Daiei Motion Picture Company Presents Rainbow Man Based on a work by Kikuo Tsunoda Screenplay by Hajime Takaiwa Mescaline hallucination envisioned by Waseda Univ. Psychology Prof. Yukio Togawa Starring Keiju Kobayashi as Ryosuke Akashi Teruko Akatsuki as Mimi Torigai Sumiko Wakasugi as Yurie Obata Den Obinata as Inspector Okada

Kenjiro Uemura as Katsuto Maya Kiyoko Hirai as Shimako Maya Kumebe Umeko as Kane Nonomura Bontaro Miake as Ryuzo Maya Junnosuke Miyazaki as Toyohiko Maya Bumon Kahara as the town doctor Tatsuo Hanabu as Detective Shimizu Tamotsu Moriyama as Dr. Hirai Shiroyuki Miyajima as charcoal maker #1 Masatoki Sasaki as charcoal maker #2

Osamu Maruyama as the newspaperman Susumu Atsumi as Nishizawa Yoshio Kitahara as Yamamoto Gen Harada as the secretary Manabu Morita as detective #1 Shin Suzuki as detective #2 Yoshiko Nagata as the hostess Directed by Kiyohiko Ushihara Are you sure? You’re going to scoop Akashi again. Hit the gas. I want this one! Showa Gazette

For Tachikawa, Shinjuku, Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Police Mimi scooped us again. She’s so nice off-duty. There’s no beating this girl. New Oriental Newspaper You should marry her. You see her everyday as it is. She wouldn’t beat her own husband. It would certainly benefit the newspaper. Yurie? Aren’t you Yurie Obata? Mimi…

It is you! What’s wrong? Mimi, I… Inspector Okada Hello. Mr. Okada, have you lost your mind? That’s quite an entrance – do you know her? We’ve been best friends since we were in school. Making her a suspect in this case is utter foolishness. I agree, I’ll be happy if is.

You must be tired. Detective Shimizu, let the young lady rest. Just exactly what are you up to? Have a seat. I think you’ll remember from the last press conference – I think it was about a week ago. In the Tateshina Highlands in Nagano,

At Dr. Maya’s villa – a renowned experimental physics laboratory – was burned to the ground. It wouldn’t be a problem if it had just been a fire, but the charred body of a male was discovered among the ruins. No one else had stayed at the villa for the last three days,

Except his assistant, one Dr. Hachiro Suga. The professor rushed back from Tokyo, and definitively identified the remains as those of Dr. Suga, from his attire. Further investigation revealed a severe cut on the body. We deduced that this was a case of foul play. I knew that much already. Why do you suspect Yurie?

Miss Obata was the niece of Dr. Maya’s wife. She had been staying at the villa for a month before the incident, and she has no alibi for the day of the crime. The villa is located in the mountains, a good distance from Tateshina Hot Springs.

The fire occurred when Miss Obata had gone to town… to buy a few things with the maid, one Kane Nonomura. However, judging from her story, there is a one-hour period that can’t be accounted for. When we pressed her, she said that she had a seizure on the mountain road.

The maid returned to the village to get a doctor and she received treatment. Unfortunately, she was in terrible pain and remembers neither… the doctor’s name, nor his face. It’s a small town. Yes, there’s only one doctor, but he has no recollection of treating Miss Obata. Why don’t you ask the maid?

Kane Nonomura disappeared in the commotion… of the fire, and hasn’t been seen since. Accordingly, Miss Obata’s alibi cannot be confirmed. Everyone involved in the incident is staying in Tokyo, so the jurisdiction was transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Closer inspection of this incident has served to show how complicated the matter is.

The Maya family is unusual. The professor dedicated his life to the development of an artificial rainbow. He had two children from his first marriage and married a woman of great means. His oldest son paints bizarre pictures and… the younger brother ran away from home and is currently missing.

Every single one of them is either weird or verging on madness. The more I think about them, the more suspicious they become. I hear she’s a friend. Even if her alibi doesn’t hold water, you can’t believe… Let me see her: I’ll get to the bottom of this.

