周海媚巨額遺產繼承人曝光! 老母僅得房產, 姊姊分得奢侈品、弟弟得大奔,剩下4億竟全給…#辣評娛圈

The wealthy Hong Kong star has always been in Hello Everyone, this is the most beautiful Zhou Zhiruo in the entertainment industry. Zhou Haimei is a woman who is destined to suffer from diseases in her life. On December 11, 2023, her favorite snow fell in Beijing

, but she suddenly fell ill. After her death, her mother responded that every word was filled with longing for her daughter. Zhou Haimei was born in Hong Kong and started her career in Hong Kong. However, she called Beijing her second hometown and has settled in Beijing for 20 years.

Her fate with Beijing began with a snowfall in her life. It is full of struggling with the disease, her outlook on love, and her independent character seem to have doomed her fate. She left behind a single-family villa worth hundreds of millions and assets of 400 million but no children

. Yesterday, the latest news came about Zhou Haimei’s The inheritance distribution plan was exposed. According to internal information, Zhou Haimei’s mansion will be inherited by her mother. This includes properties in Beijing and Hong Kong. This decision is really reasonable and reasonable . After all, her mother is the natural heir.

This arrangement not only continues the family tradition but also takes care of the elderly. Mom’s needs and safety. Zhou Haimei’s legacy does not stop there. She left behind a lot of cash, luxury goods and a cool Mercedes-Benz S600 luxury car. These treasures will be inherited by Zhou Haimei’s sister and brother.

Her sister will be the heir to these luxury goods . Including brand-name bags, jewelry, etc. , and the younger brother will own the luxury car. Of course, friends who had real knowledge came out to refute the rumors. It turned out that although her villa in Beijing was extremely spacious ,

Its actual market value was far different from what was rumored. Take a closer look. Next, Zhou Haimei’s villa is indeed not in one of the high-end areas of Beijing, and it is not as magnificent as the single- family villa with ten thousand trees as imagined.

If we go to the intermediary website and check, the original price is 25 million, and the regular discount is what netizens told us. The price of about 20 million is really quite satisfactory in Beijing’s villa market and even seems a bit fresh. I have to mention that

Zhu Pi, the always sharp Hong Kong entertainment reporter, was actually on the live broadcast before Zhou Haimei’s death. He revealed some information and mentioned many times that “Zhou Haimei is very poor.” There is not even a dining table at home, and her husband squats on the floor to eat instant noodles. How miserable

Would it be if it were really true? Netizens were all shocked after hearing this information. Liao Xin said: ” Why is it so difficult for Hong Kong stars? After all , even if you rent a house, you should have a table, right ? The situation can’t be this bad.

These words may have attracted many people’s doubts and ridicule at the time , but it cannot be Entertainment journalists who deny that Zhu Pi often has his own exclusive source of information, and the facts seem to have verified his words. However, there is still a certain gap between

People’s poverty and what we understand as poverty. As a female star Zhou Haimei left this world at the age of 57, it is very strange. It’s a pity that most women start to retire at the age of 55 before they start to enjoy a comfortable life.

However, Zhou Haimei said goodbye to this world in a hurry before she was 60 years old. It is very helpless. From the perspective of receiving pension, Zhou Haimei probably received it. Many people who lived in the past two years may think it is unkind to discuss the affairs of

A female star after she has passed away , but in fact we are all ordinary people. If you can learn something from the people who have passed away that can help guide your own life, then leave. People are probably also happy and feel that they can still help others after leaving.

The reason why we talk about Zhou Haimei’s legacy is because many people think that when they see a female star, they don’t need to worry about having no money if they have a net worth of hundreds of millions , but many people don’t look at a person’s profile. Sources of Income

: The Golden Period of Income. It ’s outrageous to blindly think that a certain profession must be rich . Let’s take a detailed look at why Zhou Haimei’s exposed inheritance is so small. The first week : Haimei was famous in the 80s and 90s , but it was not easy to make money.

Acting in TV series is not as good as acting in movies. People always say that the era when Zhou Haimei was famous was the era when female stars such as Brigitte Lin Qingxia, Kwan Zhilin Zhong Chuhong, Wang Zuxian and Li Jiaxin became popular. Nowadays, Brigitte Lin Qingxia, Kwan

Zhilin and Li Jiaxin are all rich women who live a life of food and clothing . So it is absolutely impossible for Zhou Haimei to be short of money . But you must know that Guan Zhilin and Li Jiaxin It has been said all the year round that women hunting

Means falling in love with rich businessmen and getting money, mansions and expensive jewelry. In addition, the rich businessmen lead female celebrities to invest in these female stars, so that their later years will be better. However, there is really no so-called rich scandal about Zhou Haimei

, and Zhou Haimei She became popular in the 1980s. In the 1990s , Cai Shaofen, who was not well paid in Hong Kong, said that her salary for filming a TV series was 4,000 yuan per episode. When she participated in Miss Hong Kong , her salary seemed to be 500 yuan a day

. Anyway, female stars who developed in Hong Kong in the 1990s earned The money was not much , and later on, female stars were paid high salaries. It was said that they were in the millions , but that was only earned by movie actors such as Brigitte Lin, Wang Zuxian, etc.

