#法輪功 內訌,機密曝光,#李洪志 三大愛好真相了! #王志安,就這? ! 我對法輪功的看法 My view on Falun Gong My view on #falungong #falundafa #虞超 #蕭茗 #王局【#公子時評 #公子沈 第2075期】



Hello everyone, welcome to the Gongzi Commentary Program. My name is Gongzi Shen. Today we are going to talk about a very controversial topic , Falun Gong , because recently I have seen many Internet self-media Vs talking about the so-called Falun Gong scandal. Due to the internal strife among Falun Gong insiders,

Some people exposed some inside information about Falun Gong. As a result, these Internet self-media influencers saw that such news was the best opportunity to gain traffic, and they added fuel to the fire and made random decisions. Evaluation So today I want to talk about

Why none of these big Vs have come to the point. Is Falun Gong a cult? What are the problems within them ? And how do we treat these Internet celebrity Vs who attack Falun Gong? Today we will discuss Let’s talk about this topic. Wang Zhian, a well-known Internet celebrity, Wang Ju,

Has done two programs in a row to expose the mysterious inside story of Falun Gong. His source of information is from a person within Falun Gong and a self-media Internet celebrity called Yu. Chao Yuchao was dissatisfied with some things within Falun Gong, so he spoke out . After speaking out

, Falun Gong issued an expulsion order to expel Yu Chao from the Falun Gong group. At the same time , another self-media celebrity Xiao Ming was related to Yu Chao. Because he did not cut ties with Yu Chao, he did not abide by the requirements of Falun Gong

, so he was expelled at the same time. This means that two famous people in a row were commentators on online programs. They were expelled. They all have their own fans, so it caused a lot of anger. People are paying attention to this matter because Yu Chao

Talked about some aspects of Falun Gong that he could not understand. Then Internet celebrities like Wang Zhian Stone Story began to report the so-called truth and the so-called secret . Some people even talked about Yu Chao. The exposed content includes the exaggerated statement that their Shen Yun art group is Li Hongzhi’s harem.

This exaggerated statement was not even said by Yu Chao. Many people behind him added fuel to the fire and made up nonsense. I don’t judge whether the facts told by Yu Chao are correct. Is it the truth? At least he is an insider of Falun Gong.

Maybe what he said can be regarded as first-hand information. And Wang Zhi’an quoted his information and indeed quoted the facts. Let’s take a look at it . There is a netizen who posted a (tweet) He said that after reading Wang Zhian’s content, he summarized the so-called inside story

Of Falun Gong and “the shocking revelations within the cult organization.” What on earth is this Wang Bureau ? He talked about this big revelation for more than an hour . The three major crimes of Li Hongzhi turned out to be just playing cards and drinking Coke. After reprimanding minors,

The so-called “dirty behind-the-scenes of Shen Yun Performing Arts” turned out to be nothing more than “not allowing minors to fall in love or use mobile phones” and in order to attract domestic male dance teachers to join the art troupe. “He was so unscrupulous that he introduced someone to someone else.”

Then he said, “My head hurts. Which high school allows dating and using mobile phones?” He said, “Li Hongzhi doesn’t allow students to disrespect him. Which company’s boss can tolerate employees talking about him? ” He said that the king revealed the situation for a long time without saying anything. It

Was very difficult to break down. Now he finally knows what “insider information about Falun Gong” is. Just these three items. Li Hongzhi loves to play poker . Li Hongzhi loves to drink Coke and is merciless. He reprimanded his subordinates and introduced a male dance teacher recruited from China to the group, keeping him

Within the Falun Gong group. This is the so-called “inside story” and the so-called “appalling news.” This netizen summed it up very well by Wang Zhian The factual part of what Yu Chao said was stated , but Wang Zhian gave his own comments in order to attract traffic and eyeballs.

He spoke for more than an hour. In fact, it can be summarized in two words . He said that Falun Gong is because of these incidents. He broke the news , so they are a cult. This is his show. He talked about it for more than an hour. I saved everyone’s data

So you don’t have to watch it. This is the whole content. I thought it was funny when I watched it, right? I won’t say how bad his comments are , but In short, it is impossible to talk about the point at all. These are just trivial things . Even Yu Chao feels that

It is unfair for Wang Zhian to quote his content and then comment on it. Even Yu Chao feels that you can use these words of mine and then add fuel to the fire. What I am talking about is just these facts.

