#品味中國&doc tasty#中國美食#美食#料理#紀錄片#Chinese Food #民族風味#烹飪#下飯江湖#documentary

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以絲綢之路的自然風光和風土人情為背景,沿絲路古道選取了西安、合陽、烏魯木齊、吐魯番、河西走廊、寧夏回族自治區等區域內典型的生活場景與人物故事,經過大量的紀實性影像拍攝、多層次的敘事表達,真實記錄了絲路沿線豐富的麵食文化及所體現的傳統精神和鄉土情懷, 在充分挖掘絲綢之路上人與麵食的不解情緣中探尋文化的交流與融合。

Based on the natural scenery and customs of the Silk Road, typical life scenes and character stories in Xi’an, Heyang, Urumqi, Turpan, Hexi Corridor, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and other regions were selected along the ancient Silk Road. The video shooting and multi-layered narrative expression truly record the rich pasta culture along the Silk Road and the traditional spirit and local feelings embodied in it, and explore the exchange and integration of cultures by fully exploring the incomprehensible relationship between people and pasta along the Silk Road.

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