There has to be something she’s holding back. Please. Inspector Okada – You’ll have to excuse me. – Please think about it. – Don’t be so emotional. – Why shouldn’t I? I talked to Detective Shimizu, and she’s the only suspect. Yurie couldn’t do such a thing. That’s precisely why you have to be detached.

Think about the crimes we see every day. People you wouldn’t expect commit quite grisly crimes. Yurie! Don’t worry about a thing. Talk to me. You know you can tell me anything. Tell me everything. Thank you, Mimi. But I… really don’t remember. You believe me, though, don’t you?

I couldn’t… have done anything so ghastly. Of course I believe you. But don’t you know anything? It was him. It has to be. Who? Who is it? – THE RAINBOW MAN! – The Rainbow Man? It could only be the Rainbow Man. What are you talking about? The Rainbow Man?

Do you really want to know? The Maya family has a long and strictly observed… tradition of honoring the rainbow as a sacred object. Several hundred years ago, the tradition was broken, and the one who violated it died. Since then, it’s like being haunted by a devil…

With a seven-colored rainbow coming out of its mouth. There’s a legend that anyone who sees it will die a bizarre death. You don’t know about the Maya family. It is cursed by the Rainbow Man. The entire family is cursed by the rainbow. People laugh at the story of the rainbow.

And now… Hachiro has fallen victim, too. It’s the Rainbow Man: he’s after me. No matter how I struggle, I can’t escape. Stop this foolishness. Yurie, we’ll protect you. No, you can’t! We got a call from Kane Nonomura. Something’s not right. Tell her to come here. Hello, connect it to this line. Hello, hello?

Nana? It’s Yurie. Where are you? It must have been awful for you. I can’t take it anymore. Nana! Nana! Please go, I’ll talk to you later! No, I can’t put you through anymore, I’ll… Hello! Hello! Nana! Nana! It’s a rainbow! It’s a rainbow! Mistress, it’s a rainbow! Get a hold of yourself!

Hello, please come to the police station! Yurie is going to be arrested if you don’t come! Do you understand?! Hello! The Rainbow Man! Mistress, it’s the Rainbow Man! Hello! Hello! – Where’s she calling from? – It’s a public phone. – Where? Hello, put a trace on the call!

Where are you? Give me your location! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Over by Shinagawa Station? Contact the local police box and tell them to search the area. A rainbow? But the rain… Mimi, the Rainbow Man has struck again. Hello! You found a woman collapsed? Yes, and what? She’s dead?!

Yurie, get a hold of yourself! Wake up, Yurie! I’d like to talk with the professor. This is in connection with Yurie Obata. Yurie? Thank you for coming. Please come in. This way. How is she? It’s my understanding that she might be released soon.

She hasn’t been completely cleared of the crime, and she seems in poor health. She’s sick? Please sit. It’s probably nothing serious, but she’s a bit emotionally frayed. I do hope she will be returning soon. My niece is the only blood relative that I can count on. Hey, bub. We don’t get many visitors.

It’s certainly the first time that a reporter has been here! I’m the oldest son, Katsuto. Pleased to meet you. I have a little brother. Shall I call him? Katsuto! What’s the fuss? The newspaperman won’t write a story about us unless he has the complete picture.

It would certainly be the best for all concerned… if we get to the meat of the story without delay. Isn’t that right? My baby brother, Toyohiko, was a bit temperamental. He ran away and disappeared for around five years. He only recently reappeared and came home yesterday.

Mom and dad take much of the responsibility for him running away. Shut your mouth. We’ve nothing to hide. The mother of Toyohiko and myself died. Our father remarried and brought us into this house in tow. As a matter of course, he inherited the rights of primogeniture.

Toyohiko was unhappy, but he was immediately smitten with Yurie. Unfortunately, our stepmother was unnaturally fond of Yurie and wouldn’t let him have her. Toyohiko was fed up and ran away after just two months living here. I don’t have any attachment to this house, but I need a studio to paint in.