How can I come to the conclusion that Falun Gong is a cult ? The same thing can happen to any company. So when I was chatting with my friends, we had talked about it a long time ago. Let’s talk about what kind of group Falun Gong is .

In fact, we have to understand that it is like a Fortune 500 company. They are running the Falun Gong group , including their art troupe , their media , including their self-media . Including their film shooting team and their university, it is a comprehensive, trans-international organization with tens of thousands of employees.

Of course, when seeing these big Vs, they only talk nonsense and make a few comments on the Internet. Including me, but at least I still have self-awareness. These people have no self-awareness at all. So when we practice Falun Gong, I think it should be regarded as a large multinational group

And then (Li Hongzhi) runs this group . He has branches and many branches . There are a large number of employees in different departments and a large audience. Many people buy their products because they believe in their products. It is such a group. When you see such a business organization, you will understand

That these phenomena are nothing extraordinary , but this There is still a big difference between the organization and some other multinational consortiums. It is the obvious religious element, right? Then at this time, someone said that this is a cult. I once made a special program to talk about it. You can just say

Whatever it is. It’s a cult. If you don’t have a clear definition of this cult , then you are scolding them just for the sake of scolding them. You just use a word that you think is a negative word to describe them. But the question is

Whether they are in line with the nature of a cult or what they are. How to define it? Until today, there is no conclusion internationally. There is no conclusion. The so-called cult is just a word that is no longer used in academia.

Some people in the private sector just use it if they want. But those who really study religious issues seriously no longer use the word cult to describe the numerous emerging religions around the world. There are so many modern religions and emerging religions . You cannot say that they are cults

Because of your definition . If you define a certain If these things are cults , then you can easily include Christianity and Islam, and they will become cults. Let me give you the simplest example. If you think why they are cults , it is because their teachings are stupid and anti-scientific.

If you use this as a standard to measure cults, I’m sorry. Almost all religions in the world are cults. Do you think it’s possible that Muhammad was fine without eating for 40 days? More than half of the Koran talks about the afterlife . How about the afterlife? Don’t you think so?

Do you believe in the afterlife? If you don’t believe in the afterlife , then you think he is deceiving people when he talks about the afterlife. You are a fraud and you are a cult. In that case, Islam is also a cult

. Christianity is also a cult. Jesus Christ is also a cult. Needless to say, right? Everyone knows that he died and was resurrected. So we have Easter, after Jesus was resurrected, he stepped on the clouds

And went up to heaven, and then said that he would not come again until the final day of judgment. So you see whether it is the last judgment, the end of Islam , or the end of so many so-called cults later on. What are the differences in doctrines? The only difference is that

Some religions have been circulating for a long time and others are new. So how can you say that new religions are cults and those traditional religions are not cults ? So some scholars have said, “All religions were in the beginning.” ” At that time , they all started out as hidden,

Tiny and deviated cults.” In fact, at that time, when Christianity and Islam first appeared, some people regarded them as heresies and persecuted them as heresies and cults . The same is true for these religions today. In another 100, 200, 300 years, if this religion still exists

And there are still people who believe it, then by then these religions will have become traditional religions. So we must be clear that the definition of a cult is not something that can be used casually. A more reasonable term should be traditional. Religion and emerging religion are only different in time period

, but if measured according to the standard of a cult or a person who does not believe, or put it this way, it is a religion. Whether it is a cult or whether it is fake is not determined by a person who does not believe it. As a judge,

Let me put it this way, everyone will understand , right? You are not qualified as a person who does not believe in religion and then say that this religion is false. First of all, you can never falsify it. You can never prove whether there will be a doomsday in the future.

So this is why. Religion is an individual thing. It means you personally believe it or not. It’s that simple. If you want to believe it, you can believe it. If you don’t want to believe it, don’t believe it . As an outsider and a person who doesn’t believe it,

Just keep your mouth shut, right? You don’t have it. You are not qualified to say that this thing is fake. Don’t believe it. People can believe it if they want to believe it or not, right ? You have no right to force others to believe (or not believe it),

And you have no right to force the public to believe (or not believe it) , let alone use the state’s Public power must force all citizens to believe (or not believe). The country cannot be guided by the ideology of religious belief. I think it is still necessary to have some relatively benevolent religions

Or beliefs that are helpful to the harmony of this society. At least in Western society, there are many ultra-left phenomena in the United States today because there are fewer and fewer religious believers. But let’s put this topic aside for now and let’s go back to Falun Gong. Falun Gong is a religious organization.