Zhou Haimei, who acted in TV series, did not have that much money at all , compared to the tens of millions and hundreds of millions in mainland China nowadays. Compared with Zhou Haimei’s peak period, her salary was really not profitable. When Zhou Haimei went to the Mainland the second time, she

Had already passed her prime period and it was not easy to make money. When Zhou Haimei went to settle in the Mainland, it was probably around 2000. At that time, Zhou Haimei was actually almost 40 years old. You may not know what age a female star is when she turns 40,

Which is equivalent to the door to the entertainment industry being closed. Otherwise , female stars such as Brigitte Lin , Qiu Shuzhen, etc. would not get married and have children before the age of 40. The main reason is that people in the entertainment industry want to praise newcomers and older women. Celebrities

Are not uncommon. Maggie Cheung has acting skills , but she cannot act as a heroine after she is 40 years old. Young women are not very good at acting. To put it bluntly, the market does not need older female stars , so even when Zhou Haimei came to the mainland to develop,

She had passed the golden age. It’s not easy to make money in the early days . Anyway, I haven’t seen Zhou Haimei play a leading role in mainland China. She always plays a supporting actress. Zhou Haimei’s expenses are not small. Zhou Haimei once said in an interview that

She couldn’t afford the rent in Hong Kong, so she went to Beijing to develop her career . And after the development of Beijing Zhou Haimei’s expenses are not small. She needs expenses for her own life. She needs expenses for medical treatment. When her boyfriend has no money

, it is estimated that Zhou Haimei also needs to use money for expenses. Zhou Haimei’s income is commercial acting, TV dramas and supporting roles. It is really not optimistic. All in all , An industry makes money , but a person himself has not caught up with the times. At

His age, he has missed his golden period and is unlikely to have that much money. Therefore, the key to everyone having enough food and clothing is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure . Of course, although our goddess Zhou Haimei does not have much income

, she has that feeling in her heart. The flame of kindness has never been extinguished. During the period of love , Haimei was the first to cheer for Jilin’s fight against the epidemic. She not only donated money and materials , but also lit peace lanterns for Jilin. This move received many praises

. Netizens said that Zhou Haimei played a leading role, and many celebrities started to do so . People are paying attention to the epidemic situation in Jilin and donating money and materials to Jilin. At the launching ceremony of the “Stars Lighting Charity Caring for Left-behind Children Charity Project” in 2020

, 100,000 yuan was donated to the “Stars Lighting Charity Project” in the hope of sending real care to more children through the project in 2021. On May 8 , 2020, Sino-British Life Insurance Jiangsu Branch walked into the North Campus of the Primary School of

Jiangsu Normal University Affiliated Experimental School in Jiawang District, Xuzhou with Zhou Haimei’s love to open the 2021 “Star Lighting Charity Project” Jiangsu Station. Mr. Wang Zhiguo sent his love to the school Ambassador Zhou Haimei donated care materials to the organizer of the 2018 “Great Love for Renhe

Lixin Health Care” event in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province . The organizer found Zhou Haimei. Due to the remoteness of the place and the poor conditions, the organizer was afraid that she would not be able to invite the goddess. At the beginning, she gave a large sum of money.

However, Zhou Haimei did not ask for any fees. Even when she heard that a local primary school had insufficient information construction conditions, she even spent 200,000 to help this school with more than 200 children purchase computers just to “let the children read more.” “See the Outside World” For this charity event,

Zhou Haimei spent 11 hours traveling from Beijing to Panzhihua from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m. and traveled more than 2,000 kilometers. What many people don’t know is that the journey was tiring and the environment was uncomfortable. After arriving in Panzhihua, Zhou Haimei suffered from a slight altitude sickness.

A few hours before the party started, she was still relying on an oxygen bag to relieve her discomfort. She reported that she was safe in a relaxed tone in the circle of friends . Little did she know that behind this was a heart of sacrifice for public welfare. August 2011 Ten

“Dating Body” public service advertisements composed of beauties from different professions were launched in Chengdu . Beauties from ten industries in Chengdu used practical actions to issue a dating declaration and refused to date uncivilized men. Zhou Haimei, who is passionate about public welfare, learned about the incident and

Announced that she would join this group. The public welfare enterprise hopes to use its own power to send more positive signals to inspire more people to practice public morality, maintain public order and improve civilized quality . Therefore, she solemnly wrote a date declaration on a piece of white paper

And read it word by word to the reporter. “I am Zhou Haimei, I am an actor, and I will not date people who are uncivilized and spit everywhere.” Zhou Haimei said that when she was in Hong Kong, she donated money to several charity organizations every year. Since she moved to Beijing,

She has never stopped doing things for the society. She said she would feel honored to contribute . In November, as the “Ambassador of Love and Environmental Protection”, she participated in the 9th Giant Panda and Nature Film Week held in Ya’an, Sichuan . This was her third time participating in this event

With her heart in mind. Unexpectedly, it was the last time that Xiong Menglan met with the audience. When she was in the most difficult time, she still did not forget to do charity to help those in need. This persistence and love are not as good as those glamorous stars who sit in mansions.

I know how much nobler it is to look back on Zhou Haimei’s life. She is a fulfilling, happy and energetic person. Her beauty does not only come from her appearance , but also consists of her complete body and mind and unique temperament. Her beauty is absolutely explosive for

Every one of her. Smiling, every look exudes confidence and charm. Zhou Haimei has experienced ups and downs in her career, but she has always worked tirelessly and hard. Her film and television works have won the hearts of many audiences , although she may not be as influential as Zhang Min, Wang Zuxian

And Qiu Shuzhen and others , but her talent and charm are absolutely explosive. For me personally, my admiration and love for Zhou Haimei is really overwhelming . She is the goddess of my childhood. Her beauty and talent have always been my goals. Her life is Full of pride and perseverance,

Her success comes not only from her appearance and career but also from her inner strength and quality. The result of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance division is absolutely exciting, reflecting the harmony of the family and the power of family affection. Her mother has taken over the real estate. The sister and brother shared

The cash, luxury goods and luxury cars. This distribution makes people feel heartwarming and satisfied. It also shows the unity and love between family members. While we miss her, we must also learn from her to bravely pursue her dream life. Show your own wonderful life. That’s it for today’s video.

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