And there he is, my little brother, Toyohiko. He disappears for five years and comes back with a beard, like he’s just got out… of a concentration camp, with sinister-looking colored glasses. I can hardly recognize him. Now you have the entire family in one room. Any questions? Miss Nonomura died last night.

– You mean Kane? – It was murder. In the pouring rain, she shouted, “I can see the rainbow!” I knew this would happen sooner or later. Hachiro Suga, Kane Nonomura… I wonder who will be the Rainbow Man’s third victim? This is all your fault! You know the horrifying legend of the Rainbow Man…

And still you persist in researching rainbows. It’s madness! It’s all your fault! So this is the equipment you’re using to make an artificial rainbow. It must be hard to operate everything without an assistant. As I understand it, Mr. Suga wasn’t just an assistant, he was family.

I wonder if anyone had something against him… Folks get killed for all kinds of reasons. When I was a child, something like a rainbow… would appear when you’d spray water, or on the surface of a bubble. Rainbows occurs due to the refractive dispersion of water droplets… in the atmosphere.

What’s the scientific value of making an artificial rainbow? Are you familiar with the academic theory of the expansion of the cosmos? The logic of this theory is supported by human experience in experimental physics. That is to say, the rainbow. The same phenomenon can be observed with this spectrometer.

A ray of light passes through a glass ball, and the light is separated into the innumerable colors to become a rainbow. This is the most important work in science! So, Dr. Maya, would you be able to make an artificial rainbow under any circumstances? Rainbows exist everywhere, under all circumstances.

So provided your approach was scientific, you could make one whenever you wanted. Research into rainbows is important, but it’s best not to get too involved. Yurie, I do hope you’re all right. I was worried sick. You should rest for now. I think the Rainbow Man might be in the house.

Make sure he doesn’t get you. This knife was found near Hachiro’s body. Tests have detected human blood on it. In addition, the broken tip of the knife was found embedded in Hachiro’s skull. There can be no doubt that this knife was the murder weapon.

This piece of amethyst was found jammed in the victim’s teeth. This stone seems to have been taken from a ring, and the victim probably bit down on it during the struggle. Miss Obata, we have witness testimony that both this knife… and the amethyst belonged to you.

They’re mine… But I never use the knife. And the ring? I lost it some time back. You lost it? – When? – Around a year ago. Miss Obata, it was of important sentimental value to your mother. It’s difficult to believe that you casually lost it. I’m on the verge of closing this case.

Kane Nonomura is the only person who can vouch for your… whereabouts on the day of the murder, and she’s dead. These two pieces of evidence are fairly damning. If you don’t have a very convincing story, I’m afraid you’re going to have to come with us.

Inspector, why must you be so hard on Yurie? Please don’t misunderstand my intentions. We’re working to solve this case as quickly as possible. But you’re just trying to pin the crime on Yurie. Let’s go, Miss Obata. Don’t you need to take the stone to a jeweler to have it checked?

Is there something you’d like to get off your chest? Yurie gave Hachiro the ring before he died. Liar! Yurie would never do such a thing! I hate to break it to you, but Hachiro was in love with Yurie. What are you talking about? He was apparently quite taken with her.

Maybe she didn’t give it to him and instead he stole it. Liar! That’s a bunch of malarkey! Yurie, are you going to just sit there and let him prattle on like this?! Why don’t you say something?! Tell everyone that he’s wrong! Mrs. Maya, just a second.

How do you know all these things, mister? Hachiro told me so and showed it to me. When and where? The day before I returned home, on the mountain just beyond the villa. What were you doing in the town? What was I doing?

I planned to see my family, but instead of going straight to the villa, I summoned Hachiro to see how my family was doing. Where were you on the day of the fire? I headed to the villa, but I only made it part way. Why didn’t you say anything until now? You didn’t ask.