Wang Zhian’s Stone Notes and these people criticize Falun Gong. The vision is very narrow , or it is influenced by the brainwashing of Marxist-Leninist atheism . Looking at all religions from that perspective is a typical product of atheism. They do not understand that religion is personal. Religion is personal belief and is sacred

. You don’t have it. As long as it does not affect the interests of the public, you have no qualifications to interfere with it. This belongs to individual rights. When we look at it (Falungong), we must treat it as a religious organization rather than as an independent individual. Individuals with thinking ability

, logical analysis ability, and scientific identification ability can tell that as a religious organization , many of its actions are in the interests of the organization. In fact, we have seen Wang Zhian, who has done many programs before and criticized Falun Gong. At the beginning of this year,

He talked about it in one of the programs. He said, “Please stay away from the ghosts and Falun.” “Revival of China depends on Mr. Desai.” Mr. Desai is referring to democracy and science. This kind of knowledge is equivalent to our middle school level knowledge. Everyone knows that science is needed, believe in science,

And believe in science. The problem with democratic systems is how to implement them in any country that is in chaos . The government elites all know these principles , but how can they prevent this society from falling into warlord rule or autocratic dictatorship? Or like the social unrest in some South American countries,

How can you solve these problems ? It cannot be solved with one or two terms. So the fundamental problem is that a society must have order. This order is based on the fact that power belongs to the people from bottom to top. A kind of governance

Then forms different interest groups among the people to compete and check and balance each other. Only under such a system can your science flourish and your democratic system be gradually improved. Therefore, Falun Gong brings people together in the form of religion. Then they use the media to spread their

Experiences of being persecuted by the CCP to draw attention to the CCP’s system ’s suppression of their own people and its export to the outside world. At the same time, they are also trying to have a certain influence in European and American countries . After all, they are a believer. Groups are generally

Center-right in the political spectrum, so they have religious beliefs and also have political agendas. They are both religious organizations , political organizations , media platforms, and cultural performance groups . So I would say it is like a transnational consortium that controls many different things. The fields include investing in shopping malls

, investing in newspapers , investing in schools, etc. Those who look down on Falun Gong actually They measure an organization based on the individualistic standards of individuals, which is completely wrong. We must understand that a very important point in a harmonious society is the decentralization of power , that is, local autonomy.

You cannot have a centralized and unified country . A large government can easily become an autocratic country . Therefore, countries like the United States are very typical autonomous countries. They have many local autonomous groups. These autonomous groups, or small communities, are the cornerstone of this country. This country has these small communities and

Small groups . It is the small organization that prevents the emergence of a monarch and an emperor in this country . So I recommend everyone to read that book, or read a book that I have interpreted in

The previous reading column of the Young Master , which is the classic book “The Foundation of American Order” . Go back and see that in general, a good society must have autonomous groups as the cornerstone to form a big society and a small government. This model can stimulate the potential of individuals

And enable the society to survive all disasters more smoothly without the emergence of violent revolutions. Oh , or the earth-shaking bloody suppression, etc. These things, the continuous and good implementation of the U.S. Constitution for more than 200 years are directly related to the American social structure, because it is condensed by spontaneous local

Organizations. The big aspect of a country is state rights. Each state has its own power. This is the decentralization of power , and then it is divided into states and then to various local organizations , including church organizations , some civil society organizations, etc. Of course, these organizations have a federal level. There

Are local levels, etc. Every time I go to the United States , I have a particularly strong impression of the civil society and spontaneous non-governmental organizations in these places. I believe my friends in the United States can feel that they are the most important in this society. The active part

Is the vitality of a society and the source of the stability of social order. So I talked for a long time. In fact, it means the importance of forming an organization. Everyone sticks together to warm up and form a cohesive group with common values ​​and interests

