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❣️《替身千金》第9集 灰姑娘車禍重傷昏迷 💥 醒來竟變成富家千金 👑 未婚夫帥氣多金 💎 | Substitute Heiress EP9 #李墨之#樊治欣#趙露思#楊洋#chinesedrama

📺 劇名:替身千金
🌈 主演:#李墨之 #樊治欣 #李奕臻 #常喆寬 #李欣燃 #邱鼎傑 #李之繁
🎬 集數:24集

💌 劇情簡介:
一場驚險綁架案,使沈漫寧(李墨之飾)意外相遇了自己的「二重身」莊心妍(李墨之飾),而心妍的迅速死亡讓身負秘密、 強大神秘的嚴星呈(樊治欣飾)以「未婚夫」的身份迫使沈漫寧開啟了她的「第二重人生」。沈漫寧被嚴星呈裹攜着步入莊家巨變的旋渦,兩人從生死敵對,到攜手步步驚心,克盡時艱終於穩住了差點崩離的莊家。嚴星呈也終於找到了17年前一樁秘密往事的驚人真相……最終,17年前的懸案真相大白,兩人領悟了真愛與家族的溫暖力量。嚴星呈和沈漫寧攜手,以愛出發, 開始了新的人生。

📺 Drama Name:Substitute Heiress
🎬 Episodes: 24
🌈 Starring:
Li Mozhi as Shen Manning
Fan Zhixin as Yan Xingcheng

💌 Synopsis:
A thrilling kidnapping case unexpectedly brought Shen Manning (played by Li Mozhi) face to face with her doppelgänger, Zhuang Xinyan (also played by Li Mozhi). The sudden death of Xinyan revealed a secret and powerful figure named Yan Xingcheng (played by Fan Zhixin), who coerced Shen Manni into embarking on her “second life” by posing as her “fiancé.” Shen Manning, guided by Yan Xingcheng, was drawn into the whirlwind of a dramatic transformation within the Zhuang family. From mortal enemies to reluctant allies, they faced countless challenges together and managed to stabilize the crumbling family. Yan Xingcheng also discovered the shocking truth behind a secret incident that happened 17 years ago. Finally, the truth behind the unresolved case from 17 years ago was revealed, and both of them understood the transformative power of true love and family. Hand in hand, Yan Xingcheng and Shen Manning embarked on a new life, fueled by love.

🌟 古偶甜劇推薦 🌟

💎 霸道總裁愛上我 💎
《我的人間暖陽》從校園到婚紗 💒 富二代 × 灰姑娘:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM-AivFbiQ7ghtRNPvE5lD2R
《總裁家的小裁縫》💘 落魄總裁×呆萌小裁縫:



🌺 青澀の愛 🌺
《小幸運》歡喜冤家 💖 懟天懟地的戀愛之旅:



《轉運吧!水逆少女》雪糕少女遇上水逆男友 🧊 雙向奔赴 💕:

《醉後一吻》🍰 甜品店店長×美食博主 🧁 最強萌娃助攻小姨,成功追到男神!:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM9bR4N2yT0cfbVeEFWqTlO_

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