Why, am I some obligation to report my every action to the police? I would like to ask you now. After lunch, I wandered deep into the mountains, and when I looked into the valley, I could make out that a house was on fire.

I assumed that it was the villa as I had heard from Hachiro, so I immediately asked about it. – That’s the Maya’s house. – We just passed it and it wasn’t on fire. – I believe a young man is there. – Hachiro? He was just here. Then what happened? I turned back.

Why didn’t you go to the villa? I didn’t have any business there, and I don’t like the commotion. – But, logically speaking… – Logic, you say? Do you think that this family is ruled by logic? He’s right! We’re not human! This house is the devil’s lair! “The devil’s lair?” Well put.

Well, this minion of Satan is going to withdraw for now. We should probably leave too. Please don’t go. I have the feeling that something terrible is going to happen. I’m begging you! If that’s what you have planned, I have plans of my own. You can do as you please, but don’t forget this:

You’ll be kicked out of the Association of Experimental Physics. No, how could you! What would you do if someone asks? Did Katsuto paint that? I wonder why he paints such eerie pictures. Are they always like that? Katsuto, can’t you hear them? Why don’t you take down that painting?

It’s a symbol of the Maya family. Please take it down. People will think that everyone in the family is a devil possessed by rainbows. Take it down this instant. What’s the fuss? There is some significance in spending the day with the Rainbow Man. So, you’re trying to blackmail me.

You’re just like your father, just after my estate. – Isn’t that right? – Shimako, hold your tongue. I’ll say it as many times as I please. You’re after my estate. And not just my money – you want this house too, don’t you?! What kind of a monster are you?!

– I will not forget this accusation! – Neither will I! What were you doing in the attic just now? I heard everything! It’s something horrific, no doubt. I can’t just sit by and say nothing. I’m going to call Inspector Okada tomorrow and tell him everything. Toyohiko Hello. Oh, Detective Shimizu. How was it?

OK, good work. Did you find the charcoal makers? Oh, I see. That’s good. What? But that was after the charcoal makers passed by. What if he killed them and then took a shortcut to get there before they did? I see. I understand. Good work, goodbye. Toyohiko’s alibi is air tight.

But couldn’t he have dashed to the mountain ridge after having killed Hachiro? According to Detective Shimizu, it would have been impossible for Toyohiko… to have murdered Hachiro in the villa and then dashed up to… the ridge in time to meet the charcoal makers.

Just when I thought we had this wrapped up, our lead suspect was cleared. Oh, it’s you. What’s wrong? You’re hiding something, aren’t you? You’ve always felt free to talk to me in the past. You can trust me. Oh, Aunt Shimako! What’s wrong with you? You’re crying. Yurie. Tell me everything. What’s bothering you?

I can help. Why don’t you talk to me? Mimi, I have a secret… I can’t tell anyone. A secret? You can trust me. I won’t tell anyone, I promise. I… Someone! Someone help me! It’s the rainbow! The rainbow! It’s the Rainbow Man! What’s wrong? What happened?

The Rainbow Man! A rainbow is shooting out of his mouth! Dad, where are you going? To call Dr. Hirai. Water! Get me some water! Hello, hello. Tokyo Metropolitan Police? Please ask Inspector Ogawa to come immediately. This is Mimi Torigai of the Showa Gazette. Yurie! All we found was Yurie Obata’s fingerprints.

I’d like to ask everyone to move into the next room. You brought her water in this glass? How long were you out of the room to get it? Three or four minutes. So, in that brief time, someone stabbed… Shimako in the chest with this knife. Is that correct?

So, did everyone hear Shimako scream, “I see a rainbow”? Someone must’ve slipped her a mickey. I’ll rush the autopsy. But like the murder of Kane Nonomura, I doubt we’ll find anything. The only clue we have is this cup, and Miss Obata washed it. Why were you angry with Shimako during dinner?