, and then everyone works together for this. To fight for the interests of the United States , these are the so-called “interest groups” in the United States that the CCP likes to criticize , right? It is said that the U.S. presidential election was manipulated by these interest groups and so on

. These American congressmen all have some interest groups to support them, right? That’s right, because the establishment of this country relies on these interest groups , because these interest groups all add up to the majority of the citizens, so they are just using this form of interest groups to influence politics

To make the formulation of this policy beneficial. Your own interests are the characteristics of American democracy. Democracy is implemented in this way, so I emphasized for a long time the importance of groups and organizations . The Falun Gong group we are seeing now has formed such

A group in the United States. It is a very effective, cohesive and influential organization , and most of those who criticize Falun Gong are disorganized people . Therefore, I believe that Falun Gong is not based on personal emotions or because I have been educated in atheism since childhood, so

I have a natural affinity for this religious organization. Hatred is not that I think these ideologies should be removed. We should be reborn and become normal modern citizens. Analyze it from a more high-level perspective. When you regard it as a religious organization, many of its actions are reasonable,

Even if the outside world sees it. It seems ridiculous or some of the statements are unreasonable. In fact, if we really understand the basic logic of how a society operates, then we should understand Falun Gong . In fact, not only Falun Gong, but also many organizations or groups have similar characteristics.

This is organizational nature. This is the characteristic of organizational nature. Many people only look at the surface and start to comment or even attack. But I look at the deeper level. What I look at is that the operation of the entire society requires these different interest groups, interest organizations , including religious groups

. Together we can bring a kind of diversity to this society , because only this kind of diversity can truly energize this society. In fact, there are many discussions within American society. For example, there are some new religions in the United States that the most famous Hollywood movie star Tom Cruise

Believes in. Some countries recognize the Church of Scientology as a religion. Some countries do not recognize it , but basically these religions have not been suppressed like the Communist Party suppressed Falun Gong. Unless they have some behavior that violates the law, you can establish a church by yourself

. Religious organizations do not break the law because protecting freedom of religion and belief means protecting basic human rights. So why did Li Hongzhi say that at least 400 million people died during the epidemic? Many people used this statement to ridicule and attack Falun Gong . He just said that

There is no need to be so harsh on Falun Gong. He thinks that 400 million is his personal idea and there is no need to magnify it infinitely. He did not say that you must accept this statement, right? If you believe it or not, you can also raise it. In your own opinion,

If it’s not 400 million , then maybe 40 million, right? Maybe 4 million. You can say it yourself. There’s no need to attack each other. To be honest , he said this more for his own people than for others. Just like if you don’t believe that Christ is the Son of God,

If you don’t believe it, you don’t believe it. There are always people who believe it. There is no need to attack and accuse each other. You must understand that as a religious organization, their contribution to this society is, to be honest, much greater than that of many individuals.

They have the ability to form an organization , the ability to change government policies , and they even have the influence to lobby to make the U.S. government pay more attention to China’s human rights violations. This is their contribution. To be honest, there are several Chinese organizations overseas that can do this.

The scale and size of an organization like Falun Gong. We always say that the Chinese people are a mess. When we go overseas , even if we are all anti-communist, everyone hates the Communist Party and hopes that the Communist Party will step down. But there are a few who can do what

Falun Gong and they have done . Their newspapers and media cover the whole world. We ourselves are not qualified to criticize others. You got 50 points in the exam and then you criticized the person who got 90 points in the exam. How come you were 10 points short of a full score?

This question is so simple. How could you be wrong? Haha . A person who got 90 points scolded him when he saw a 50 point score. Don’t you think it’s strange? So many people are laughing at Falun Gong. But I feel that Falun Gong is laughing at us.

You people have accomplished nothing except talking a little bit . You can’t even start an organization. As soon as it was established, you started fighting for Falun Gong. Of course, there is also internal strife . There will also be cleaning up the family. This is

A kind of metabolism that they use to maintain the group and make it more cohesive. I think people who have been kicked out of Falun Gong have nothing to say, so you can just do it yourself, right? I don’t think there is anything right or wrong in this. What’s the right and wrong?

