cashless, I

Put in 10,000 yen and replenish it when it gets low. Once I got the bonus, I would buy something a little more expensive, but I didn’t find anything that I particularly wanted, so I decided not to buy it…

I plan to save up the rest and use it to add to my travel funds someday ✈️ Next it will be a reserve fund. This is provided to cover shortfalls in variable costs that are difficult to predict. The reserve funds helped me a lot last month…!

I didn’t realize at the time that I was taking more than 1,000 yen🫠I’m like this, but I’d be happy if you would continue to watch over me warmly in 2024…lol From here on, I’ll start accumulating envelopes. I would like to move. Start by saving for medical expenses. There is 9,000 yen in the envelope, so I will add 2,000 yen this month to make a savings of 11,000 yen. I’m depressed because I have to undergo a health checkup 😟

I’m eating sweets while thinking that I won’t get caught up in anything lol Next is saving up for beauty expenses. As I mentioned last time, from next time onwards we will change from a reserve system to a carryover system.

This is because I spend like this every time and wonder, “What is savings?” 🫠 I’ll save 5,000 yen this month, and next time I’ll allocate it while looking at my budget. That’s just about safe (?) Last month I was able to buy skin care products in bulk on Black Friday, so I don’t think I’ll have to spend much for a while… Next is saving up for celebration expenses.

Last month I used up all of my money for presents, so I’ll start saving from scratch. Since this is a great opportunity, I will save up an extra 15,000 yen this month. Let’s check this year’s gift schedule during the New Year’s holiday ♪ Next is the savings NISA.

New NISA withdrawals started last month! As I said at the beginning, I was disappointed at the start, but… With the new NISA, I will be saving 50,000 yen every month from my salary for a while 🔥 I am learning little by little towards building future assets.

Now that the new NISA strategy is more or less finalized, someday I might make a video about the new NISA and the current performance results of the savings NISA that I’ve been operating for about two years! However, I’m having trouble calculating my exit strategy…🥲

This fun savings is a part of last month’s balance. The amount of savings you have left will change depending on how hard you work this month, so don’t waste it👛 Next, let’s allocate the savings in your account. First, let’s start with car savings.

This will be used to accumulate expenses such as vehicle inspection fees, car insurance, and car tax. This month, I’m planning to save up an extra 20,000 yen! The vehicle inspection is coming in November of this year, so I need to save up as much as I can 💦

The last item is advance savings. This will be my last savings of the year✨ This month I will save 170,000 yen in advance! From now on, I’m planning to keep the ratio of savings and investment trusts at half and half, so

From now on I’ll do my best to focus on investing rather than saving.🌱I’ll announce how much I saved in 2023 at the next household account closing.✨ From here on, I’ll start with budget management . I’m going to set up the apps I’m using ♪

I’m going to match each budget to the amount I allocated today. This app is called “Fukurobu Household Account Book” and only supports budget management. It’s simple and easy to understand, and if you keep records properly, you can see your budget balance in real time, so it’s very effective in preventing overspending!

I have finished adding up the amounts. The total amount matches this month’s salary amount. From here, we will further revise the “reserve budget” to the current total reserve fund. If this is not corrected, the budget balance will not match. I use this method to set my budget. The settings are now complete 😊

This is hometown tax savings, and I’m saving up the coins that I couldn’t withdraw from the ATM. This month, I saved a total of 1,153 yen twice on bonus payment day and payday. All work is now complete. Notice to everyone 📢

We will be distributing monthly fee sheets and envelopes for free again this year ✨ Distribution will start from January 10th. From here, I will talk while showing you the distribution design ♪ First, I will show you the design of the monthly fee sheet 🌿

This time, we have added many budget items to make it easier for everyone to use! The design is a mature and cute one using photo materials 💐 I wanted to make an illustration-like cute one, but I didn’t have time to collect the materials, so I decided not to do it this time 🥲

Afterwards, I wanted to make some minor corrections and hurry up with the completion. I think 💨 We have added a lot of items for envelope accumulation! The distribution method will be the same as last time, allowing both convenience store printing and template DL printing using Canva.

We will show you the detailed printing method in the distribution video 😊 The envelopes will be distributed as an exploded diagram, so you will be able to complete them yourself after printing. We will upload the distribution video at 6pm on January 10th, so please wait for a while ❤︎

We look forward to your continued support in 2024 🎍 Thank you for watching until the end. See you again🧸

2023年12月分の 給料日ルーティンです。
毎日コツコツ 年間100万貯金しています。









▶︎ https://room.rakuten.co.jp/room_teto_kotukotudog/items


▶︎ https://youtu.be/OmEsK4kxODA

▶︎ https://youtu.be/NiN6-oWlwFA

🎹music:ぽるぽるMusic様, Kyatto様

チャンネル登録 ▷ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoa-WFvkAAU0vevWaFlGBHw?sub_confirmation=1

#給料日ルーティン #手取り14万 #封筒積立
#アラサー女子 #コツコツ #貯金 #実家暮らし
#袋分け貯金 #家計簿 #月謝シート #家計管理
#家計管理アプリ #袋分家計簿 #ボーナス


  1. tetoさんへ

  2. あけましておめでとうございます🌅今年もどうぞ宜しくお願いします😊

  3. こんばんは🌛動画投稿楽しみにしていました🥰今年もよろしくお願い致します😊月謝袋等の配布楽しみに待っています( ´›ω‹`)💕

  4. 明けましておめでとうございます㊗️🎊❤tetoちゃん体調崩してないかな、正月三が日バイトでした😅t終わってからツレと初詣行きましたよ😊tetoちゃん初詣行かれたかな😊ボーナス支給されて良かったね❤ネイル💅綺麗だよ❤ほんと綺麗なお姉さんさんだね❤ワンちゃん元気かな😊今年も動画楽しみに待っていますのでよろしくお願いします❤ほんとtetoちゃん凄いね、なんでも手作りだもんね、感心します、まだまだ寒くなると思うので体調に気をつけて下さいね❤あっ!地震ありましたがtetoちゃんの地域は大丈夫でしたか?関西は体感でわかるぐらい揺れたね😅次の動画も楽しみです❤お疲れ様でした❤❤❤

  5. あけましておめでとうございます!


  6. tetoさん久しぶりにコメントします!✨明けましておめでとう🎵今年も宜しくお願いいたします🍀

  7. tetoさん今年も動画楽しみにしてます!


  8. あけましておめでとうございます(`・ω・´)✨
    今回の月謝シートも素敵✨ 印刷するのがとても楽しみです~😊

  9. あけましておめでとうございます🎉今年も動画楽しみにしてます、tetoさんを参考に私も頑張ります💪✨

  10. 明けましておめでとうございます🎍



  11. 私もtetoさんと同じような通帳入れ?を購入したんですが、tetoさんは口座に入金するお金以外に何を入れていますか?分かりにくかったら申し訳ないです。

  12. tetoさん

  13. あけましておめでとうございます☺やった〜♬tetoさん手作り封筒楽しみです✨

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