He said that he wanted to speak with you. It’s nothing, inspector. Just a trifling family affair. Recently she’s suffered from hysteria and is easily upset over unimportant matters. Strange Happenings in the Tateshina Highlands Maya Family Caged in Fear Third Tragedy Strikes Maya Family Mysterious Legend of Blood Revenge

Who is the Rainbow Man? Police Desperately Investigate It’s the rainbow! The rainbow! I’ll be killed. Help me! It’s the rainbow! It’s the rainbow! Help me! Help me! Help me! It’s the rainbow! It’s the Rainbow Man! Help! He’s gonna get me! Help! Help! It’s the rainbow! It’s the rainbow!

He seems to have calmed down. His life isn’t in danger, but he took a healthy whack to the head, so there’s some doubt as to whether he’ll fully recover. I’ll do everything I can. I hear the Rainbow Man made an appearance last night. It wasn’t Yurie. I was with her the whole night.

Just before the professor lost his temper, I peeped into the living room and I’m sure I saw the professor drinking wine, but later the professor disappeared without a trace. There was something funny about that wine. How interesting. The perpetrator went to pains to hide the wine, but you stumbled upon it.

That’s how we’ll find the criminal. We caught a lucky break. Good work. The professor was reading this while he drank the wine. It’s a frumpy old notebook. The Mechanical Design of Color and its Theoretical Implications By Seiichiro Yajima 1928 Seiichiro Yajima… I think I’ve heard of him.

He was a luminary in his field, but he worked himself to death without producing any substantial research. I believe he was very dear friends with Dr. Maya. In any event, there’s something very wrong with that family. They’re being killed off one by one, and none of them tries to escape.

It’s the curse of the rainbow. That is to say, something is keeping them there. The family hates each other, but they’re bound together by need. That’s the key to this case. This notebook may also be a clue. Don’t you have anything to add? What are you talking about?

Don’t be coy, I know you went to Tateshina. – I did. – And what did you learn? Even when I try to hide something, you can read it on my face. I guess I’ll have to tell you. This is a lot more important than your bottle of wine,

And I’ll tell you, even though you’re the competition. Enough bragging, spit it out. This incident started in Tateshina, and I think it holds a secret that needs to be uncovered. First, I ran around in circles looking for the doctor that treated Yurie, and couldn’t find him.

Finally, when I was staying at an inn around the time of the incident, I found an acquaintance of Kane Nonomura. I immediately returned to Tokyo and went to see him. He was Kane Nonomura’s cousin; a drunkard doctor living in a filthy apartment in Shinagawa.

Someone paid him to keep his mouth shut, and I couldn’t get anything out of him. But I plied him with alcohol and kept pressing him. – Just what are you trying to say, you snake! – Now, just hold on… You just had your license to practice medicine revoked,

So you wouldn’t be able to admit to having examined Yurie. That I can understand. But unless you say something, Yurie can’t be cleared as a suspect. Kane paid you to keep quiet, but she was about to spill the beans when she died.

It seems an insult to Kane not to come forward, seeing as she died. Please tell me. I’m sorry, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything. Yurie was pregnant. That can’t be right. I’m sure you don’t believe it. I could hardly believe it myself. Hachiro must have told Toyohiko something.

But I never thought it would end up like this. I finally understand why Yurie didn’t say anything, even when all the evidence pointed to her. It must difficult for a woman. Kane Nonomura wanted to keep it a secret, so she made sure that both she and her cousin disappeared.

She’d heard Yurie had been arrested, and was about to tell the truth before she was killed. In that case, Yurie’s alibi clears her. Please, Inspector, let’s just keep this between ourselves. Seeing as what happened to Hachiro and what will become of Yurie… when she has the child, I can’t bear the thought that…

When you were peeping into the room, what was Toyohiko doing? – He was asleep. – And Katsuto? That was strange… He was painting furiously. He was painting in the middle of the night? This is the painting. The colors are so loud and the characters are posed in such an odd manner.

