💟Miyoshi Ayaka님과 함께한 VoCE MAGAZINE 촬영 BEHIND✨ | Wonjungyo

[Won jungyo] [Doing makeup on Miyoshi Ayaka] If you see the picture on the left [Strong impression due to the light on the brow bone] it shows a strong image because the brow bone is highlighted. [Soft impression dispersing the attention] But if you see on the right the brow bone is not highlighted.

[Wonjungyo palette] This is a legendary item. [02 trench brown / Wonjungyo’s favorite palette] I can end it with just these two. I’m not saying this because I made it. It’s perfect for basic shading. [Working so hard she doesn’t even know she’s covering the camera] [Making her eyes full with mascara] [Everyone amazed]

[I did a really good job] [Clear-cut features with just shading and mascara] For people who have clear-cut features instead of filling in the brows I recommend brushing the grain of your brows. I’m gonna use this small brush and tap it like this horizontally. Also, tap it gently on the philtrum.

[Repeated practice] As I told you earlier, brush it slightly on your chin. Do you see the shadow under your philtrum? Brush here once more. Her chin got shorter! We didn’t do the shading yet. The tip of your nose and the corner of your mouth shouldn’t be in a straight line.

They need to be slightly apart like this so that when you look from afar your features don’t look long in a straight line. Oh, the corners of her mouth went up! [Loud cheering every cut] [(Thumbs up)] Oh, I didn’t do shading on your chin. I forgot. Can I do it slightly?

The response is good even without the chin shading. I forgot to do this. [Photographer’s words / I worked with Miyoshi Ayaka several times] [but these shots just make me smile] [Carefully requests a heart] [The heart getting out of sync] [Q. What’s the point on Miyoshi Ayaka’s makeup?] I put a lot of effort

To make her look more calm. I wanted to create a feminine vibe by correcting the lines in her face while maintaining a natural look. Since she usually gives off a chic and intense vibe I wanted to try something different. [Q. Was Wonjungyo product useful with feminine makeup?] A lot.

[Shy] It really helped. [Wonjungyo having an interview after the shooting] I don’t separate them. I focus on the skin tone [See you next time] rather than the face shape.

Miyoshi Ayaka님과도 즐거운 촬영을 하고 왔습니다!
부드러운 인상을 연출하는 꿀팁까지 알려드리게 되었어요.😎
저와 촬영을 함께해주신 Miyoshi Ayaka님께도 정말 감사드립니다.^^

#원정요 #Wonjungyo #ウォンジョンヨ


  1. voceで見て、いつか動画で見れたらいいなって思ってました!!大好きなお二人のコラボ嬉しいです💖

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