It’s just an organization that is cleaning up people who are not loyal to him. It’s that simple . Even after Trump became president, he was constantly replacing people below him, right? Just the chief of staff was replaced several times because he I feel that I am not loyal enough to myself and

Obedient enough. Any organization, even the US government, must emphasize that we must act in unison and have a hierarchical concept. Otherwise, there will be no order. If there is no order, then there will be nothing but chaos. Anyone can slap the table and scold the president

. Even if I don’t fulfill the requirements, this government can’t do anything . It doesn’t mean that it can’t accept different opinions , but there must be a power level within this group. This is a necessary condition for an organization to survive. So when I see Falun Gong like this

I think the Chinese people can establish such a passionate and influential organization. I think not only should they not be insulted and belittled , but they should be applauded. You have brought glory to the Chinese people. Not all Chinese people cannot unite together , but should cherish and cherish such a thing. Organizations

Can more effectively convey ideas that are at least similar to ours. As for some of the housework within their organization, they have nothing to do with us. Even if these so-called things are exposed now, they seem to be nothing , right? I just talked about it, but there are some But people

Use these tidbits that are not even on the table to make big news based on Lao Jiang’s famous sayings , and then criticize him or think that it is too simple and sometimes naive . Of course, I don’t need to defend Falun Gong in any way.

In fact, they do. I don’t care what other people think of him. These online rumors or attacks and abuses have no impact on them. How powerful the organization is, right? So they don’t care and don’t need me to defend them. There is no need to defend

Sometimes. I also dislike some of their practices , and I have criticized or ridiculed them online before, so it does not mean that I 100% agree with all their practices , and I do not believe that his religion has neither I am not afraid of offending them. For

Example, before Jiang Zemin passed away, their website design made me very speechless. So I criticized them and aroused some people’s resentment . Since they have the characteristics of a religious organization , this characteristic itself is both good and good. There are also bad sides on one side ,

But it seems that the good side is mostly there at the moment, so I say don’t be too harsh on them. Thank you for watching this issue of Gongzi Commentary. Everyone is welcome to click to subscribe to this channel. You are also welcome to become a member to watch my member-only videos.

See you in the next episode


  1. 信仰宗教自由。对,因为信仰自由。非信众不可评说宗教。错,因为言论自由。世俗媒体没权监督宗教团体。错,因为任何人都有权举报可疑违法行为。

  2. 你说法轮功有各种的公益,公司,是把所有人聚集到一起,那请问到底是宗教还是公司?如果是盈利性公司就不该有宗教性质在里面,就不该搞个人崇拜。

  3. 我支持公子沈观点,愿意信什么,这都是成年人的个人自由,都是人家组织内部的事情,旁人不必过多去苛责。我只想问一件事,就是生病不用吃药看大夫这件事,还算不算是合理范围之内,外界需不需要进行干涉,好比沈先生的父母,妻子,儿女,练上了,生病了,就不吃药,不去看医生,你着不着急,还能不能保持视频里的心情,看着自己的亲人,洒脱的说,这是亲人的个人自由选择,我们应该表示尊重,

  4. 什麼叫沒有必要批評?

  5. 大错特错!新教和旧教,正教和邪教,这是两对不同的概念范畴。一个按照产生的时间早晚来划分新旧,一个按照宗教的性质划分正邪。所以,把旧教等同于正教,把新教等同于邪教,属于很低级的偷换概念的逻辑诡辩。另外,所谓学术界已经抛弃“邪教”的概念,是无稽之谈。学术界到今天依然认定鼓动信徒集体轻生的太阳圣殿教,在东京地铁施放沙林毒气的奥姆真理教属于邪教。


  6. 不是。王说的是神韵里的孩子被洗脑、PUA、虐待了,有虐童嫌疑。PUA信众,敛财。你怎么避重就轻呢?而且什么是清理门户?共产党三反五反、文化大革命也是清理门户啰?只有邪教才会清理门户。好的宗教是包容、有教无类、普渡众生的。

  7. 打扑克喝可乐训下属都是平凡人再正常不过的行为,我也不理解,就像挺普通一个于谦,抽烟喝酒烫头怎么就成惊天爆料三大罪状了呢?

  8. 法系也有一樽,也有新闻通稿。公子沈节目总体挺好!一直在看。

  9. 毛太阳成事前跟公子你的说辞是一致的,不允许批评,不允许个体的存在,必须统一思想,否则就是不忠,套在今天的轮系再恰当不过了。

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