This is not the mind of an artist. He’s sick, I tell you. That painting, on the other hand, is completely different. It’s completely unremarkable on every level. There has to be something behind Katsuto working late into the night on such a painting. Something behind it? Something behind it… Have a look.

Spring Winds Have Arrived There you are. Right on cue, Katsuto. Could you clean the paint off of the canvas? Clean off the paint?! You want me to destroy my painting?! You’re going to destroy my painting!? It’s an affront to art! Destroy it!? You… You… If you won’t, I will.

Are you mad! I’ll never let you touch it! Don’t you understand the majesty of art?! “The majesty of art”? Cut the act, buster. Where is the majesty of art in copying a photo from the newspaper? You just painted it to cover up the painting underneath. You don’t understand!

I hate everyone in this house, and I hate my stepmother the most. I hated her, and I did the painting to let her know. But how was I to know that she would die that night, and in the same position that I had painted her? The coincidence almost drove me insane!

But I didn’t kill her! It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it! What’s wrong? Tell me. Yurie. All right… You’re the only one I can talk to. I can tell something is bothering you. I’ll be killed if I talk. But I’ve made up my mind. I don’t care if I die.

I can’t keep quiet anymore. It’s horrible… It’s the rainbow! Mimi, the rainbow! I can see the rainbow! Yurie! Yurie! There’s another rainbow! Could everyone please leave? You, please stay. She doesn’t have any broken bones and there’s no internal bleeding, but she’s pregnant. I wonder how she fell? The bannister is loose.

I fell from it just three years ago. Three years ago? It’s a damn shame. She seems to have been slipped something to drink, but we have no idea what. That should take care of her for now. Excuse me. How is she? I think that’s the best for all concerned.

This case is just one damn thing after another. Drink? I wonder what she saw in the rainbow. I assume it was a hallucination. I’ve been poisoned! Snap out of it, Akashi! It’s the whisky! Okada, have it analyzed! I’ve been poisoned! – What are you doing? – Nothing. Let me go!

Let me go! What are you doing?! Inspector, he was hiding this. – What is it? – It’s mescaline. – Mescaline? – Yes, mescaline. It comes from the nodes of a certain cactus that grows in Mexico. It induces hallucinations of beautiful colors. So your family was seeing rainbows because of this?

Yes, but I wouldn’t slip it in anyone’s drink. It was for my own personal use, to see beautiful hallucinations. But for some reason the hallucinations started to affect my paintings. It was just mescaline hallucinations! It wasn’t my genius! But I wanted to believe that it was my own talent, not the drug!

Katsuto takes art seriously. He was using mescaline when he painted, but painting was his life. Please keep this private. He’s so fragile; I feel for him. I don’t think that Katsuto killed anyone. If not him, then who? Somebody is poisoning the members of this household with mescaline.

I didn’t want to tell you this… I saw that Dad’s bottle of wine was in Yurie’s room. Now that you mention it, I momentarily forgot my hip flask in Yurie’s room. She’s the only one who could have poisoned me. What are you saying? Yurie would never do such a thing!

– You could say the same thing about Tateshina. – She had an alibi that time. Hold on. We’ll know when Shimizu gets here. Have you ever seen this notebook? – I’ve never seen it. – Really? Your father stole his best friend’s research and received his doctorate. I wouldn’t put it past him.

It’s the most disgraceful thing a professor can do. The perpetrator knew this and could therefore blackmail the professor. Sit. There are no photos of you or Hachiro in this album, is that not right? – I don’t know. – Have a look.

There are none of you two together, and some of the photos have been removed. You’re right. But I’ve never seen that album before. Didn’t you and Hachiro bear a strong resemblance to each other? I knew it! That bottle is material physical evidence.

That woman tried to make herself look like a victim to avoid arrest. – Isn’t that right, Inspector? – I don’t believe it! It’s a lie. It’s a rainbow! It’s going to kill me! I’m going to die! Help me! I don’t want to die!

This settles it – she has to be the one. Although I feel bad for you. Where’s the motive? Then who did it? She’s the only one left. You’re wrong! It’s not me! I’m not the Rainbow Man! Katsuto, you said that Toyohiko had run away five years ago.

Are you the only one who saw the professor drink the wine? How is he? We finally calmed him down. He’s in bed. – Going somewhere, Hachiro? – Hachiro? What are you talking about? Our most first mistake was thinking that Hachiro Suga had died. Before, we didn’t doubt that you were Toyohiko.

But you slipped up when you said you’d fallen from the top of the staircase 3 years ago. Toyohiko ran away five years ago. If we assume you’re Hachiro, the matter of Tateshina can be easily explained. Hachiro killed Toyohiko, and prepared to burn the villa, and waited for someone to happen by.

Then he made sure the charcoal makers saw his face, then he set fire to the house. Hachiro dressed up as Toyohiko, and got a head start by taking a shortcut. This explanation is plausible in terms of time. Also, Hachiro resembled Toyohiko, and Toyohiko had been gone for several years.

The glasses and beard completed the deception. Where’s the proof that I committed a crime? You knew you were about to be caught, so you tried to frame Yurie. You mentioned wine, but Mimi was the only one… that knew that the professor was drinking wine immediately prior to the incident.

And only the criminal would have known that there was mescaline in the wine. But I drank the mescaline, too! That was a two-bit performance to throw us off your tracks. You used the legend of the Rainbow Man to incite fear in this house.

You thought you could assume Toyohiko’s identity after you killed him, but that ruse didn’t last. That didn’t stop you, however. You used everyone’s weaknesses to blackmail them to keep them quiet. But that didn’t last either. The wife, the professor, and Miss Obata threatened to expose you.

But before they could, you killed them all. Time to die. We’ll die together. You belong to me. You’ll die with me. I belonged to Toyohiko. Kill me if you must. I’ll die… together with your child. Die! He’s the one. He’s Hachiro Suga. He’s the Rainbow Man! Yurie! Mimi! I’m sorry.

He said he’d kill me if I snitched. It’s all right now. Yurie… I loved you so much. I killed Toyohiko to get you. I didn’t know how to love like a human; I was a monster. But I want our child to be a normal person, not like me.

Suga, you killed your own child. Yurie miscarried when she fell down the stairs. I have to get a new start too. Hello, New Orient News? The Rainbow Man Incident is closed. The criminal was Hachiro Suga. He was just arrested. About the incident… And me? I’m Akashi of New Oriental News. I don’t care.

The morning feels nice. It’s a new morning for the Maya family too. You don’t have to worry about dark secrets or sick legends. Cheer up, Yurie. Forget the past and look to the future. Where were you? I don’t forget my job, ever. – Did you get the scoop? – I made my deadline.

That was devious. The End Translation: scannon Timing: lordretsudo


  1. この時代は、血を吸う眼とか、これにしてもだが、陰惨な作品多いな〜😭

  2. 隠微なる洋館で繰り広げられる殺戮の様は、小栗虫太郎の【黒死館殺人事件】を想起させるし、そのベースに横溝正史の因習的な世界線を配した作りになっている。当時の猟奇プロットに纏わるコンテキストはこうしたモノクロの映像でこそ綺麗に成就しうるのだと思う。動機の伏線を回収しない断ち方も一興の終わり方。

  3. もし「虹男」の主演がバナナマンの設楽統さんと日村勇紀さんにアレンジしてみたら面白いです。むしろ、日村勇紀さんが怪しい虹を見て絶叫するなど。

  4. 新宿駅中央線のガードレール下を青梅街道。昔はこんな殺風景の新宿だった。

  5. It`s quite amazing that such an excellent thriller film was produced during immediate period after World War II when Japan was a war-torn country.

  6. 🌈🌈🌈この時代には 🌈 元ヲタクは、 イヌイット 🦭🥩 (2次元 オタク は居ない、と)。
    虹ヲ焚ク、🌈 なんて 字面からして オゾン増し〜し 🍑🚭

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